Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 931 [Love's Bullying] Ghosts Rare You

Chapter 931 [Love's Bullying] Ghosts Rare You
Jie Yiyi panicked, and immediately changed the subject, "Chenchen helped Mommy hail a taxi, our car is still in the Royal Restaurant."

"Okay." At this moment, a car drove over, Chenchen raised his paw and shook it vigorously.

The taxi in front got the request and drove towards this side quickly.

"Squeak—" But at this moment, there was a sudden gust of wind blowing beside the mother and son, followed by the sound of an emergency brake, and a silver convertible stopped firmly in front of them.

Jie Yiyi and Chen Chen were shocked by this situation, and the mother and son turned their eyes away almost at the same time.

Before they could see who the owner of the car was, a cold and commanding voice came out, "Get in the car!"

Although Jie Yiyi is not familiar with this car, she is very familiar with the owner of the voice...

Realizing who owned the car in front of him, Jie Yiyi gave a cold look inside, and then made a detour.

Why did she listen to him so much?

Although Chenchen rarely rides in this kind of car, no matter what decision Mommy makes, he will support her, and he also gave her a cold stare.

Being ignored by their mother and son, Yan Yifeng was a little bit shocked. He was already paralyzed, but now he couldn't look directly at him.

However, since he has chased him out, there is no reason to return.

Jie Yiyi took a step forward, and his car took a step forward, blocking her way forward.

Looking at Jie Yiyi's angry face, Yan Yifeng couldn't help but want to get out of the car and pinch her baby fat face.

Jie Yiyi originally wanted to cross the road, but now that the road is blocked, she can only go forward.

Chenchen saw that this was not the way to go, so he tugged at the corner of Jie Yiyi's clothes, "Mum, why don't we get in the car, or our feet will be very sore when we walk home like this."

"The devil carried you out of the restaurant and brought you here. Now that you are leaving, he sent you back to your original place. This is also a matter of reason and emotion."

However, Jie Yiyi just refused to get in the car, "Go by yourself."

Chen Chen pulled his head together, "I don't want it."

"If you don't, just shut up."


Yan Yifeng's fist almost hit the steering wheel, that woman who doesn't know what to do, does she have to be stubborn with him?

Does she disdain to ride in his car so much?

Anger ignited in my heart, the more you fucking disdain me, the more I, Yan Yifeng, will do this!

Stopping the car, Yan Yifeng jumped out of the car, walked towards Jie Yiyi with a gloomy face, and stopped him with his hand, "I'll take you back."

"No need." Jie Yiyi didn't save him any face, refused and continued to move forward, but was grabbed by Yan Yifeng's shoulder, "I'll repeat it again, get in the car!"

Yan Yifeng treated Jie Yiyi like this, Chenchen was not happy, "Hey, devil, adults are not allowed to swear in front of children, I will be led as bad by you."

"Shut up, adults talk, children don't interrupt!"

"You close it first, and I will close it later."

"You want to get along with my mommy, but you still treat me with such a bad attitude, the devil will care about you."

Chenchen added a sentence.

Yan Yifeng clenched his fists tightly.

Jie Yiyi felt a sign in her heart.

Their eyes collided for a moment, and then they were speechless. 
Chenchen tilted his head and thought for a while, "It's not impossible to let you take us home, you have to tell us first, what's the benefit first?"

At this moment, Jie Yiyi patted his butt lightly, signaling him not to talk nonsense.

She didn't want him to see the little house she lived in now.

If he finds out that she is not doing well, he will only feel more proud.

(End of this chapter)

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