Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 930 [Love Bullying] Does he hate Chenchen?

Chapter 930 [Love Bullying] Does he hate Chenchen?

After saying this, before Yan Yifeng could speak, Jie Yiyi had already left.

As for Chenchen, who was being held in his mother's arms, he poked his head out secretly, and took a look at the devil. Seeing his indifferent appearance, he felt a sense of desolation in his heart.

Therefore, he confirmed one thing, the devil really hates him...

Thinking of this, Chenchen couldn't help hugging Jie Yiyi tightly. Fortunately, he still has Mommy.

Jie Yiyi left, and the office was empty again.

Yan Yifeng looked down at those Youyi C who were scattered on the sofa.

Think again, the scene of Chenchen coughing just now.

His dull heart began to ache...

However, the scene of when my mother was worried about me when I was sick when I was young kept flashing through my mind.

My heart tightened even tighter.

When he was young, his mother never mentioned his father in front of him.

No matter what happened, she was alone, gritted her teeth and endured silently, and survived with strength...

She took the past very lightly, but Yan Yifeng knew that she did not forget that person, but buried that feeling in her heart.

At this moment, he seemed to see himself in Chenchen when he was a child.

And Jie Yiyi's feelings for her, is it the same?
She refrained from saying anything, but she cared about him in her heart?
It's like he doesn't really hate Chenchen in his heart, but on the surface he always looks the most disgusted.

Just now he clearly wanted to keep them, but he still let them go.

Mingming resisted the urge to chase out, but eventually ran to the parking lot uncontrollably.

Jie Yiyi ignored the discussions downstairs in the company, and carried Chenchen out of the door.

Chenchen was not being naughty either, An'an put her arms around Jie Yiyi's neck, looked at the French windows on the top floor, Chenchen sighed softly, "Mummy, don't be angry, in fact, the devil didn't really want to throw me just now, It was because I didn't sit firmly on the sofa that I made a somersault..."

"Actually, Mommy, do you know? On the way just now, the devil carried me into the elevator."

Jie Yiyi stopped walking forward, she looked at Chen Chen, with that clean and immature face, a trace of doubt flashed in her heart, "Why do you say good things for him?"

This is not like Chenchen's style.

"Chenchen didn't speak well for him, what Chenchen said was the truth."

"Then you were so wronged just now?"

"Isn't she afraid that Mommy won't love Chenchen after seeing the devil?"

Jie Yiyi raised her forehead, "So what you said just now, the violence against you while I was away is all fake?"

Chenchen bit her lip, "Half-truth, half-false~"

Although he was still angry with Yan Yifeng's attitude towards Chen Chen, but when he heard Chen Chen say that he was the one who carried him all the way up, his heart warmed up a little.

It's a pity that he has never seen the picture of the father and son hugging each other.

"Then do you hate him?" Jie Yiyi asked.

Hearing the word hate, Chenchen's heart couldn't help trembling slightly.

Answer the question, "Does he hate me?"

This time, Jie Yiyi stopped completely.

Looking at Chenchen's innocent pair, looking forward to her serious expression when she answers.

She suddenly felt that there was a stone weighing down her heart, which was extremely heavy.

After hesitating for a few autumns, Jie Yiyi smiled and said, "Chenchen is so cute and smart, how could he hate you, he is so jealous that Mommy can have you."

It is said that three-year-olds are the best liars, a piece of candy can do it with a word, but Chenchen shook his head, "Mummy is a liar, just now Chenchen heard Mommy say that he hates Chenchen."

(End of this chapter)

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