Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1112 Fighting with Immortals

Chapter 1112 Fighting with Immortals
"Time, time, time..."

Master Kunlun's pair and Li Yuanba's pair were torn apart in an instant.

The powerful force directly shook Li Yuanba's legs from the ground, dragging his feet on the ground, and gliding continuously for more than ten meters.

Master Kunlun also backed away a dozen steps in a row.

All eyes were focused on the two of them, only to see the thin and thin body of Li Yuanba who looked like a sickly tuberculosis.

It actually contains a piece of muscle that is not too big, but full of strength.

Similarly, Master Kunlun's old body was coiled with muscles that looked like horned dragons.

These two people are really weird.

It seems that one is old and the other is sick. They should be powerless, but in fact their power is earth-shattering.

The body should be weak, but in fact, it is thousands of times stronger than ordinary people.

"Come again!"

Under everyone's surprised eyes, Master Kunlun shouted again, and charged at Li Yuanba again.

"Come and come..."

Li Yuanba only felt that his whole body was numb from the shock, but when he heard the words, he shouted loudly, and also rushed towards Master Kunlun.

"Bang dang bang bang bang bang..."

"Boom boom boom..."

The two collided again, and a great battle broke out. The two sledgehammers collided continuously, and the powerful blasting force caused the air to explode continuously.

The aftermath of the battle between the two of them spread to the ground, cracking every inch of it.


"Come again..."


"If you want to fight, the old man will fight with you today!"

During the battle, Master Kunlun's voice kept ringing out, one shout, one hammer, another shout, another hammer.

The two came back and forth, and for a while, no one could do anything to the other.

However, as time passed and the battle continued, everyone seemed to have vaguely realized that Li Yuanba was firmly suppressed from the beginning to the end.

In the past battles, as long as Li Yuanba made a move, it was only when he was unable to fight back, and never when he was passively defending.

But it was different now, under Master Kunlun's hands, Li Yuanba was retreating steadily, and from the beginning to the end, he never took the initiative to attack.

Basically, Master Kunlun made the first move, and then he made the second move.

Master Kunlun's style of play is also not tricky, don't you like to break through ten games with one force?Then the old man will teach you what it means to break ten meetings with one force.

Therefore, every hammer of Master Kunlun is powerful and heavy, one hammer after another, continuously.

One hammer was more powerful than one hammer. In the end, the golden hammers in the hands of the two were deformed, and they still didn't stop.

On the contrary, the strength of Master Kunlun's hammer was more than twice that of the beginning.

On the other hand, Li Yuanba has begun to gradually show signs of decline.

Faced with Master Kunlun's increasingly violent, faster, and more powerful attacks, Li Yuanba blocked from left to right, surrounded by continuous shadows of hammers.

One hammer and another hammer, another hammer and two hammers, and one hammer after another. There are countless hammers in the face.

Li Yuanba's whole body began to go numb, and his arms were completely numb, and he could hardly even hold the sledgehammer in his hand.

He was retreating, one step at a time, step by step.

Finally, when he could no longer use any strength in his hands, there was a violent sound.


The two sledgehammers collided, and Li Yuanba could no longer bear the critical blow of Master Kunlun. The sledgehammer in his hand bounced back and hit his chest.



Li Yuanba let out a scream, and he flew straight out.In mid-air, a mouthful of blood had already spewed out.

"Is this the end of the fight? I can't help but fight, continue!"

Master Kunlun stared angrily, he was also angry.

These days, he has been persecuted by Ying Shou in various ways. Not to mention that he is not a saint, even if he is a saint, he has already been angered.

Now, it's okay for Ying Shou to be unscrupulous, even his subordinates are also unscrupulous, they don't take himself seriously, and even move the people he wants to save.

Today, if he doesn't kill the chickens to make an example to the monkeys, no one will take Master Kunlun seriously in the future.

At this moment, Master Kunlun really has killing intent.

After he yelled violently, his figure moved, and he had already charged at Li Yuanba again.

How fast is he?In just an instant, he had already rushed in front of Li Yuanba.

"Old guy, how dare you!"

Xu Chu was furious and wanted to save someone, but the intense tension made him fall into a state where he even forgot how to move his body.

He could only watch helplessly as Master Kunlun rushed in front of Li Yuanba, swung his sledgehammer, and hit Li Yuanba from bottom to top.

"Ah ah……"

Li Yuanba had blood on his face, which was sprayed on his face by himself.

At this moment, he was deeply injured, and his whole body was numb, so he couldn't use much strength.

But when Master Kunlun came to kill him, he yelled again, stood up forcefully, swung the sledgehammer with all his strength, and threw it at Master Kunlun again.


There was another explosion, and Li Yuanba's sledgehammer bounced back again, hitting his shoulder, directly smashing his shoulder into shattered fractures, and flying upside down again.

In mid-air, another big mouthful of blood spurted out.


Master Kunlun was still relentless, shouted again, and rushed out again. Before Li Yuanba landed, he swung his sledgehammer, like hitting a baseball, and hit Li Yuanba again.


Li Yuanba let out a heart-piercing roar, forcibly turned over in the air, and smashed out with the sledgehammer from top to bottom.


With a bang, Li Yuanba's arm was shaken to pieces, and the sledgehammer flew upside down. At the same time, he himself flew upside down in another direction.


The viscera were churning endlessly, as if they were broken, causing Li Yuanba to spurt out another big mouthful of blood.

"Come again..."

Still before Li Yuanba landed, Master Kunlun rushed out again.

"Bastard, how dare you!"

Xu Chu's eyes were tearing apart, and he was completely angry, but now he found that he seemed to have been cast a hold technique, and he had forgotten how to control his body.


Sima Xun and Sanqian Baima Yicong also shouted loudly, but under the unprecedented power of Master Kunlun, they were not much better than Xu Chu, they could only speak and could not move at all.

Not only them, but also everyone on the Loulan Saintess side, Nehman and the Donghu soldiers.

At this moment, looking at the battle in front of him, he was completely dumbfounded.

This is really a fight between gods and gods, which is stunned and difficult to react.

Seeing that Master Kunlun rushed to the place where Li Yuanba was about to land again, he swung his hammer from bottom to top, and when Li Yuanba fell, he could directly smash Li Yuanba into a pulp, and he would definitely die.

But at this moment, sometimes visions suddenly appeared...

(End of this chapter)

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