Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 952 [Finally Married] A Family of 1 Hospitalized

Chapter 952 [Finally Married] A Family of Three Hospitalized

Ever since he was a child, he never dared to yell at him like that. With Yan Yifeng's personality, why didn't he chop up the gardenia?
But this is related to the danger of Chenchen's life. Anyone who observes carefully will find that his expression has become particularly nervous, but he has not shown it, "Send him to XX People's Hospital!"

"Where's Miss Yiyi?"

"She's sick too!"

"Sister Yiyi is also sick? What's wrong with her? Is the situation serious?" Gardenia's greeting came from over there.

"Let's talk at the hospital!"

Hanging up the phone coldly, Yan Yifeng stepped on the accelerator to the peak and rushed to the hospital as fast as possible.

Jie Yiyi tried her best not to show herself in too much pain, but when she arrived at the hospital, she still couldn't bear it and passed out.

At the same time, Zhizi and the others rushed to the hospital.

Doctors and nurses have been waiting outside the door for a long time.

The always strong and mischievous Chen Chen, at this moment, his face has turned into a sheet of white, his eye sockets and lips are turning black... his whole body is still trembling.

When he was carried on the ambulance bed, he turned his head and saw Jie Yiyi whose lower body was covered in blood. At this moment, he panicked, not caring that his life was still in danger, so he rushed forward, "Mummy, what's wrong with you, Mommy, don't leave Chenchen behind, Mommy hasn't taken Chenchen to Hawaii yet."

Seeing that Jie Yiyi didn't move, he shook his body a few times with all his strength, "Mum, get up, get up and have a word with Chenchen, okay..."

"Mommy, Chenchen can't live without you, Chenchen..."

The little guy cried out of breath, and finally passed out...

The doctor sent the two of them to the emergency room as quickly as possible...

Several male doctors followed in, but they were all thrown out by Yan Yifeng!

When he came out, he wrapped Jie Yiyi in a bath towel and left without wearing anything inside. Naturally, he would not let the male doctor in, and hung a sign outside the door that said no men.

"Mr. Yan, we have given Miss Jie a painkiller injection. Don't worry, she is now in a deep sleep state. Now we are going to transfer her to the water bed~ and wash her body before doing further examination. Please help me ..."

The female doctor meant to let him avoid it for a while, but the domineering Yan Shao thought that Jie Yiyi had such a good figure, and it was a bit of a loss for them to see her, even though she was a woman!
"Get out, all, and come in after I wash her!"

"But Miss Jie is covered in blood, I'm afraid it's Mr. Yan..."

"Let's not talk about him~ Damn, my own woman, I still despise her?!"

After hearing this, the nurse and doctor went out in peace.

Yan Yifeng carefully carried Jie Yiyi into the water bed, adjusted the temperature, and washed her body.

Although Jie Yiyi is sleeping at the moment, but... still tempting people's hearts.

However, Yan Shao's control is still very strong. After all, he felt guilty for begging her so many times just now, which made her feel so uncomfortable.

After washing, drying, putting on clothes, and making sure that everything was correct, Yan Yifeng called people in.

The doctor gave Jie Yiyi a general examination, and finally submitted a report to Yan Yifeng.

Yan Yifeng took a light glance and then frowned, "Gynecological diseases?"


"Are you sure it's not dysmenorrhea?"

"Most menstrual cramps are caused by weak body, lack of qi and blood, and palace cold, but Miss Jie is infected. Did she have sex with you shortly after giving birth a few years ago?"

Sharing the same room after giving birth?

In Yan Yifeng's mind, the image of blood flowing into a river flashed in an instant, and he clenched his fists tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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