Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 984 [End] The Shock in the Sea of ​​Flowers

Chapter 984 [End] The Shock in the Sea of ​​Flowers

In the middle is a heart shape, and the word inside is, LOVEone.

The lower row of small characters is, 11, even if I have the whole world, only you are my only one.

Jie Yiyi looked at these words that people couldn't take their eyes off, and wondered why, the English word LOVEone made her feel so familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere.

But I couldn't remember it for a while.

Jie Yiyi stood on this small road, and looked around, all of them were words made of flowers like this.

And she was standing in the middle of this sea of ​​flowers.

"Whoa, Mommy, hot air balloon, hot air balloon."

Suddenly, in front of her eyes, a huge hot air balloon rose up, and around the hot air balloon, no, it should be said, there were small heart-shaped balloons flying all over the sky, and Chenchen looked very excited.

Jie Yiyi's heart twitched again.

That scene shocked people's hearts, it was really beautiful, so beautiful.

Looking at the rising balloons, Jie Yiyi seemed to hear countless voices saying, I love you.

"What's going on?" Jie Yiyi looked around, but couldn't see anyone.

"Wow, there are heart-shaped balloons all over the sky, so beautiful, so beautiful, Mommy, Mommy, there are words on the hot air balloon, pay attention."

It was also the first time for Chenchen to see this scene, he was so excited that he even spoke hoarsely.

Jie Yiyi looked up again, and there was indeed a word on the hot air balloon, "Dear Miss Jie, please go forward 50 meters!"

Then there is a forward arrow marked there.

Miss Jie?

After seeing this sea of ​​flowers, followed by heart-shaped balloons, Jie Yiyi was already dizzy enough to add these words.

Jie Yiyi asked in her heart, is this prepared for her?
But there is obviously no one here.

Whose prank is this?

Chenchen grabbed Jie Yiyi's little hand, "Mommy, Mommy, he told you to walk 50 meters forward, hurry up."

Jie Yiyi wanted to back down a little, but Chenchen pulled so fast that she couldn't stop at all.

After entering the sea of ​​flowers, Jie Yiyi realized that it turned out that this was a sea of ​​flowers that could not be seen at a glance. No matter which side she looked at, those words would always shake in front of her eyes, and the appreciation of the pink heart-shaped balloon The amount is also increasing.

After walking about 50 meters, a hot air balloon rose into the sky again.

It says, "Like it or don't like it?"

Chenchen screamed loudly, "I like it, I like it, the ghosts and ghosts will show up soon."

The hot air balloon took off again, "If you like it, please turn left, if you don't like it, please turn right."

Chenchen grabbed Jie Yiyi and turned left without asking her how she felt, but Jie Yiyi stopped at that intersection.

She knew that there was someone in this sea of ​​flowers, and she also knew that someone had arranged it carefully, but she didn't know who that person was, and she didn't dare to guess randomly.

likes and dislikes
She chose not to like it.

Chenchen resisted terribly, "Mummy, why, you should go this way."

Jie Yiyi insisted on walking to the right.

The hot air balloon took off again, "It's a heart shape, without words"

Immediately ahead, there is a bridge with a clear turquoise stream below.

It says turn right five meters.

Jie Yiyi led Chenchen forward five meters.

Still no one.

Then there is a white house in front of it, the house is French style, and the whole house is surrounded by flowers...

There are a few large English characters written there, "Welcome home"

Arriving here, like a paradise, Chenchen screamed like a lunatic, "Mommy, what a beautiful house, what a beautiful house."

(End of this chapter)

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