Chapter 988 [End] Marry me
Jie Yiyi stopped and did not move forward, listening to his strong heartbeat and enjoying being bound in his arms, he brought her a sense of security that she had never had in three years.

At this moment, although the sky was not as blue as imagined, and the wind was not as gentle as imagined, her life was far, far happier than imagined.

Yan Yifeng, thank you.

You are always by my side, silently doing things for me that I never knew about, but in my heart, I always blame you and call you heartless!

It wasn't until now that I discovered that...the cruel and ruthless person was not really ruthless, but he dedicated all his affection in his life to the woman he loved the most.

Jie Yiyi bit her lip, a happy smile unconsciously formed on the corner of her mouth, but her voice was cold, "Because, I already have someone I like!"

Already have someone you like?

These words were like dropping a bomb in Yan Yifeng's heart, and the calm heart lake instantly splashed water.

"Who?" His voice fell silent, dropping directly below zero.

Jie Yiyi smiled lightly, "You don't need to know!"

This sentence successfully angered Yan Yifeng.

Murderous anger burst out in his eyes, "Who the fuck dares to snatch my woman, I'll chop him up and throw him into the sea to feed the fish!"

"Jie Yiyi, I, he~ Mom doesn't care if you have someone you like in this life, anyway, I'm married to you, whether you agree or not, whether you love me or not, I will tie you by my side, even if In this life, we will torture each other until we grow old!!"

If you don't love him, you can't take advantage of that man.

Jie Yiyi pushed him away, turned around with a meaningless face, "Okay, you can chop yourself up if you have the ability!"

One second Yan Yifeng's face was still gloomy, but the next second he smiled, his voice softened, "Chop it up, don't you want to be a widow for the rest of your life?"

Damn, the devil's face-changing speed has also become too fast, right?Kaka, no, I have to post a Weibo, Chenchen took out his phone, pressed the shutter speed, the devil proposed to Mommy~~~
"Anyway, I'm used to being alone."

"Don't get used to it!" Yan Yifeng ordered domineeringly.

"It has nothing to do with you whether you are used to it or not!"

Yan Yifeng knew that Jie Yiyi was angry, so he had to say in a low voice, "Be good, it's my fault for colluding with so many people to hide it from you, I apologize to you! Forgive me!"

Sure enough, people who have been dazzled by love can't afford to be hurt.

No one thought that Yan Shao, who was so indifferent that his eyes could kill someone instantly, would grovel and say such words! !
Recalling the scene where she confessed to him in the bar that day, and now the roles are finally reversed, "Sincerity?"

Damn little woman!

Actually learn from him?

Doesn't she know that non-original ones can't be used?

However, she still took out the ring and knelt down on one knee, "Marry me!"

Jie Yiyi originally wanted to push it away and say, it's not rare.

As a result, her eyes flashed, and it was the ring she was most familiar with.

The one left in his living room when she left.

She vaguely remembered that when he knew she had left the ring back to him, he threw it in the back garden angrily, and now...

Did you find it again?

Just like their love, after losing it, did they find it again?

After being slightly startled, Jie Yiyi coughed lightly, the desire for revenge still existed, "Not enough sincerity!"

(End of this chapter)

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