Chapter 1113

"Old thief, how dare you..."

A loud shout, like a thunderous explosion, was deafening.

Everyone turned their heads to look at the same time, and saw not far away, a black figure was flying like lightning, killing him in an instant.

Deep in the mid-air, he swung his right hand upwards, grabbing Li Yuanba's figure falling from the sky.

At the same time, he stepped down and firmly stepped on the big hammer swung by Master Kunlun.


There was an explosion, and this time the collision seemed to be not a collision between a sledgehammer and the sole of the foot, but a collision between a sledgehammer and a sledgehammer.

Under the powerful force of the sledgehammer, the figure lifted into the air again and flew down not far away, but turned over in the air and landed firmly.

"His Majesty the Emperor..."

"It's His Majesty the Emperor..."

"Emperor Qin..."

"It's Emperor Qin..."

A series of exclamations sounded, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the person who came.

I saw that the person was dressed in a black dragon robe, with a hair crown erected on his head, and his whole body was clean and meticulous.

He held Li Yuanba in his arms, looked at the dying Li Yuanba, escaped a pill from his sleeve, and stuffed it into Li Yuanba's mouth.

"Come here, take Yuanba down to me so I can take care of him!"

Ying Shou looked up and said coldly.

At this time, everyone just recovered from the battle just now.

Master Kunlun not far away finally stopped. He knew that it was too late to kill Li Yuanba at this time, unless Ying Shou was also killed.

Otherwise, with Ying Shou here, no one can touch Li Yuanba.


In the distance, Xu Chu made a promise, his face was pale, regardless of the blood still pouring from his body, he rode forward, rushed to Ying Shou's side, got off the horse, cupped his fists, knelt down on one knee, and said: "See my emperor, long live, long live! Long live!"

In front of the Qin army, Sima Xun also got off his horse, knelt down on one knee, cupped his hands and shouted: "Long live, long live, long live, my majesty!"

Following the two of them kneeling down, the three thousand white horses Yicong also knelt down on the ground, a voice went straight to the sky, and the mountain shouted: "Long live my emperor, long live, long live, long live!"

The powerful momentum gathered in an instant.


With a wave of his sleeve, Ying Shou handed Li Yuanba's seriously injured body to Xu Chu, and said, "Take it down..."

Xu Chu promised, hugged Li Yuanba's body, got on his horse, and hurried back.

However, he just retreated into the team and did not leave.

After all, the enemy army is now surrounded and the emperor has not yet left. As the emperor's subordinates, how can they retreat without authorization?
All eyes were still focused on Ying Shou, as if he was the only one in the world, and should have attracted thousands of attention.

"Sir, isn't it too much to do this?"

Under everyone's gaze, Ying Shou tidied up his clothes, turned around slowly, raised his big hand, put his middle finger close together, pointed at Master Kunlun, and shouted coldly.

"Hehe, so the Emperor Qin is here too?"

"I heard that on weekdays, Emperor Qin pampered this child so much that he was disrespectful and ignorant of worldly affairs. Today, the old man came here just to teach Emperor Qin a lesson. How can it be too much?"

Master Kunlun smiled coldly, none of us is anyone's slave, and no one needs to look at anyone's face.Since Ying Shou spoke bluntly, of course he wouldn't be humble.

Tolerance was tolerance, but it didn't mean he was afraid of Ying Shou.

"Hahaha...a lesson or two?"

"Sir, I gave you three points of face today, but I will pay you back, sir. If I don't give you any face, what are you?"

"I am the Emperor of Great Qin. My people will naturally be taught by me and punished by my laws of Great Qin. When will it be your turn to rely on the old and sell the old here, and beat you without shame?"

"There are some things that I want to explain today. Since my husband thinks it's not too much, then give me a satisfactory answer!"

Ying Shou laughed, suddenly, his eyes turned cold, and he pointed at Master Kunlun and shouted.

"what's up?"

Master Kunlun said coldly.

"I remember that nine days ago, I once warned my husband that there would be no more Loulan in this world. The former Loulan is now a county in Daqin."

"The people of Loulan are the people of Daqin, and they are my subjects. I have warned you to tell Tianmen to give my people freedom immediately. Have you ever done that, sir?"

Ying Shou said coldly.

Master Kunlun narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Of course!"

Ying Shou nodded and said with a smile: "Well, since the husband has not failed my entrustment, I will take it as a misunderstanding. Let's talk about today's affairs!"

"If I remember correctly, I once said that from now on, the Saintess of Loulan will be my woman. When does my concubine come in or out, it depends on people's faces?"

"Now, my people come to pick up my concubine Lan, and there is even a big fight. I don't know why?"

"Don't tell me, it's the people below who are acting recklessly and are ignorant. If so, I'm afraid that today I will replace my husband, or replace Tianmen and teach these ignorant servants a lesson!"

As he said that, Ying Shou waved his big hand and shouted: "Pass down the order, and the whole army prepares for war. If anyone dares to act recklessly today, I will kill them all immediately, leaving no one behind. If it is really impossible, I will kill this Donghu from now on!"


As soon as Ying Shou finished speaking, Sanqian Baima Yicong shouted loudly and agreed at the same time.

A strong fighting spirit shot up from the body of the three thousand white horse Yicong in an instant, crushing towards the Donghu army not far away.

There was a sound of neighing from the horses, and the horses under the crotch of the three thousand cavalrymen in Donghu obviously felt a strong crisis, and there was a commotion for a while.

This scene, for no reason, frightened the three thousand cavalrymen to turn pale.

"Sir, do you want to give me an explanation!"

Ying Shou looked at Master Kunlun again, and pressed him step by step.

Not far away, Nehman who saw this scene was completely dumbfounded. She never thought that what happened today would cause such a big disturbance.

Shang still remembers that just before, in a fit of rage, she wished to kill the Qin army in front of her, and then lead the army to destroy the Emperor Qin.

In the blink of an eye, she was not ready to do anything, but Qin Huang gave the order directly.

Could it be that Emperor Qin really wanted to fight Donghu himself?
"Qin Huang, stay on top of everything, don't go too far, push each other step by step, it's not good for anyone!"

Master Kunlun narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at Ying Shou and said coldly.

"Hahaha...Leave a thread in all things, don't go too far! When that gentleman hit my brother just now, he didn't seem to show any sympathy!"

"You tell me not to go too far, don't push me every step of the way. I don't know if you have ever done it?"

"If you can't even do it like Mr. Xian Yunyehe, why do you ask me to do it?"

"Could it be that you want face, your face is valuable, but I don't want face, and my face is worthless?"

Ying Shou sneered, and when he spoke, it could be said that he was pressing every step of the way, without giving up a single step.

(End of this chapter)

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