Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 972 [End] The Hospital Holds a Fishing Contest

Chapter 972 [End] The Hospital Holds a Fishing Contest

"it is good!"

"not good!"

One should be good and one should not be.

Yoho~ Opinions have diverged.

Well, it's good that Yan Shao answered, and bad it's that Jie Yiyi answered.

When the words came out of their mouths, they turned their heads tacitly and stared at each other.

The father and son have always been at odds, what happened today?He is still facing Chenchen's side.

"Fish are also alive. They live in this pond, free, and will not starve. Why send them away and raise them in a small fish tank? You are sure, raise them well, and don't let them die Is it?"

"You think too much, I'm bored to pass the time, at worst I'll catch it and put it back!"

"Mommy, you think too much. I'm bored and want to pass the time. At worst, I'll catch it and put it back!"

The two father and son spoke at the same time.

Although Chenchen has a little more words than him, the meaning is the same.

it is good!
Jie Sichen has only been with him for three days, and his arm has learned to turn outward, right?
Jie Yiyi's face turned dark, "Is fishing like this interesting?"

"I said it, it's just to kill boredom to pass the time"

This time, the father and son answered in unison.

Seeing that they both answered the same thing, Chenchen turned his face to the side, glared at him, and answered in unison, "Why do you want to learn how to speak from me?"

"Obviously you learned from me!"

"Ghosts learn from you!"

Well, this pair of father and son is already against the sky, even if they look alike, they even speak exactly the same.

Jie Yiyi originally thought that as long as she persisted in not agreeing to fishing, then Chenchen would follow her wishes, Chenchen would follow her wishes, and Yan Yifeng would follow her wishes. As a result, when they were talking, The dean has already taken three fishing rods, and came here respectfully with the fish material.

He sent the fishing rods to the three of them respectively, and then came to comfort Jie Yiyi, "Miss Jie, fishing can really relieve the mood. It is rare for Mr. Yan to be in a good mood. Please also ask Miss Jie to spend more time with Mr. Yan and make him happy, so... …The illness will get better sooner, well, I won’t bother you anymore, I wish you a happy fishing~”

→_→Make him happy?Tease your sister.

Jie Yiyi almost couldn't hold back her words.

After the dean left, the nurse pushed two wheelchairs, and the three sat in the wheelchairs to fish. This scene was quite funny.

Especially Chenchen, who is sitting in a wheelchair with a small body, can't see anyone at all, okay?This is not the point, the point is...every time the fish is hooked, he is the one who tries his best to reel in the rod, but because of his short hands and slow speed, after reeling in the line, the fish has already run away...

In front of the three of them, there is a small wooden barrel, put all the fish caught in it, and the one with the least catch is going to dance Uncle Bird's Jiangnan style.

Well, the domineering scene of the three of them wearing hospital gowns and fishing in wheelchairs attracted many people to watch.

An hour passed, and the fish in Yan Yifeng's small wooden bucket were too numerous to count, and Jie Yiyi also had a dozen fish, but Chenchen, there was only one fish, and passers-by couldn't help pinching a fish for the little guy. sweat.

They wanted to come up and help him.

The eccentric Chenchen, although he couldn't catch any fish, but...

Taking advantage of Yan Yifeng's inattention, he secretly replaced the small wooden bucket, and Chen Chen directly changed from a fish to a bucket, just as frightening as a poor dick who became rich and handsome overnight.

Finally the fishing contest is over.

The most backward person is Yan Shao.

Of course, it's not that he caught less fish, but that he was tampered with...

(End of this chapter)

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