Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 924 [Love's Bullying] The General Chapter of the Wonderful Father and Son

Chapter 924 [Love's Bullying] A wonderful father-son call
This is the first time he has received a call from him since he saved his phone number. In his heart... he can't help but feel a strange feeling, is it happiness or disdain?Anyway, it was an indescribable emotion that was spreading from my heart little by little.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he picked it up, and before he could speak, Chenchen's immature voice came from the phone, "Demon, Kongniqiwa (good afternoon)"

Chenchen often watches Japanese anime, and originally wanted to use this to confuse Yan Yifeng, but Su and Chenchen didn't know that his father knew the languages ​​of many countries, and he wanted to confuse him with this simple greeting?

In Yan Yifeng's words, he was too overconfident.

Yan Yifeng glanced at Jie Yiyi who was still working hard to revise the manuscript, put down the mouse in his hand, leaned lazily on the big chair, and responded in a cold voice, "Please speak humanly!"

Chenchen knew that his rigid demon could not understand Japanese, so he couldn't help but wince, "Hey, don't you understand?"

The answer is still in Japanese.

When the devil was being tricked by himself, the devil replied, "おやじがそう言った时,君はまだ生まれて (When your father said this, you were not born yet!)"

Well, Chenchen didn't understand the first part, but he understood later, but he can guess the general meaning.

He is not so easy to compromise as Xiao Chenchen, trying to organize the words in his mind, "Yan うことができませんか? (It's amazing!)
"はい、だからあなたは私の前ですいはいいい (Yes, so you don't have to be embarrassed in front of me!)"

Well, in the past, he used Japanese to suffocate others, but this time he met a master, and his clever head was about to turn into tofu.

He can't understand, is there anything?I don't understand, can someone translate what this means?
However, Chenchen can be thick-skinned, he coughed lightly, and said in a human way, "Devil, where is my mommy?"

"Revised で (revised)"

Chenchen didn't understand, but pretended to understand, "Ask her to answer the phone."

"Revised で (revised)"

"I have something important to see her."

"Revised で (revised)"

"Devil, are you a repeater?"

"Revised で (revised)"

Meeting Yan Yifeng, Chenchen felt frustrated for the first time since he was born.

He regretted that he didn't watch more Japanese anime, did he?

"SO?" Chenchen asked.
"Revised で (revised)"

Chenchen was angry, crazy, and wanted to drop the phone, "Hey, 120? There is a psychopath here, he keeps repeating the same sentence, come and persuade him, don't give up the treatment, I can't stand it~ "

"Stand there and don't move, 120 will be there soon."

"Yi..." Chenchen seemed to be resurrected, and then he was very excited, "Aww, you finally know how to speak human, devil."

"..." Yan Yifeng was silent.

Jie Yiyi couldn't help frowning when she heard Yan Yifeng's strange language, who was he talking to?Keep repeating the same sentence?

Chenchen finally found the steps and went down, "I'm downstairs in your company now, and the tall security guard at your house won't let me in. You have two choices now, one, go downstairs in person and take me up, I want to flash Blind that security uncle's eyes, two, it's okay if you don't want to do that, please let my mommy down!"

"If you choose neither, then see you at the police station! I will sue you for kidnapping my mommy!"

What a big breath.

Yan Yifeng sneered and responded, "As you wish, I will choose neither. You want to come up to see your mommy, but now there is only one way to go!"

"What way?"

Yan Yifeng turned the big chair, glanced down from the floor-to-ceiling windows, and chuckled, "Climb up along the window!"

(End of this chapter)

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