Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 942 [Love's Bullying] The Little 2 Pinch Inside

Chapter 942 [Love's Bullying] The young couple pinches each other
Put away the phone and went into the living room, Chenchen was lying on the sofa, eating potato chips and playing games at the same time, Jie Yiyi wandered around in front of him several times without noticing those serious little eyes.

"Chenchen..." After changing clothes and coming out, Jie Yiyi called him.

Chenchen was addicted to the game, but when Jie Yiyi called her, she had to put down the remote control, raised her eyes and pretended to listen to her carefully, "What's the matter, Mommy, please tell me."

Jie Yiyi put on her shoes and walked this way, "Mommy has something to go out, you stay at home obediently, Mommy will come back at about nine o'clock, you are not allowed to run around."

go out?Chenchen's eyes lit up, "Where is Mommy going?"

Jie Yiyi naturally wouldn't tell him that she was going out to invite Yan Yifeng to dinner, if she told Chenchen, he would definitely not agree, she smiled to cover it up, "It's a friend."

"Male or female?"


"Oh" Chenchen nodded, then got up from the sofa, and kissed Jie Yiyi on the face, "Then Mommy will go early and come back early, Chenchen will wait for you."

So, children are really easy to deceive, Jie Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, Chenchen has something to do, call Mommy."

"Well, Mommy 88"

Jie Yiyi originally planned to go to the garage to pick up the car, but found that the car was out of gas, so she hailed a taxi and came to the Royal Restaurant.

When she arrived, Yan Yifeng was already in box 11, waiting for her.

As soon as she entered the door, Jie Yiyi felt that this box was a little bit familiar. After thinking hard, she remembered that this was the place she had been to more than a week ago. She wondered, why...he always chooses this box?

"Have you seen enough?" Seeing Jie Yiyi staring at him all the time, Yan Yifeng turned his face and asked.

"You, who always like to be late, suddenly showed up earlier than me. I'm a little overwhelmed." Jie Yiyi said.

"You are a famous domestic fashion designer now. If you invite me to dinner, I will naturally arrive earlier than you. This is the most basic courtesy."

Jie Yiyi smiled, "A famous designer?"

"Happiness came so suddenly, I wondered if I had been manipulated by others."

Jie Yiyi opened the stool and sat down.

Yan Yifeng nodded in agreement, "You are right, with your level and design, ordinary people can't see it."

Although his words were not obvious, Jie Yiyi could tell that he was beating around and saying that her work was bad.

Jie Yiyi was shocked in her heart. At first, she thought that he was playing with her, but from this point of view, the person who bought her works probably wasn't him.

Holding back her anger, Jie Yiyi squeezed out a smile, "SO? You asked me out specifically to mock me?"

When the food was served, Yan Yifeng picked up the knife and fork, cut a piece of foie gras, and put it on Jie Yiyi's plate, "Didn't you make it very clear on the phone just now, you came out to pay off the debt!"

Thousands of muddy horses galloped past Jie Yiyi's heart, what was the debt, she only owed him a meal!

Seeing that there was an extra piece of foie gras on the plate, Jie Yiyi's expression became slightly ugly. This damn Yan Yifeng must have done it on purpose. She doesn't like foie gras, and even hates it.

Jie Yiyi kept telling herself in her heart that she should not change her face, be calm, and find a way to fight back.

So when Yan Yifeng took back the knife and fork, Jie Yiyi also cut a piece of chicken chop poured with tomato sauce for him, and said with a smile, "You're welcome."

For a long time, Yan Yifeng prefers to eat Western food, but when eating Western food, he only eats steak, his taste is very sensitive, chicken steak and steak taste different, so he hates it, this is not the point, the point is that he prefers I can't stand sweet and greasy things, especially red tomato sauce... Don't talk about eating, it makes me sick when I smell it.

So, this is called good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. Although she doesn't like eating foie gras, she doesn't hate it so much that she wants to spit it out...

As expected, a young master Yan's face turned black.

(End of this chapter)

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