Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1107 The Pony

Chapter 1107 The Pony

The broadsword slashed across Nehman's face, and the two war horses crossed past.

However, at this moment, Nehman grabbed the two knives at his waist with both hands.

She's doing it!

Seeing the flash of the saber, Nihaman flew up, gave up his horse, and chased Xu Chu out of thin air. He swung his two knives in his hand, directly covered his head and covered his face, and rushed towards Xu Chu at an extremely fast speed.


In front of the Great Qin Imperial Army, Sima Xun was shocked.The speed of this Nihaman was completely beyond his expectation. On the battlefield, it was simply impossible to guard against.

Xu Chu suddenly turned his head, seeing the countless lights of swords enveloping him in an instant, he was also taken aback, and instinctively, he threw the big sword in his hand to his head.

"Clang clang..."

In an instant, dozens of clear sounds rang out in succession, and it could be heard that Nehman slashed at least twenty or thirty knives continuously in this short short time.

The intensity of its saber light is simply unprecedented, and it is hard to guard against.

However, the next breath, the clear sound stopped.

The light of the saber in Nehaman's hand changed.

"Time, time, time..."

Immediately, he swung more than a dozen knives on Xu Chu's back in a row, directly tearing Xu Chu's back clothes.

There were streaks of blood, and Xu Chu had no chance to react at all. Dozens of wounds appeared on his back.


Xu Chu was taken aback and couldn't help gnashing his teeth and growling.

However, just as he was about to take back the broadsword, turn the horse's head, and fight again, he saw Nehaman wave his hand, and the scimitar in his right hand flew out of thin air.

Immediately afterwards, Nehman grabbed the handle of the broadsword in his hand, and immediately after that, he raised his feet into the air and kicked dozens of times in succession.

Xu Chu's knife hilt was held tightly by him, and he suddenly felt a strong force coming, and he wanted to withdraw the knife, but he couldn't use any force at all.

The back was kicked twenty or thirty feet in a row, and each kick was equally powerful. For an ordinary person, even if the internal organs were not shattered, the backbone of the northern part would be broken by one kick.

After twenty or thirty feet in a row, Xu Chu felt his viscera churning endlessly, with burning and severe pain like tearing.

The spine on his back felt as if he had been kicked to pieces.


Looking up, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and Xu Chu flew off the horse directly, flying ten meters away.

Nehman retracted his feet, and stood on the back of the horse in a questioning manner. He raised his right hand, and the scimitar fell from the air, and he held it in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, Nehman flew up and landed beside Xu Chu.

Xu Chu let out a "wow", another big mouthful of blood spewed out, and when he looked up, he saw only a flash of a knife, a machete, which was actually placed on his neck.

As long as he dared to make the slightest movement, there was no doubt that the knife would tear his neck apart in the next moment.


Xu Chu's face was very ugly. In his life, he had met countless masters, and among them, the most powerful was Tu Sui.

Tu Sui's strength, even in today's Great Qin, can be ranked in the top three, on par with Wang Lin, who once defeated him.

Logically speaking, with Xu Chu's combat strength, it is impossible to be the opponent of these two, but if there is a real fight, with Xu Chu's strength, it is impossible to lose within three hundred rounds.

However, Xu Chu, who has always been strong when he meets the strong, has nowhere to display his strength when he meets Nehman today.

Nehman's speed was so fast that he didn't even have time to react.A series of habitual shots is almost like art.

After finishing the fight in just a few breaths, people don't know how they lost in a row.

On the other hand, Xu Chu's speed is barely enough, and his strength is also great, but in this kind of battle, he can't catch up with people with barely enough speed, and he can't reach people with enough strength, so he is destined to be defeated.

He was not reconciled, but that was the fact, he lost.

Donghu God of War is worthy of the name of God of War.

"I'll say it again, the visitor is a guest. I don't want to argue with you Qin Guo, but today, who dares to take a step forward and kill Wushe!"

Nihaman's knife rested on Xu Chu's neck, but he looked at Sima Xun coldly.

He could tell that Sima Xun was the leader of this team and the only Qin person who had the right to speak.If you want to retreat Qin soldiers, you must first deter Sima Xun.

Sima Xun's eyes sank, his heart was inexplicably shocked.

At this moment, he was really shocked.

He has seen Nehaman's series of shots. Don't say that Xu Chufang had careless thoughts and looked down on Nehaman's thin body. He dared to say that he could escape the series of blows from Nehman.

This battle, just a few rounds of fighting, was simply wonderful and amazing.

But for the current Sima Xun, he is not in the mood to be overwhelmed.

If in today's battle, Nehaman was his general, he would naturally be indescribably excited.But the point is, Nehman is an enemy.

If today, even Nehaman's test cannot be passed, how to welcome Concubine Lan back to the palace, I would like to ask His Majesty the Emperor.

To put it another way, if the emperor's concubine was kidnapped alive in broad daylight in front of the Great Qin Imperial Army, what face would he and the three thousand Imperial Army have to survive in the world?
After the news spread, it was the emperor's people who lost face, and Da Qin who lost face.Others only said that Great Qin was incompetent, and regarded today's matter of the emperor accepting concubines as a joke.

As the Great Qin General, Sima Xun was unwilling to let such a thing happen, even if it meant death.

"Let go of Xu Chu!"

Just as Sima Xun was thinking and struggling inwardly, trying to find a way to deal with Nehman, there was a burst of shouting.

The next moment, before Sima Xun could react, he saw a war horse galloping past him, turned into an afterimage, and killed Nehaman in an instant with unparalleled speed.

This speed, really can only be described in one word, that is fast.

It came too fast, so fast that no one could react, the distance of hundreds of feet has already shrunk to an inch, dismembered and spanned.

Nehman suddenly raised his head, only to see a short horse descending from the sky, with a pair of hoofs, trampling towards his head.

Although this horse is small and has short limbs, it is extremely fast, far surpassing those so-called thousand-mile horses.

Nihaman grew up in Loulan, which is the only way to the 36 countries in the Western Regions. In the Central Plains, few people know the existence of the 36 countries in the Western Regions. They only go to the depths of the desert, which is the edge of the world.

But Nehman is different from these people. He knows the existence of the 36 countries in the Western Regions, and he has also witnessed the existence of one of the 36 countries in the Western Regions, a country called the Big Whistleblower. Thousands of miles, eight hundred at night.

Nehaman used to not care much about this, but now that he is handsome, he is thinking about it, and sooner or later, he must get a horse.

But even that hard-earned horse, compared with today's pony, is simply incomparable in terms of speed.

(End of this chapter)

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