Chapter 1118
"Rush in, seek justice from Xiao He!"

Roars sounded from all directions at the same time, as the saying goes, the teeth are cold, and now the interests are the same. In the hearts of these people, Xiao He hurting others is the same as hurting them.

Everyone is here to seek justice, the people from Xiangfu dare to kill others in broad daylight, maybe they will be the next one, who is willing to sit and wait for death?

Immediately, everything collided violently.

Those Xianyang garrison guarding the Xiangguo Mansion have long been ordered to die, and they can only stop them and not hurt others.

But just now, more than a dozen soldiers killed at the same time, killing more than a dozen people on the spot.

No one knew what happened to anyone, only the dozen or so soldiers knew, and they never thought of killing anyone.Those dozen or so people rushed up by themselves, grabbed the weapons in their hands and stabbed themselves.

But who would believe such words?

It's fine for everyone to believe it. The most important thing is that these dozen or so soldiers didn't even have a chance to argue, and were directly beaten to death by the rioters on the spot.

As for the rest of the people, they couldn't stop the influx of countless mobs.

They have been ordered to die, and they can only block, not kill.

But these life savers don't care about these so-called orders, and rushing up is just a burst of punching and kicking.

Even though these defenders have undergone strict training, they are all made of meat, not iron, and they can bear it with a few blows.

But under the chaotic punches, some people couldn't bear it anymore, and one after another they kept falling in a pool of blood.

Death began to envelope this area, and thousands of defenders fell in pieces.

Regardless of the mob, they kept rushing forward.

They didn't realize at all that among the crowd, there were masters hidden in all directions.And these masters are merciless in their actions.

During the riots, it was more convenient for them to take action. They either killed the mob and blamed it on the guards outside the Xiangguo Mansion, or directly killed the people in the Xiangguo Mansion to clear the way for these mobs.

With the help of these hidden masters, more than half of the thousands of defenders fell in just a moment.

Looking back, I suddenly found that not only the defenders died, but also thousands of people died from the mob.

In the chaos, no one could see clearly who did the tampering. Of course, this account could only continue to be counted on the defenders.

As a result, the riots became more violent.

The chaos began to spread, starting from Xiao He's Xiangguo Mansion, and gradually spread throughout the city.

In the city, among the palaces of many princes with noble titles, all the kings' affairs have nothing to do with themselves, and they all sit on the hills and watch the tigers fight, as if the affairs of Xianyang have nothing to do with their own dime.

King Yelang's mansion, King Yelang sat in the courtyard, listening to the hustle and bustle in the city outside, couldn't help shaking his head.

"It's messed up, it's completely messed up!"

King Yelang sighed and said powerlessly.

"My lord, your lips are dead and your teeth are cold... You have already seen the clues, are you also prepared to remain indifferent and see Daqin destroyed?"

"The Donghu, the Xiongnu and other countries are not as benevolent as the Qin State. There is also the so-called Dark Qin, who hides his head and shows his tail, trying to subvert the Qin State, and dare not even show his face. How can he be a righteous person?"

"If the Qin Kingdom is destroyed, the Yelang Kingdom will also be a part of the Qin Kingdom now, so you should be more considerate of the people of the Yelang Kingdom!"

"The so-called shade under the big tree, the big tree of Qin, whether it is for us or for the people of the old country, can't fall down!"

Li Jiang stood behind King Yelang, pushing King Yelang's wheelchair, and said with a worried look on his face.

She is a kind woman. When she was the Queen of Yelang, she cared about the people of Yelang Kingdom. Now, as the princess of Daqin, she is also worried about the whole of Daqin.

Whether it's Daqin or Yelang, it's her country, her home.

Unlike those superficial people, those superficial people can be desperate for their own interests and their own grievances.

But Li Jiang's starting point has always been to consider the overall situation.

Even though many things are beyond her imagination, her original intention is always good, and her three views are always positive.

"How could this king not know what my concubine said?"

King Yelang sighed, looked far away, as if he could see the chaotic situation outside the mansion at this moment, and said: "But this king has neither military power nor strength. The entire Yelang, this king has already dedicated it to Daqin .”

"Could it be that at this time, I want the king to rush up in a wheelchair? Or let Aifei rush up by a woman?"

"There are many things, it's one thing to understand, but it's another thing to be able to intervene. I have the power of Yelang Kingdom."

"I'm trying to quell the chaos in various places for the state of Qin, and I really can't do anything. I just hope that those people don't go too far, and continue to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight!"

While speaking, King Yelang couldn't help but look bitter.

The people he mentioned are naturally the rest of the kings.

Among the kings who turned to Qin, King Yelang was the most vicious against Qin at the beginning, but in the end he was the only one who willingly surrendered.

Now, if he has a certain amount of strength, he will naturally serve Daqin at all costs.After all, to reach his level, he really understands the truth of dying lips and teeth.

It is said that it is good to enjoy the shade under the big tree, and he absolutely does not want Daqin to be destroyed.

But as he said, he really has nothing left to spare now.

His capable generals are now in the Southwest Army, allowing Qin to mobilize troops to fight against the Xiongnu.

He has no soldiers, no generals, no matter how hard he tries, he can't do anything.

As he said, do you want your own women and children to fight with swords?

He's not that great yet.

Do you want to shake the wheelchair by yourself, and a disabled person can go up?

But what's the use of him going up?

Even the state of Qin couldn't suppress the riots, and it was just a joke for him to go up with a cripple.

The other kings were different from him. Although all the soldiers and horses of the other kings fell into the hands of Qin, the land and people were all owned by Qin.

But the generals in the hands of these people are still by their side.

At least they still have the last strength to contribute, just looking at the situation, these people obviously don't want to do anything.

After all, they will inevitably have some resentment towards Daqin in their hearts. They are self-righteous, sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight. If Daqin dies, they may still have a chance to restore their country.

But in the eyes of King Yelang, this is simply wishful thinking.

Just imagine, even the Great Qin is dead, can a group of small countries withstand the attacks of the Xiongnu and Donghu?
Why do these people think that the Xiongnu and Donghu will let them go?

Now it is good to enjoy the shade under the big tree, but these people have to watch the big tree being cut down, and their lips are dead and their teeth are cold. When the big tree of Daqin completely falls down, it will be a critical moment for the survival of all countries.

"Don't you know, is the Dian Palace really going to stand by and watch?"

Li Jiang also couldn't help sighing, muttering to himself.

"Who knows, it depends on their wishes..."

King Yelang smiled wryly and shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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