Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 953 [Finally Married] Let Miss Jie Regenerate 1

Chapter 953 [Finally married] Let Miss Jie have another one

Seeing that Yan Yifeng didn't answer, the doctor understood, and she continued to speak, "A woman who confines well will take away all the diseases on her body, but a woman who does not confine herself well, the root cause of the disease will haunt her for the rest of her life!"

"Fortunately, Miss Jie hasn't had sex in the past few years. If she has frequent sex, it may lead to infertility..."

"So, in the past three years, every time she has a menstrual period, she has been in such pain that she would rather die than live?"

"You have to ask Miss Jie herself to find out."

"Give me the fastest and best way to cure her gynecological disease! It will be effective tomorrow!"

The doctor was ashamed, but he didn't dare to laugh at Yan Yifeng, "This...Miss Jie is suffering from chronic gynecology, and needs to be recuperated and treated slowly!"

"Don't give me a reason, mom, if it doesn't work tomorrow, the hospital doesn't need to be reopened!"

The doctor trembled with fear, "Mr. Yan..."

"Actually, there is no way, it just depends on Miss Jie's willingness!"

"any solution?"

"Let Ms. Jie have another one, sit the confinement well, take good care of the body, and the disease will naturally disappear!"

In the bottom of his heart, Yan Shao smiled darkly. He was still full of anger in his heart, and was going to ask Zhizi why she didn't report this to her. However, after hearing this, he felt better and waved his hand to let her The female doctor went out, "Okay, it's none of your business here, get out"

"Yes." The female doctor withdrew, and after a while, Bo An came in to report Chenchen's situation, "Master Chenchen, it was food poisoning caused by honey allergy, the doctor cleaned his stomach, infused fluid, and took medicine. The situation has improved a bit, clamoring to see Miss Jie, you see...?"

Yan Yifeng glanced at Jie Yiyi who was still sleeping, thought for a while, "Let him come over!"

"Yes!" Bo An agreed, ready to go out, but seeing that Yan Yifeng's expression was not right, he supported him, "Mr. Yan, your expression seems to be not right, do you want a doctor to check?"

In fact, this stomach pain has nothing to do with drinking, it is mainly because he is used to that point, taking medicine to sleep, and he will feel uncomfortable if he doesn't take it.

"This month, your body hasn't had a comprehensive examination yet, why don't I call Dr. Qiu now..."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Jie Yiyi woke up in a daze from a deep sleep. She sat up propped up, frowning tightly, "Who needs to be checked?"

Seeing Jie Yiyi get up, Bo An immediately shut his mouth and left the room consciously.

Yan Yifeng walked towards Jie Yiyi and sat down beside her bed, "Does it still hurt?"

Jie Yiyi lowered her head to look at her hospital gown, and then looked at the drip hanging on her hand. She vaguely remembered that someone whispered something in her ear just now, would I still despise my own woman?

However, she didn't dare to conclude that it was reality, or it might be in a dream...

Looking up again, Jie Yiyi smiled slightly, "It doesn't hurt anymore."

Yan Yifeng brought over the brown sugar ginger water that was put aside, "Drink some of this"

Jie Yiyi happened to be thirsty, so she opened her mouth and took a sip, but the strange taste made her frown tightly.

"What's wrong?" Yan Yifeng took a tissue to wipe off the remaining drops of water from the corners of her mouth.

"Did you try it?"

Yan Yifeng took a sip, then went into the toilet and vomited, and growled at the nurse outside the door, "What the hell did you prepare for me, do it again!"

Zhi Zi came in with Chen Chen in her arms, and as soon as she entered the door, there was a roar of a thunderbolt from the blue sky. Chen Chen covered her ears and gave him a weak look, "Devil, are you the Roaring Emperor?"

(End of this chapter)

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