Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1114 Pulse Gate

Chapter 1114 Pulse Gate
"How are you doing?"

Master Kunlun could see that Ying Shou seemed to be angry at the moment, and there was no reason to talk to angry people, so he opened his mouth immediately.

"It's very simple, tell me, did you instigate what happened today, or are these ignorant servants messing around?"

Ying Shou didn't talk nonsense, and got straight to the point.

"So what if the old man ordered it? So what if they messed around?"

Master Kunlun asked back.

"You are a chess watcher. The so-called watch chess without talking is a real gentleman. If you act recklessly, you will break my rules. Not only did you fail to watch chess without talking, you even meddled in a hand. This is a villain's style. In my eyes, villains are the worst!"

"If you are willing to be this villain, I don't mind getting my hands dirty today and killing you, this villain!"

"It would be easy if this group of ignorant servants messed around today. The dignity of a chess player cannot be provoked by chess pieces."

"Which chess piece is about to jump out of the chessboard, I will destroy that chess piece!"

"Now, you can say whether it was you who ordered it, or they did something foolish!"

Ying Shou's eyes were cold, and he approached Master Kunlun.

A few words are spoken, and there is really no room for it.

Anyway, just one sentence, no matter who is at fault today, someone has to take the blame and someone has to die.

Just ask you, is it you who die today, or they die!
Master Kunlun's expression changed unpredictably. He did not expect that Ying Shou would suddenly become so irritable after holding back for so long. It seems that what happened today really angered this man.

But the clay figurine is still a little bit angry, could it be that you, Ying Shou, are angry, and the old man can't have a little temper?
Everyone is nobody's who, why must let you?
"It was the old man's instruction. Could it be that Emperor Qin thinks that with your ability, you can really kill the old man?"

Master Kunlun snorted coldly and said with disdain.

He dared to monitor Ying Shou, so he naturally had the means to stop Ying Shou.Ying Shou wanted to kill him, it was just a dream.

Anyway, no matter what today, it is impossible for him to put Donghu in danger.

This is a chess move. If Ying Shou directly forcibly pulls it out, how will the next game be played?How to play?
Needless to say, with the presence of Donghu, Qin State itself faces pressure from three sides. No matter how strong Qin State is, it can move freely and horizontally, as if it is invincible.

But in fact, the pressure still exists, the outcome is one hand, until the end, no one knows who is the final winner.

On the contrary, if Donghu was wiped out by Ying Shou in a fit of anger, the result would be completely different.

Without a major disaster, even if Ying Shou didn't make a move, the pressure on Qin would be greatly reduced.

Let’s just talk about the Northeast Great Wall, and there is no need to guard it at all.

Now the [-] troops defending the Great Wall can return to Xianyang directly to quell the chaos or deal with the Xiongnu army without any worries.

As a result, Tianmen's chances of winning this game became smaller again.

And the reason for this is not because the chess was wrong, but because someone forcibly changed the chess. This is not what Master Kunlun wants to see.

Since Ying Shou insisted on venting his anger and finding someone to take the blame, well, do it yourself.If Ying Shou is really capable, try killing yourself.

Sometimes, strength is the confidence.With enough confidence, he can speak hard enough.

Within the rules, there are ways to play within the rules, and outside the rules, there are also wonderful things outside the rules.

But whether it is within the rules or outside the rules, there must be sufficient strength to support it.

Otherwise, all the gameplay is just empty talk, and a slap by others can destroy all your layouts.

This is the general trend of the world, and it is also a reality.

"It's your instruction, so it's easy to handle. Today, leave some price!"

Ying Shou sneered, and said, "I want to see today, whether I can get your life or not!"

As soon as the words fell, Ying Shou's body burst into motion, and his feet suddenly exerted force, his whole body turned into an afterimage, flying like lightning, and instantly killed Master Kunlun in front of him.

The violent breaking wind sounded in front of him, and everyone was dazzled for an instant.

Master Kunlun narrowed his eyes slightly, without any nonsense, waved his big hand, raised the sledgehammer in his hand, and smashed it directly at Ying Shou head-on.

However, at the moment when the hammer was about to hit Ying Shou, Ying Shou turned his body and dodged past extremely fast.

At the same time, Ying Shou grabbed Master Kunlun's right wrist holding the sledgehammer with a big hand, pinching his wrist veins.

Master Kunlun felt a sharp pain in his wrist, his palm suddenly lost strength, and the sledgehammer he was swinging flew straight out.

The former Ying Shou once said this sentence, if only relying on the collision of strength and speed, he is no different from Li Yuanba, even if he is stronger, he is not much stronger.

Today, the same is true.

Ying Shou's strength is not necessarily stronger than Li Yuanba's, and his speed is not much faster than Li Yuanba's.

Logically speaking, Li Yuanba was no match for Master Kunlun, and he had no chance of winning if he made a move, and he might even end up in the same fate as Li Yuanba.

Under normal circumstances, as long as Ying Shou is not a fool, it is impossible for him to act recklessly.

But now, Ying Shou decided to do it.It's not that he's stupid, someone Li Yuanba can't beat, he has to test the waters.

In the past, he only said that his speed and strength were comparable to Li Yuanba's, and that he didn't have much advantage.But it doesn't mean there is no advantage at all.

He couldn't do anything to Li Yuanba within [-] rounds, but after [-] rounds, he could completely suppress Li Yuanba. This was the suppression of absolute speed and strength.

At the same time, Li Yuanba is stupid and likes to confront the tough, but he is not Li Yuanba, and he has no habit of confronting the tough.

As for fighting, it is refreshing to break all kinds of tricks with one force, but you have to have some skills.

With one move, he knocked the hammer away from Master Kunlun's hand, just when Ying Shou was about to use his strength to destroy Master Kunlun's arm.

But Master Kunlun grabbed it with a big hand, and the other hand was also clasped on his wrist veins.


Ying Shou snorted coldly, his hands were quick and his eyes were quick, and he stretched out his dominant other hand, pinching Master Kunlun's other hand and wrist pulse door.

Master Kunlun narrowed his eyes slightly, and with all his strength, he reversed the right hand that was caught by Ying Shou, and also pinched the pulse gate of Ying Shou's left wrist that was finally protruded.

Both of them pinched on each other's pulse door tightly, and after a burst of force, severe pain hit, and both of them felt a burst of weakness in their arms.

Seeing this, Ying Shou pulled Master Kunlun up suddenly.

However, Master Kunlun was not a vegetarian either. Seeing this, he pushed in the air, using all his strength with both hands, and using his strength, he fell directly towards Ying Shou's chest.

Ying Shou gritted his teeth, pulled, pushed, and clapped with both hands, and let go of Master Kunlun's hands, opened Master Kunlun's arms, and pushed out with one palm.


Master Kunlun was still charging forward, and was directly bombarded by his palm on the chest, and the whole person flew upside down.

Then he spun around in the air and landed firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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