Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 985 [End] There is no one else in my heart except you!

Chapter 985 [End] There is no one else in my heart except you!
As she spoke, she grabbed Jie Yiyi's hand and ran forward desperately.

Jie Yiyi was so shocked that she lost consciousness, she let Chenchen pull her, before she arrived, there was a sound of touching, and then fireworks fell from the sky, but there was still no one.

Jie Yiyi turned her head and looked around, out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of a man in a tuxedo not far away.

At that moment, Jie Yiyi couldn't control her emotions.

There was no way to calm down, her heart was in a mess, beating wildly, and it was about to jump out of her throat.

The eye sockets were red and moist.

Yan Yifeng stood there like a prince, looking at her with the gentlest and most handsome smile, making her feel that all this was unreal.

The unreality made her want to quit this dream, because she was afraid that fate would play tricks on others and make her suddenly wake up when she was sinking!

If that's the case, she would rather not have had this dream.

If you don't miss it, you won't leave regrets.

Yan Yifeng accepted the excitement hidden in Jie Yiyi's eyes, kept smiling, and walked towards her, "Come?"

When Yan Yifeng approached Jie Yiyi, she didn't stand still like before, but took a step back.

It wasn't because she was afraid of him, but because she wanted to dodge instinctively.

Yan Yifeng entangled her pace and followed her one step forward, "What's wrong?"

He took a step forward, and Jie Yiyi took a step back until there was no way to retreat, Jie Yiyi stared at him in hatred, "Yan Yifeng, what do you mean?"

Isn't he going to marry Xu Jiaojiao?
Why did you arrange for a driver to bring her here, why did you arrange this place like this, why did you stand here and wait for her?

When arranging this sea of ​​flowers, Yan Yifeng had already thought about the ending of everything. He knew that Jie Yiyi would definitely be angry with him because of this matter, but he was not afraid, anyway, she could not escape from his palm!
"I propose to you!" He said these four words calmly.

These four words flowed into Jie Yiyi's ears, although she was extremely shocked, but...but also angry.

Jie Yiyi smiled sarcastically, "Yan Yifeng, you caused me to miss the flight, I'm not in the mood to joke with you now!"

"Don't get angry with Xu Jiaojiao, just come to me for comfort, OK?"

Yan Yifeng had expected that Jie Yiyi would say such a thing, so he didn't panic, but explained, "Actually, Jiaojiao and I..."

"Enough!" Jie Yiyi covered her ears, "Don't mention your matter in front of me, I'm not interested in listening!"

Standing behind Jie Yiyi, Xu Jiaojiao couldn't help shaking her head when she saw her agitated emotions. It's true that the two of them didn't break up, and it was Yan Shao who made her hate her so much.

Zhizi pushed her, "I haven't explained yet."

Xu Jiaojiao shrugged, took a step forward, and accepted Yan Yifeng's interrupted words just now, "Yiyi, actually you misunderstood, Yan Shao and I are really fine, although I stayed by his side for three years, but, Yan Shao has always kept a certain distance from me, I am just her psychiatrist, and the rest are not as unbearable as you imagine."

"Yan Shao has no one else in his heart except you!"

Yan Yifeng's psychiatrist?
What's up with him?
So, Xu Jiaojiao is not his girlfriend... But, what's going on in the parking lot?

As expected of a psychiatrist, she can see through what Jie Yiyi is thinking in a second.

(End of this chapter)

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