Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 968 [Ending] Plant Zombie Battle

Chapter 968 [Ending] Plant Zombie Battle
That way, it doesn't look like a real stomachache at all. In fact, Jie Yiyi really wants to ignore him, but her hands and feet still don't obey her.

The pride in Yan Shao's heart makes people want to beat him up when they see him.
Jie Yiyi was miserable. Originally, she was a patient, and Yan Yifeng took care of her last night. Now, she wants to pay him ten times more.

This is so unreasonable.

He was obviously fine, but the doctor said that he would not be discharged from the hospital until a week later.

Jie Yiyi firmly believed that those were all the babysitters he invited.

After feeding the medicine, Young Master Yan began to give various orders, one time he asked Jie Yiyi to do this, the other time he asked Jie Yiyi to do that, so what, she was as tired as a dog...

He even forgot to take his own medicine.

After being busy until ten o'clock, I can finally have a good rest.

Chenchen and Yan Yifeng were lying on the same bed~, even though they were sick, they still couldn't stop Chenchen from playing games.

Picked up Yan Yifeng's mobile phone and downloaded a Plant Zombie Battle, you can play it as soon as you play, and you can play the music very loudly. But there is nothing in the past.

Repeated several times, still can't break through, Chenchen wants to smash the phone angrily, "Woooo, this game bullies my little friends, I've worked so hard, I just can't break through, woohoo, I'm going to smash this cell phone."

Chenchen complained aggrievedly.

Yan Yifeng glanced at the screen, and snorted coldly with disdain, "A blind person can pass four levels in such a low-IQ game."

After saying this, Chenchen was not happy, and the guy who dared to love was saying that he was worse than a blind man.

Damn, he won't do it.

"Humph." Chenchen threw the phone into his hand with a crooked mouth, "You, mother, have the ability to try it yourself!"

I knew that if I ran against him, maybe I would lose after playing the second level.

Chenchen thought disdainfully.

Yan Yifeng's face darkened, "Swallow the words "Him~Mom"

Chenchen snorted again, "How about not swallowing? You bite me? You can say him~ Mom, but I can't say it?"

"I broke it for you."

"I'm an original, I want to crack down on piracy!" Yan Shao meant that Chenchen imitated him.

"Cut." Chenchen cut, "I don't care, you scold me for having a low IQ, you have to play with someone with a higher score than me, so that I can be convinced."

Yan Shao smiled, "Okay, if you lose, you are not allowed to speak today!"

"--" Chenchen was sweating, this guy is so tired of his talking?

"Then you lost?" Chenchen asked without answering.

"Typed characters will not appear in my dictionary!"

Yan Shao said coldly.

Chenchen tilted his head to look at Yan Yifeng, raised his brows, "If you lose, just meow like a pig!"

Hee hee, since childhood, Chen Chen has never heard of a pig cry

"Pfft." Jie Yiyi, who was sitting next to Chenchen, burst out laughing when she heard what Chenchen said about meowing like a pig.

Yan Shao learns from pigs~
Jie Yiyi's laughter made Yan Shao very upset, he glared at her, and repeated what he said just now, "I said, there is no lost word in my dictionary!"

"Stop talking about him~ Mom, hurry up and start!" Chenchen urged.
In fact, Yan Shao has never played this game before, Nima, Yali Mountain is big now.

Yan Shao glanced at the game rules and introduction coldly, and started playing.

Chenchen commanded from the side, "Aima, that's not the case, the cannon should be placed in the front."

(End of this chapter)

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