Chapter 1109
"Xin'er, you know mine... Now that I have made a decision, I will never change it!"

Loulan Saintess shook her head, she also said a stubborn woman.Before making a decision, everything will naturally follow Nehman's arrangement.

Nehaman let her hide quietly in the Valley of Wangyou, and she has been hiding in the Valley of Wangyou.

But now, she has made a decision.

For her own sake and for the whole of Loulan, she has made a decision, and she will never let Nehaman interfere too much.

"Since you don't change, then I will kill everyone here today. If you are still obsessed, I will immediately mobilize 50 troops and kill Emperor Qin at all costs. I must break your thoughts today!"

When Nehman heard this, he immediately flew into a rage.

She has already done this, why do the people around her leave her one by one?
Isn't it good enough to kill her to protect?Why?
Donghu Khan, his own younger brother, tried his best to get close to Yingshou, trying to take advantage of Qin's power.

If she hadn't sent people to obstruct in every possible way secretly, the current Donghu royal family would have already been reduced to the subjects of Qin.

Now there is another Loulan Saintess, the woman who grew up with him since he was a child, and she is just like his younger brother.

Is it true that I am so inferior to others that the people I protect will abandon me in every possible way?
Where is he worse than Qin Huang?

"Xin'er, don't mess around..."

Loulan Saintess' body trembled, and she still needs to be persuaded.

However, before she could finish speaking, she saw that Nehaman was already full of killing intent, and without hesitation, he rode his horse towards Li Yuanba.

"Sister-in-law is waiting!"

Li Yuanba turned his head and smiled at the Saintess of Loulan.

The next moment, he turned his head sharply and looked at Nehman.

I saw Nehaman riding his horse and killing him, and he was in front of him in an instant.

In Nehman's hands, he wielded the two knives, and saw the light of the knives spread all over, covering his whole body in an instant.


Li Yuanba snorted coldly, and without dodging or evading, he threw a big hammer directly at Nehman.

"Clang clang!"

There was a burst of clanging sounds, and Li Yuanba's sledgehammer collided with the light of Nehman's sword. Amidst the clangs, it became powerful and directly broke through the light of Nehman's sword.

Breaking through ten thousand methods with one force, any intensive attack, tricky attack, there is no resistance in the face of this straight hammer.

Nehaman originally wanted to force Li Yuanba to defend himself, but he didn't expect that his knife would not touch Li Yuanba at all, and with just one hammer, he blasted through all her attacks.

A gust of wind hit, powerful and sharp, and Nehman's whole body trembled when it was blown directly.

That shocking power made Nehman no doubt that if the hammer were to fall, he would be smashed into a pulp.

Inexplicable fear surged into Nehman's heart in an instant.

She instinctively tilted her body, lying on the horse's back, slid down, hung on the other side of the horse, let the sledgehammer swing over the horse's back, and narrowly avoided the hammer.

Nihaman got up quickly, at this time, the war horse was far away from Li Yuanba.

Nihaman looked back, but saw Li Yuanba also turned back at the same time, shouting: "I want to run..."

After finishing the words, Li Yuanba swung the big hammer with his right hand and threw it directly.


With the sound of breaking through the sky, the sledgehammer caught up with him like a shooting star.


There was an explosion, and Nehman's hair stood on end.

The big hammer hit her crotch on the buttocks of the horse, and the horse immediately neighed and fell to the ground.

Nehman was thrown out, and when he looked up, he suddenly found that the horse's buttocks had been smashed into a puddle of flesh by the sledgehammer.


Nehman inexplicably sucked in a breath of cold air, just one round of fighting had already made his whole body icy cold, and cold sweat rolled down layer upon layer.

"What monster is this!"

Nehaman thought to himself, until now, she had never met any real opponent in the fight.

Even if he was defeated in Jicheng before and was hunted down by someone, it was because the opponent had a large number of people and he was invincible.

If it was one-on-one, those so-called masters would not be able to survive even one round in front of her.

To say that the strongest person she has ever met is probably the Lie Yang she met in the battle outside the Qin Great Wall, but although Lie Yang is strong, he has never really fought her.

And she believed that even if she was not Lie Yang's opponent, as long as she started a war, she would have a lot of ways to entangle Lie Yang. Lie Yang wanted to defeat her, it would never be that simple.

Therefore, Lie Yang didn't put too much pressure on her, but today, the pressure Li Yuanba put on her was indeed unprecedented.

The word "monster" was directly slapped on Li Yuanba's body.

"Hey, let me tell you, you won't be able to run away, play a good game with me, maybe I'll let you go when I'm happy!"

At this moment, Li Yuanba shouted loudly, pointing at Nehman tens of meters away.

"You want to court death, I will fulfill you!"

Nehman's eyes were gloomy, he snorted coldly, without the slightest hesitation, he moved his feet, and charged at Li Yuanba again.

Although Li Yuanba put a lot of pressure on her, as the God of War of Donghu, there is no power in this world that can make her back down.

"Good come!"

Seeing this, Li Yuanba was immediately happy.

Li Yuanba's feet also moved, and in an instant, his whole body seemed to turn into a shooting star chasing a shooting star in the moon, flying up, and directly rushed towards Nehman at a speed twice as fast as that of Nehman.

Nehman was taken aback when he saw this, and it was too late to retreat at this moment.

In the middle of the air, Li Yuanba's sledgehammer smashed down, covering the clouds and covering the sun. The speed was almost twice as fast as his own.

Similarly, the superposition of power is enough to smash a cow to the ground.

With such power, Nehman didn't dare to take the hammer head-on.

And at that terrifying speed, it was even more difficult for her to avoid it.

She gritted her teeth, the hairs all over her body stood on end, even her hair was almost standing on end, she moved her body, and swayed suddenly, and finally narrowly avoided the hammer.

The hammer fell, people flashed, and the earth roared.

On the ground, a pile of rocks was instantly smashed into powder.

On the ground, there were cracks inch by inch, and the cracks directly spread out in a radius of one meter.


Li Yuanba raised his eyebrows, as if he was a little surprised, but when he turned around, he found Nehaman clasped his belt, flew up from behind, swung his two knives, descended from the sky, and slashed at him.

It has to be said that Nihaman's shot was extremely tricky, and the speed was far beyond what ordinary people could imagine.

This shot was really smooth and flowing, one link after another, if it were someone else, they would have been torn apart before they could react.

Unfortunately, the opponent she met today was none other than Li Yuanba.

(End of this chapter)

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