Chapter 1105 Xiner
"Xu Chu, grab it yourself, hahaha..."

Li Yuanba's voice sounded, full of hearty laughter.

The two rushed into the enemy army, as if entering a land without people.

Under the power of the two, let alone a mere [-] army, even a [-] army can only become the fate of the two.

Under the stormy sweep of the two of them, Xu Chu couldn't catch up with Li Yuanba after all because of his strength and speed.

After half a quarter of an hour, the war subsided, and the scene was littered with corpses.Among them, Li Yuanba killed more than 600 people alone, but Xu Chu, although he had tried his best, finally won [-] people.


Seeing this scene, Xu Chu couldn't help but sigh!
Not fun, really not fun!

But think about it, after being idle for so long, it's not bad to be able to move your hands and feet.It is impossible to rob someone with a pervert like Li Yuanba.

"Hey, it's over, let's go back!"

Li Yuanba galloped to Xu Chu's side, grinned, and said happily.

Xu Chu nodded, and the two returned to the army together.

Today is the emperor's day of great joy. Most people would not cause bloodshed when they get married, let alone the emperor's marriage.But everyone present didn't care.

The so-called success of one general, ten thousand bones, isn't everything about the emperor built on mountains of corpses and seas of blood?The concubine was also taken from the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood.

With the fall of the four thousand army, the Loulan Saintess's send-off team finally came out slowly in the mountain.

A car made of purple wood rushed up, covered with curtains, and sitting inside was a woman wearing a Loulan wedding dress.

Loulan's wedding dress is very beautiful.The slender skirt looks like a swallowtail.The lace on the top gave people a feeling of being among thousands of flowers.

The saint's exposed waist is slender enough to be grasped, which can be described as beautiful and incomparable.

It's a pity that when Loulan gets married, she is somewhat similar to Zhongyuan in one thing, that is, she can't see the front face before having sex.

The difference between the two is that Zhongyuan needs to wear a red hijab, while Loulan wears a mask.

At this moment, on the face of the saint, there is such a mask of the image of a goddess.

The team came to the avenue before slowly stopping.

Sima Xun waved his big hand and said: "I also invite Empress Lan to accept the order!"

As soon as the words fell, beside Sima Xun, the soldier holding the imperial decree immediately got off his horse, held the emperor's imperial decree in both hands, and walked straight to the holy lady Luanjia.

When they came to Luanjia, the soldier held the imperial decree and presented it, saying: "I also invite Empress Lan to accept the decree!"

On the Luan ride, the Saintess of Loulan stretched out her slender hands, gently took the imperial decree, and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness!"

As she spoke, she gently raised her hand and said, "Put on the dowry!"

On the side, those in the procession to send off their relatives are all Loulan priests.

One of the middle-aged people held a piece of jade silk in his hand, slowly opened it, and said in a loud voice: "Loulan, up and down, thank the emperor for his great grace. Today, the saint is married, and there is no way to give it away. I can only offer Loulan as a dowry. I also invite Da Qin His Majesty the Emperor accepts it!"

As he spoke, he handed over a contract and the declaration to a Loulan priestess next to him.

The priestess took it, walked towards Qin Jun step by step, came to Sima Xun, and offered her both hands.

"My dear, His Majesty the Emperor is amazing!"

"After marrying such a great beauty, others still have to use a whole country as a dowry. How wonderful it would be if it were me instead!"

Xu Chu looked envious, he was a little jealous.

In front, Sima Xun nodded slightly, stretched out his big hand, and was about to accept Loulan's gift.

However, right here, there was a sound of breaking through the air.


The next moment, a surveillance line pierced the chest of the Loulan priestess in front of the horse.

The arrow shot from behind, and it directly gave him a chill.

Accompanied by a handful of blood blasting out, the priestess trembled all over, and turned her head slowly in disbelief, her body softened, and she fell to the ground.

"Drive by..."

In the distance, thousands of troops and horses galloped forward.

Sima Xun, Li Yuanba, Xu Chu, and the three thousand forbidden soldiers turned their heads to look at the same time, and saw not far away, a figure in silver helmet and battle armor, wearing a half-covered mask, standing coldly on the spot.

After getting up, three thousand troops galloped across the room, rushing forward, and the whole army was preparing for battle, pointing directly at the Forbidden Army of Great Qin.

In the hand of the general in the silver helmet, a longbow was slowly lowered.


Seeing the person coming, the Saintess Luan was driving, and the Saintess of Loulan couldn't help calling out in a low voice.

She called Xin'er, however, around her, those priests called: "Nehaman!"

It was none other than Nehman.

Nehaman's eyes were cold, and he stared at the Qin army's welcoming team, Loulan's sending off team, and the sea of ​​corpses and blood all over the ground.

Intense anger kept filling her chest.

Arrogant, really too arrogant.The State of Qin doesn't take her Nehman or Donghu's seriously at all.

Today, these people can only be said to be Donghu's hostages, but they dare to kill their own people outside their own capital, like slaughtering ants, which is simply outrageous.

She is angry, but she also knows that in the face of absolute strength, the so-called anger is simply the roar of the weak.

She didn't show her anger. After all, the emperor of Qin seemed to be a hostage, but in fact, it was beyond her control.

Looking at the luck now, I am afraid that even if he can't control that person, no matter how angry he is, what's the use?Do you want to fight him to the death?

Can you fight yourself?

Nihaman shook his head, he didn't think he had this strength, otherwise, he wouldn't have to linger under the oppression of Tianmen's power.

"Nana, come with me..."

She was facing the Saintess of Loulan, her voice was hoarse and deep, making it difficult to distinguish between men and women.

She didn't pursue the corpse on the ground, nor did she turn against Qin Guo. Now, all she wanted was a statement from Nina, the Saintess of Loulan.

However, in the face of her beckoning, the Saintess of Loulan shook her head slightly, her voice was gentle and concerned, and said: "Xin'er, don't make unnecessary struggles anymore. You can't protect me, and you can't protect you either." Myself. Listen to Jun Wuyou, it's time for us to make a choice!"

As soon as these words came out, Nihaman immediately trembled, as if struck by lightning.

"Have you really made up your mind?"

Unwillingness flashed in Nehman's eyes, his voice was hoarse and slightly growling.

"I've made a decision!"

Loulan Saintess said softly.

"No...don't...I don't want your decision. Why, don't you believe me? "

"You are the person closest to me. Even you betray me now. Do you know that if you leave, who will accompany me to continue walking?"

"No, Nana, tell me quickly, you regret it, don't leave. You know, if you leave too, I will really go crazy, Nana!"

Nehman's eyes turned red, and he hurriedly tried to persuade him to stay.

While speaking, she galloped towards the Saintess of Loulan.

(End of this chapter)

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