Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 969 [End] Mommy, I've been banned

Chapter 969 [End] Mommy, I've been banned

"Also, don't waste the bomb, once the zombie comes, you have to blow him up!"

The two father and son were very excited to play.

The first hurdle was successfully passed.

The next day came, and Chenchen started to direct again. After directing for a while, he realized something was wrong, "Aima, you are my enemy, why should I teach you! shit"

Yan Shao ignored him and continued to fight.

The second level is also very easy to pass, and the third level, more and more zombies are coming, he said that the pressure is great.

However, he was still allowed to break through.

The fourth pass was still passed, but at the fifth pass, the fellow was defeated.

Although he didn't make it to the last level, his score was higher than Chenchen's, so Yan Shao had won.

Chenchen howled, "No... This is not the ending I want, it's not fair, the system is bullying people, woohoo, Mommy, the system is bullying people."

The corner of Yan Shao's mouth curled slightly, "Jeschen, from now on, you are not allowed to speak anymore!"

Chenchen threw himself into Jie Yiyi's arms, "Mummy, I've been silenced, please save me quickly."

Jie Yiyi glanced at the screen of Yan Yifeng's mobile phone, at the fourth level, she rolled his eyes at him, and said, "Yan Yifeng, you are an adult, and Chenchen is a child, so I just passed the fourth level, do I have to be so proud, you At least, you have to break through six or seven levels to win!"

Damn woman, dare to disdain him so much.

"Then you come?!"

"Come on."

Yan Shao stared at Chenchen, with a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth, "If you lose, you have to meow like a pig."

Is it because of staying with Chenchen, or because of illness and taking medicine, why does she feel that Yan Shao has suddenly become very childish?
Um?do everyone agree with me?

Jie Yiyi raised her chin reluctantly, "Okay, if I win, you meow like a pig."

Yan Shao didn't answer, but he also acquiesced.

The exciting game has begun.

Jie Yiyi played with a relaxed face, but Chenchen was nervous, because it was not only related to winning or losing, but also related to whether he could hear the pig screaming.

He is very HAPPY, is there wood?
Mommy, come on, we must defeat the devil, we must defeat him!
Seeing that Jie Yiyi hadn't finished the game after playing for so long, Yan Yifeng couldn't help poking his head over, it was okay not to look, but he was shocked when he saw it.

It's already the fifth level.

He had already lost, and the woman continued to break through without any pressure.

Yan Yifeng couldn't believe his eyes, this woman had never heard that she was interested in games, but she could pass so many levels?

Seeing Jie Yiyi play to the last level, Chen Chen excitedly clapped his little hands, "Wow Kaka, Mommy is awesome"

What does a pig sound like?In fact, Yan Shao hadn't heard of it either.

He Yan Shao has never lost in gambling, today is the first time, and he lost to Jie Yiyi, this is an indelible shame from ancient times to the present.

Finally, the game is over, seeing that the level has been completed, Jie Yiyi raised her eyebrows, "You lost, huh?"

Now, Yan Shao couldn't be prouder anymore.

Chenchen was very proud, and clapped his hands excitedly, "Like a pig, learn a pig, learn a pig..."

Seeing Yan Shao's aggrieved face, Jie Yiyi was overjoyed, thinking, you have today, yes, just now she was called by him, and she wanted to slap him to death, now is the chance for revenge Here we go, hurry up~ I feel so much.

"Call~ You don't want to play...uh..."

Jie Yiyi wanted to humiliate him severely, but Yan Shao poked his head, pinched her head, and immediately asked for a kiss.

(End of this chapter)

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