Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 987 [End] Why did you choose to let go?

Chapter 987 [End] Why did you choose to let go?

But life is always like this, many things you can't expect, Jie Yiyi gave him a sweet smile, and then pushed him away, "I'm sorry, the surprise you prepared is really bad, I don't like it at all, so I can't promise you! "

The people standing behind were stunned. What did she say, the surprise she prepared was too bad?They heard it right, for this family, Yan Shao has been preparing for three full years.

Xu Jiaojiao thought that her explanation was not clear enough, so she hurried forward, "Yiyi, is there any misunderstanding? Do you still not believe me? If you don't believe me, I can call my boyfriend in the United States to confirm situation..."

Jie Yiyi smiled lightly, "I'm with you."

Then he took Chen Chen's hand, "Let's go!"

Is it fun to play with her?
If you want to tie the knot yourself, she won't do it anyway.

Just when Jie Yiyi was about to pull Chenchen away, something unexpected happened again. Chenchen broke free from Jie Yiyi's hand, ran to Yan Yifeng's side, hugged his thigh tightly, and shook his head, "Mom Mi, I'm not leaving, I want Dad."

Jie Yiyi was shocked.

She stared at Chenchen, "Jeschen!"

Chenchen raised his eyes and glanced at Yan Yifeng, "Mommy, from today onwards, my name is no longer Jie Sichen. My name is Yan Sichen. I want a father."

Jie Yiyi was blown away!

How much did the damned Yan Yifeng benefit Chenchen?Make him so rare?

Jie Yiyi suppressed the urge to get angry, "I'll give you one last chance, go, or not!"

For so many years, it was the first time for Chenchen to see the anger on Jie Yiyi's face, but... If he left with Mommy, the ending would be completely different, so he couldn't, Chenchen looked pitifully. Looking at Jie Yiyi, "Mum, you actually like devils, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't secretly read magazines and pay attention to him every day, let alone cry when you heard about him. Wang wang, Chenchen doesn't want you to cry secretly every time because you miss him. Three years ago, you left him because of Chenchen. Three years later, I hope you can deal with you through Chenchen's weak strength, mom Mi, Chenchen wants a father, Chenchen wants to see you live a happy life... Mommy..."

Jie Yiyi's throat was sore, she interrupted him coldly, "Jie Sichen, shut up!"

Chenchen corrected her mistake, "Mum, I'm Yan Sichen."

She worked so hard to bring up her baby for three years, but she betrayed her because of a remote control toy car. How could you not make her sad? She is desperate, okay?
"Okay! If you have toys, you don't need Mommy, do you? If you don't go, I will go by myself. Don't call me Mommy in the future!"

She is so angry.

They teamed up to lie to her like this!

"Mummy..." Looking at Jie Yiyi's leaving back, Chen Chen's face was tangled up.

Devil, can you give me another chance to choose?I want to get Mommy back and give back the toys.

As soon as he took two steps, his hand was grabbed by someone, and then he fell into a gentle embrace. Yan Yifeng's slightly flustered voice poured into his ears from his neck, "Why? Three years ago, due to someone's obstruction , you choose Chenchen and give up on me, I can understand, but now, the whole world blesses us, why do you choose to let go, give me a reason?!"

How long has it been since I haven't enjoyed such an embrace.

Turned around and returned to the original point.

reason?The reason is because you tricked me, so I want to trick you too.

(End of this chapter)

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