Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 925 [Love's Bullying] I will tie him up with a rope

Chapter 925 [Love's Bullying] I will tie him up with a rope

Chenchen was choked up, oh, is this how this father treats his son?Devil, you will be punished for this.

"Bullying, you are too bullying." Chenchen sobbed.

Just when Yan Yifeng was proud and wanted to say that you beg me, I was thinking about going down to answer your words, the phone was snatched away suddenly.

At first, Jie Yiyi thought that he was talking on the phone with some strange flower, but the more he listened, the more something went wrong, and only after he listened closely did he realize that it was his son.

This damn Yan Yifeng actually persuaded Yong Chenchen to climb up the window?What floor is this?There are almost a hundred floors of buildings, but he actually let his son climb up?

Thinking of that scene, Jie Yiyi's whole body was terrified, and immediately called him on the phone, "Chenchen."

When Xiao Chenchen heard that it was Jie Yiyi's voice, she was extremely agitated, "Mummy, hurry up and pick me up."

Jie Yiyi originally wanted to leave here, but now she can use Chenchen as an excuse to leave.

"Okay, Mommy will go down immediately."

With that said, he hung up the phone.

Ever since he was a child, no one has dared to snatch his phone call like Jie Yiyi did. This is the first time that he sat there and stared at her for a full minute.

Seeing his expression, Jie Yiyi really wanted to say, what are you looking at?Look at the eyeballs go out again.

But he still held back, "Chenchen came to look for me, I should go back, that manuscript, after it is corrected, I will send it to you by email."

With that said, Jie Yiyi turned around, finished the manuscript and prepared to leave.

Yan Yifeng was a little afraid to face her leaving back, frowned, and said in a cold voice, "Do I allow you to go?"

Damn.She is not his, so does she still need his permission to leave?too ridiculous.

But Jie Yiyi endured it, "Chenchen is waiting for me downstairs."

"You can let him come up!"

"Chenchen has the habit of taking a nap!"

"There's a sofa here!"

"Chenchen is very naughty, he will make trouble when he comes up, and he might throw your important documents out of the window when he comes up later."

"It's okay, I'll tie him up with a rope."


She wanted to growl loudly, 'Yan Yifeng, are you enough? 'She really doubted, how did she have a child with such a ruthless person in the first place?
Is it insane or...?
When she came back to herself after roaring in her heart, Yan Yifeng had already stood up from the big chair and was walking towards his special elevator.

Jie Yiyi frowned, "Yan Yifeng, where are you going?"

He stopped, glared back at him, and stepped into the elevator.

What's the meaning?Leaving her alone in this office?
Seeing the elevator closing slowly, Jie Yiyi finally realized that Yan Yifeng didn't leave, but went down... Then Chenchen came up.

Is that right?

Although everything is still unknown, but for some reason, there was a flash of warmth in her heart.

Will the father and son live in harmony after they meet and stay together?
Ha ha……

Yan Yifeng took the elevator downstairs, and immediately saw a kid standing at the gate of the company looking around.

Chenchen is wearing a small white T-shirt and a pair of light-colored jeans today. Although he is dressed in ordinary clothes, his handsome and cute face has attracted many people's attention.

As soon as Yan Yifeng got out of the elevator, Chenchen also saw him, and immediately waved to him, "Devil, I'm here, I'm here."

Seeing Chen Chen's cowardly look, Yan Yifeng couldn't help but want to give him a blank look, Jie Sichen, what are you doing?I, Yan Yifeng, are not blind.

The closer he got, the warmer Yan Yifeng felt, which was a strange feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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