Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 923 [Love's Bullying] I Don't Want to Talk to Crazy

Chapter 923 [Love's Bullying] I Don't Want to Talk to Psychopaths

It's not so easy to escape, Yan Yifeng threw the manuscript he asked someone to fetch in front of her, "Change! Change until I am satisfied!"

Jie Yiyi saw these drafts revised this morning falling into Yan Yifeng's hands, and her mood suddenly became extremely bad, "Yan Yifeng, don't you know that breaking into a private house is a crime?"

"What about you? Don't you know that stealing other people's semen is also a crime of theft? I'm just reciprocating courtesy!"


When Yan Yifeng said these words, Jie Yiyi really wanted to take a size 36 shoe and slap him on the face of a size 42.

What is stealing?
Damn, three years ago, he was the one who pestered her every night, not her, okay?

She was tossed to death by the energetic him every day, and she was still unwilling to conceive his child, but he was fine, and directly changed the forcible 'infusion' into 'stealing'.

I stole your sister.

Jie Yiyi was so angry, but she couldn't express that emotion on her face, she lowered her voice and said, "Yan Yifeng, you have a thick skin!"

"Learned from you!"

Fortunately, she was born in October of her pregnancy, and she was a smart baby.

Otherwise, at this moment, she would definitely grab a fruit knife and stab Yan Yifeng to death.

"What? No more words to say?"

"I don't want to talk to psychopaths!"

"Then stay here obediently and revise the manuscript!"

"Just now in the car, what we didn't finish, let's continue at night, now work obediently~"

After finishing speaking, Yan Yifeng was not afraid to pat Jie Yiyi's head.

Jie Yiyi really wanted to slap his paw away, but when she thought of revising the manuscript earlier and going home earlier, she couldn't bear the truth of this sentence.

Seeing Jie Yiyi's aggrieved face and not speaking, Yan Yifeng suddenly felt better.

With her in this office, I feel particularly energetic when working.

When you are happy, you forget about the stomachache.

When she was happy, she forgot the real purpose of bringing Jie Yiyi here.

Jie Yiyi was squatting on the coffee table, she seemed to be serious about painting and altering, but in fact, she had no intention of designing this manuscript~
Because in her mind, the picture was replaying all the time.

She couldn't figure out why Yan Yifeng carried her out of the restaurant like this?
Do you still care about her, or is it just pure possessiveness at work?
Last night, he clearly hugged another woman into Yan's house in front of her, so what's the point of provoking her now?
Everything he does at this moment proves that he cares about her staying with other men, but why, she feels that this is not what Yan Yifeng really thinks, it seems like a trap, Yan Yifeng Wait for her to jump in, and then retaliate severely.

Is that right?

Seeing that she was working so seriously at this time and that Yan Yifeng just now looked like two people, she suddenly began to have lingering fears.

And Yan Yifeng completed today's tasks in about half an hour.

At this time, he was watching the surveillance video sent by Bo An.

It was the video of Jie Yiyi coming out of the studio last night, and then going all the way to the royal restaurant.

When he saw again that she secretly sent a message to Chenchen, asking him to cooperate with him in acting, he smiled.

This woman is so stupid and cute.

Still trying to lie to him? Huh?
Everything she did was under his eyes.

If she had really kissed Jie Boliang, Jie Boliang would still be sitting in the restaurant safe and sound today and playing a fake family of three with them, which is ridiculous.

Just when he knew the truth and felt very comfortable, his cell phone rang suddenly, and the caller ID showed, Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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