Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 971 [End] Heartless Chenchen

Chapter 971 [End] Heartless Chenchen
→_→Chenchen kept saying that she would protect Mommy and not let anyone bully her, but you know, what was that guy doing at the critical moment?

He actually took a mobile phone to record a video, and recorded this scene. When he heard Mommy begging for mercy, he said calmly, "Okay, wait a while, and I will save you."

"Woooo..." Jie Yiyi was about to cry, this Chenchen was too much.

Heartless Chenchen.

Finally, when Jie Yiyi was about to die, Yan Yifeng let go of her, "Do you still dare to play with him in the future?"

Friends, I advise you not to find such a possessive man in the future, you will suffer.

Kissing my son and suffering this kind of torment...

What else can she do except compromise, "Don't dare, I will never dare again."

Yan Yifeng smiled, not a flat smile, but bursting with pride.

Yes, just when Yan Yifeng was about to get up from her body, Jie Yiyi and Chen Chen behind her exchanged a wink, the mother and son communicated to take revenge on him together, yes, Chen Chen pushed hard from behind, Jie Yiyi turned over and pushed He pressed against the bed~.

Chenchen stepped forward to hold his hands, and Jie Yiyi sat on his lap, imitating him, scratching his lower abdomen.

But...but... things are always different from what she expected.

That fellow was not afraid of scratching, and even squinted his eyes slightly, with a look of enjoyment on his face.

This... This, the feeling of revenge that was full in my heart suddenly disappeared, and Jie Yiyi was like a deflated balloon, with no desire.

Anyway, she has learned her lesson, no matter what happens in the future, she will never play games with him again, she can't afford to be hurt!
This hospital has become more lively since Yan Shao's family moved in.

It was noisy in the morning, and it was the same in the afternoon.

→_→ It's another day, Yan Shao is pretending to be aggressive, his legs are obviously fine, and he can get out of bed, but...but...he asks to take a wheelchair and asks Jie Yiyi to push him downstairs for a walk.

For this kind of idiotic request, Jie Yiyi was going crazy, she didn't do it, but Yan Shao called his attending physician and Bo An, one by one, they lined up to persuade him, saying that he was a patient and should Make him more accommodating. During this week, you must give him an excellent and comfortable recuperation environment.

For all the long-winded doctors, Jie Yiyi just wanted to say, "I don't know what to say."

Well, I finally held back, pushed my face with my index finger, forced a smile, and led Chenchen and him downstairs.

The hospital in S city hasn't changed much in the past three years, the fish pond is still there, and when she walks on the stone bench, Jie Yiyi will think of Yan Yifeng's idiot's masterpiece back then.

He even traded a million-dollar watch for a few packs of fish feed. Thinking of how he looked like he had so much money that he couldn't burn it all, she felt resentment in her heart. Why should he be so rich? Things that can't be imagined, but memories are always good, even though she doesn't agree with his approach, but at this time, her heart is still warm.

After all, she was smart at the time and exchanged the watch for 200 yuan.

"Waka, Mommy, there are a lot of little fish in the pond."

"How about we go buy a rod and go fishing?"

→_→The fish in Jie Sichen Pond can’t be caught casually, okay?

Besides, you caught a fish, why do you want to come here?Raise or eat?
Jie Yiyi is unwilling to keep fish in a small bathtub, because it will limit their freedom.

(End of this chapter)

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