Chapter 1106

A deep voice sounded, and Sima Xun waved his spear in his hand, pointed at Nehaman, and shouted coldly.

"You are bold. Today, the commander-in-chief came to welcome Madam. Could it be that your Qin country is really going to shake up the sky, and you dare to stop it on our soil?"

Nehaman turned his head abruptly, under the mask, his icy eyes looked coldly at Sima Xun.

"The saint is now my concubine Qin Lan, whoever dares to act recklessly will be killed without mercy!"

Sima Xun snorted coldly, he didn't care if the saint was a pure woman before, or Nehaman's wife.

He only knows that the current saint is a woman appointed by His Majesty the Emperor, the Emperor's woman.Whoever dares to act recklessly will be an enemy of the entire Great Qin.

"That's right, since that's the case, I want to see how capable you are today, how dare you take someone away from me!"

Nihaman gritted her teeth, no matter what today, she would never let go.

Deep in everyone's heart, there is something that needs to be protected.The stronger the person, the more persistent.There is no distinction between men and women in this regard.

She Nihaman can go to today, relying on her own strength to carry a big country on her shoulders, not because of how powerful she is, but because she is more persistent.

It was this persistence that finally gave her strength.

If she lets go today, how can she talk about persistence and peace talk about being strong?
"Come on, whoever dares to take a step forward today will kill me!"

While speaking, Nehaman waved his hand, and the [-] troops behind him directly blocked the Great Qin Imperial Army and the sending-off team.

"Don't eat and drink for toast, court death!"

Sima Xun snorted coldly, waved his big hand, and shouted: "Who dares to fight?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Yuanba suddenly showed excitement on the side.

But before he could speak, a roar sounded: "I'm coming!"

The next moment, Li Yuanba saw Xu Chu galloping out on horseback, carrying a machete in his hand, and heading straight for Donghu's army.


Donghu's army was also unambiguous, only heard a cry of killing, and the next moment, three thousand soldiers galloped towards Xu Chu to kill.

"Hahaha, I haven't played for a long time, let's have a good time today!"

Xu Chu laughed loudly, galloped his horse into the crowd, and brandished a machete in his hand, only to hear the sound of breaking wind.

The next moment, blood splashed everywhere, and countless war horses charged forward, encircling Xu Chu.

However, I saw Xu Chu going back and forth, and where he passed, the horses were crawling, the figures were torn apart, and there was no general under his command.

In a short while, dozens of people fell under his reach, with blood flowing all the way, looking very tragic.

"court death!"

Seeing this, a top-ranking general in the Nihaman army roared angrily, and came on horseback with two sabers in hand.

When he rushed to Xu Chu's side, he flew up, swung the two knives out of thin air, and slashed directly at Xu Chu.

Xu Chu turned his head abruptly and grinned cruelly.

He put the big knife in his hand to the top of his head, only heard the sound of "clang", and sparks flew everywhere.

The next moment, Xu Chu's sword shook, and the general Donghu was thrown backwards by him.


Xu Chu shouted loudly, and also flew up. Seeing the volley wave in his hand, he slashed out more than a dozen knives in an instant.

Its speed is so fast that the Donghu warrior is unstoppable, and its strength is so strong that the Donghu warrior is unstoppable.

In an instant, he was torn into pieces of meat and fell into the army. The faces of the three thousand jackal soldiers changed in fright at the same time.

In the former Donghu, the top ten top generals were all invincible. They came and went on the battlefield and arranged for anyone. This can be called the heyday of Donghu.

However, now, almost all of the top ten top generals of Donghu were lost by the people of Qin, except for one Lin Yuan who surrendered to Qin some time ago.

This instantly reduced Donghu's strength.

Even though there are more than 50 troops in the country, this top-notch combat power is the biggest flaw.

Now under the generals, facing Xu Chu, the top general of the Qin State, his own general is not an all-in-one enemy. This blow immediately demoralized the three thousand soldiers in Donghu, and each of them couldn't help but panic.

As the saying goes, when you shoot a man, you shoot the horse first, and when you capture a thief, you capture the king first.

The best way to defeat an army is to first take the head of the enemy general among the ten thousand armies.

Now, the warrior will break the sand, what fighting power does this army have?

In the absence of morale, where Xu Chu traveled, everyone shunned and did not have enough courage to resist.

While waving the broadsword, the soldiers of Donghu hurriedly responded, but in the end there was only one dead end.

Gradually, more and more corpses fell beside Xu Chu, and soon there were more than a hundred, then two hundred, three hundred, four hundred...

Watching the soldiers fall one by one, behind the army, Nehman's eyes gradually turned red.

"Too much deception, simply too much deception!"

"If my top ten generals are here now, how can we tolerate this Qin people being so unscrupulous!"

Nehman gritted his teeth. Seeing Xu Chu's frantic fight, he couldn't help but think of the top ten generals who were invincible in the past.

If possible, not to mention all the top ten generals, even if there is only one, it will not be Xu Chu's turn to be so crazy and unable to deal with it.

It's a pity that today's top ten generals either died at the hands of Qin people or surrendered to Qin. She didn't even have a single person available, and she had nothing to do except to be anxious.

"Go to hell!"

Seeing that Xu Chu was fighting more and more courageously, and more and more soldiers under him fell to the ground, Nihaman was completely angry.

Hearing her roar, she galloped across the horse and rushed towards Xu Chu like a gust of wind.

Nehman's own strength is enough to disdain any general in the world.It's just that when the top ten generals were around, it was basically not her turn to take action in person.

But now, with no one under her command, she can only do it herself.Otherwise, the three thousand soldiers brought today would all have to fall at Xu Chu's feet.

Hearing Nehaman's roar, Xu Chu suddenly raised his head, grinned, and said, "Hey, Donghu God of War, you have a very powerful name, and I've wanted to fight you for a long time!"

As he spoke, he lifted the reins of the horse, pinched his crotch, and shouted: "Drive, drive..."

The war horse moved like a rabbit, and galloped away, heading straight for Nehman.

The needlepoints of the two people were so fast that they collided with each other in an instant.

Xu Chu swung the broadsword in his hand, and rushed to the left of Nehman, the blade directly swept across Nehman's neck.

With this knife, even a big tree as thick as a bucket can be cut off in an instant, let alone a person.

Moreover, the speed of this knife is even more unimaginable. Let alone an ordinary person, even a first-class warrior would have no chance to avoid it.

It's too fast, not at all like the speed a human should have.

However, at the moment when the knife was about to strike Nehaman's neck, Nehaman leaned back at an extremely fast speed, lying directly on the horse's back, letting the horse gallop, but there was no movement at all. .

At this moment, Nehman was like a horse louse, no matter how the horse bumped, he remained unmoved.

(End of this chapter)

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