Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 943 [Love's Bullying] As much as she hates, he will pay as much attention

Chapter 943 [Love's Bullying] As much as she hates, he will pay as much attention

The little pride in Jie Yiyi's heart makes her wish she could laugh out loud now.

However, the situation was not as bad as she imagined. Not only did Yan Yifeng not ask the waiter to change the plate, but he also ate it calmly. Moreover, the look of relish did not seem to be rejection at all, but rather enjoyment.

Damn it, Yan Yifeng ate what she cut, so she naturally wanted to eat what he cut too.

Looking at the piece of foie gras, Jie Yiyi suddenly felt a lot of pressure, but she still put it in her mouth without hesitation, uh...

Although she is not very picky eater, there are many things she still does not eat, for example, animal offal...

Although others chew it with relish, but...Jie Yiyi feels like chewing wax.

Yan Yifeng knew that Jie Yiyi was swallowing hard, and with a smile, he cut a piece of animal internal organs for her, and Jie Yiyi was angry, but seeing his smug face, he didn't want to admit defeat, so he glanced at the dishes on the table, She smiled sweetly, and got a piece of sashimi to pay him back.

The corners of Yan Yifeng's mouth twitched, he hated the smell of fish.

Jie Yiyi deliberately clinked glasses with red wine, "I remember, you used to like this very much."

Looking at Jie Yiyi who was fighting against him,

Looking at her who proudly raised her eyebrows because she was slightly better, Yan Yifeng almost wanted to laugh. Three years, she still hasn't changed.

Next, Jie Yiyi can be tortured miserably. No matter how much Yan Yifeng didn't like what Jie Yiyi made before, she still eats it with gusto when it comes to Yan Yifeng's mouth, but she is different. She is a person who does not change easily. A woman who is easily changed, her feelings for him have not changed in three years, and her sense of taste has not changed either. She has worked hard to eat things she doesn't like, okay?

She couldn't bear it anymore, Yan Yifeng kept stuffing her plate, and finally Jie Yiyi compromised, "You are enough of Yan Yifeng."

But Yan Yifeng didn't intend to let her go, "Even if you admit defeat, the game is over until you finish eating the ones on the plate! Otherwise, you will be punished beyond imagination!"

Jie Yiyi took a sip of red wine and rolled his eyes at him, "Yan Yifeng, are you naive? It's just a meal, how can you start the game and end the game?"
"I decide the game, so naturally I decide."

"Fuck you, I can't take it anymore!"

But Yan Yifeng insisted on letting her finish eating.

Jie Yiyi hates it, she can't wait to pour all the ketchup on his plate and let him lick it up.

Well, it's just a thought, she won't really do that.

Knowing that if she didn't finish eating, Yan Yifeng would definitely not let her go, so she resigned to her fate.

Seeing Jie Yiyi struggling so hard, Yan Yifeng smiled in his heart.

Do you think that Yan Shao let her do all this just to see her make a fool of herself, to win, and to be proud in front of her?
Yan Shao has ulterior motives. Every dish he makes for her contains super high nutrition, protein, vitamins, etc...

These dishes were all tested by him himself, and he only got them up after they passed the test. If there was a slight error, he would ask to make it again!

These, the little things Yan Yifeng did for her, if he didn't tell her, she might never know for the rest of her life.

Yan Shao, it's not that he was not careful, it's just that he never showed his feelings.

As much hatred as she had in her heart, Yan Shao was as careful as she was.


Her voice was interrupted, Yan Yifeng recovered from his contemplation, glanced at her plate with cold eyes, he stretched out his slender hand, pointed to the side of her plate, "Where's the soup?"

(End of this chapter)

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