Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1108 What I Said

Chapter 1108 What I Said

"What kind of war horse is this?"

Nehman gasped, seeing the war horse jumping high and trampling towards his head, Nehman's body swayed instinctively, and quickly backed away, ignoring his defeated general Xu Chu.

The moment she backed away, the Wanli cloud fell from the sky and landed on the ground.

Immediately, Li Yuanba lay on his horse, grabbed Xu Chu with his big hand, and lifted Xu Chu from the ground, then flew to the ground and stood firmly.

"Xu Chu, are you okay?"

"I was scared to death. I thought you were going to die. If you die, who will play with me in the future!"

Li Yuanba looked at Xu Chu worriedly, the two of them were close buddies, they did many bad things on weekdays, and they couldn't do without each other.

Seeing Xu Chu in distress just now, Li Yuanba was really deeply worried.

"Hey, good brother, it's interesting. I can't die, but it hurts a little!"

Xu Chu grinned, and felt a sharp pain on his back, and stretched out his hand to touch it, only to find that his back was already stained red with blood.

"Hmph, what kind of thing is this god Nehman, Xu Chu, wait and see if I don't beat him into a dead dog Nehman today!"

Li Yuanba also looked at Xu Chu's back, and couldn't help saying angrily.

"Be careful, this person is tricky and hot, and his speed is too fast, it is impossible to guard against."

"I, Xu Chu, have never admired anyone in my life, but this man's sword is really admirable. I am not wronged!"

Xu Chu's eyes were solemn, and he, who never convinced others easily, gave Nehman a thumbs up at this very rare moment.

The big defeat just now was only because he couldn't react for a while.But even so, he had to admit that he was indeed defeated.

Unlike others, others may make excuses when they lose, but Xu Chu can't. He is a person who fights whenever he wants to.

Anyway, if you win, you win, and if you lose, you lose. You never feel ashamed, and you don't argue too much.

"I can tell, but I still want to kill him today!"

Li Yuanba nodded. On this point, he and Xu Chu are exactly the same. They are both stupid and persistent, so they can become the best iron buddies.

"it is good!"

Xu Chu didn't talk nonsense, and turned around to leave.

"Ride my horse!"

Li Yuanba grabbed Xu Chu's arm suddenly, and without waiting for Xu Chu to speak, he threw Xu Chu into his Wanliyun.

"what would you do?"

Xu Chu was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help shouting hastily.


Li Yuanba turned his head and grinned, but did not speak.

In the eyes of those who are familiar with Li Yuanba, the horse Wan Liyun is like a brother to Li Yuanba.

This guy is capricious towards everyone, but Wan Liyun is the only one who takes good care of him.Therefore, others only think that he has a deep comrade-in-arms friendship with this horse, and this horse is absolutely inseparable on the battlefield.

But few people know that for Li Yuanba, fighting is as simple as eating and sleeping.If you need to use horses in this way, it is a joke.

Even without a war horse, Li Yuanba's speed was several times faster than that of an ordinary war horse.

It is powerful and heavy, even if the average war horse is ten times bigger, it cannot beat him with the help of impact, so he does not need to use all horsepower at all.

As Xu Chu left, Li Yuanba raised his head and looked at Nehaman in the distance, only to see that Nehaman had returned to his horse at some point.

Her war horse is a white-haired war horse. It is snow-white without any stray hairs. It is more handsome and handsome than the three thousand white horse Yi Cong's war horse.

"Hey, you dare to hurt my family, Xu Chu. I'll give you a choice today. Is the people who I killed you first coming to deal with you, or do I kill you first and then deal with them slowly?"

Xu Chu held a pair of golden hammers for beating drums and urns in his left hand. After taking one in his right hand, he lifted it up, pointed at Nehman and shouted.

"Don't fight again!"

Over there, Nehman was about to say something, but here, a sharp voice suddenly sounded.

In the procession of seeing off the relatives, in the carriage frame, the Loulan Saintess wearing a mask suddenly shouted.

She had just witnessed Xu Chu and Li Yuanba fight four thousand soldiers with their own eyes.

Although Xu Chu was formidable, he could be called a top general, but no matter in terms of power, strength, or speed, he was no match for Li Yuanba at all.

There were more than 4000 people, Li Yuanba alone killed more than 3000 people, so Xu Chu tried his best, but only won five or six hundred.

The strength gap between the two can be seen from this?
Perhaps it was easy for Nihaman to deal with Xu Chu, but in Loulan's eyes, it was even more difficult to deal with Li Yuanba, and it was not at the same level at all.

She and Nehaman grew up together, and they were husband and wife in name. Although they were both women, their relationship with each other was far beyond what ordinary people could imagine.

Today, she married because she had her own choice.But that choice was one thing, and watching Nehman get hurt was another.

She didn't want Nehman to be hurt, especially in front of her, because of herself.

"Hey, sister-in-law, just wait, he can't hurt me!"

Li Yuanba thought that his new sister-in-law cared about him as much as Nanyan, Yinyue, and Xuening. Looking back, he grinned and said, "How dare this guy prevent my sister-in-law from sleeping with my brother today? See if I don't fight?" He blossomed all over the ground!"

Loulan Saintess couldn't help feeling anxious when she heard the words.

Look at what he said, as if he was going to sleep with someone just to run.

But Li Yuanba's claim surprised her a little.

Could it be that this is Emperor Qin's younger brother?Otherwise, how dare you call yourself sister-in-law?
But the state of Qin has the rules of the state of Qin, even if it is the younger brother of the Qin Emperor, it shouldn't be like this, it should be called the empress orchid.

Loulan Saintess was a little puzzled, but she didn't know too much about Qin's cultural rules, so she didn't pursue too much at the moment, but looked at Nehaman with concern in her eyes, and said, "Xin'er, Step back, stop making unnecessary struggles. Qin is not something you can deal with, otherwise, it's not your turn to make a move!"

Not far away, in the chaos army, Nihaman was in a heroic figure, under the mask, with cold eyes, looked at Loulan Saintess, and said: "Unless you are taken from my dead body today, no one can take you away. Said!"

The face of Loulan Saintess changed under the mask, and she shouted: "Why are you so stubborn, do you really want to drive yourself to a dead end?"

Nihaman sneered, and said, "Nana, don't be naive, you and I have already been cornered and have no right to choose."

"If you want to be independent, you can only rely on each other, or you can only rely on yourself. It is purely wishful thinking that you want to take advantage of Qin's power. Sooner or later, you will be swallowed to the bone!"

"Believe me, don't be stupid, come back, I will take you away immediately, without my permission, no one can force you away!"

(End of this chapter)

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