Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 983 [End] This is a chapter against the sky

Chapter 983 [End] This is the rhythm against the sky

When the car started, Jie Yiyi glanced at the apartment where she had lived for three years, and sent a text message to Zhi Zi, telling herself that she went to Hawaii today, and she had sent her the key by courier, and then thanked her for the past three years Taking care of her since then, knowing her is a blessing in her life.

After sending the message, Jie Yiyi's cell phone hung up.

Along the way, Chenchen was looking around, and Jie Yiyi wanted to close her eyes and take a rest, but she found that the route she was taking was not right, so she stopped the driver, "Master, this route is wrong, S City Airport, you shouldn't go to the airport." If you go this way, you should go to the left."

Jie Yiyi thought the driver was a novice and took the wrong route, so she corrected his route, but unexpectedly, he turned around and told him that the route was correct.

Jie Yiyi panicked, and immediately looked back. It happened that there was no one on this road, and the windows of the car were closed again.

Is this a black car?

Jie Yiyi thought so in her heart.

Impossible, if it was a black car, she would be able to tell it at a glance, and this car has been driving around her neighborhood, if it was a black car, she would have been arrested a long time ago.

So in this situation, Jie Yiyi took a deep breath and told herself not to panic, but to stay calm.

"There are indeed many routes to the S city airport, but this is the only one that is not. The driver, I think you made a mistake. If you don't believe me, you can use the navigation to check."

She's been here for over 20 years anyway.

Although I don't go this way often, I at least know a little bit.

"Miss, don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person!"

"I will send you to your destination safely."

This time, Jie Yiyi couldn't calm down anymore, no matter what, she called the police first, but when the phone was switched on, there was no signal.


Jie Yiyi hugged Chenchen, "Driver, I want to stop!"

But the driver didn't stop, Jie Yiyi jumped out of the car, but the door was locked tightly.

Jie Yiyi kicked a few times wildly, "Get out of the car, I want to get out of the car!!"

The driver didn't give him any reason, but drove the car faster.

Crazy, must be crazy.

Seeing Mummy so nervous, Chenchen felt very sorry.

Tired of kicking the door, Jie Yiyi also gave up struggling, she thought to herself, it's over!

She didn't know who she had offended again.

To punish her with this kidnapping method, if she is alone, she has nothing to do with it, but there is still Chenchen in this car, Jie Yiyi will never compromise.

She rolled her eyes, and suddenly saw Chen Chen holding a drink bottle, which was made of glass.

Jie Yiyi gritted her teeth, snatched it, and smashed it hard on the driver's head.

"Ah—" the driver yelled, and was about to turn around when he fainted.

Chenchen was stunned, what is Mommy doing?

Mommy knocked the driver unconscious with a glass bottle, Aima, this is different than expected, this is the rhythm against the sky.

No one expected that Mommy would suddenly knock him unconscious with this thing, Aima, Mommy, you are too tough, this old driver is our own family.

Fortunately, the guy was dead, he didn't die, he just fainted, and that's okay, he had already reached his destination.

Jie Yiyi pressed the button in the front row, unlocked the car, and opened the door.

As soon as I got out of the car, there was a scent of flowers.

Jie Yiyi saw a sea of ​​pink flowers at a glance.

Under the impetus of the wind, it rushed towards her like a sea wave, and the fragrance lingered one after another, making people feel refreshed.

This is not just as simple as a sea of ​​flowers, it seems that someone has carefully arranged this place. In the middle of the sea of ​​flowers, there are characters made of flowers.

(End of this chapter)

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