Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1119 Zhaowang Tuan

Chapter 1119 Zhaowang Tuan
"Uncle Wang... Father Jun... the ancestors of Zhao Kingdom, Tu'an is here today, and I greet you!"

In King Zhao's mansion, in the ancestral hall, King Zhao held three sticks of incense, bowed to the rows of tokens in front of him, and finally inserted the incense on the incense burner in front of him.

Today's King Zhao is still only fifteen years old, and he looks a little green, but there is a touch of heroism between his brows, as if he has inherited the character of his father Tu Mingjun, giving people a feeling of arrogance .

In the past, Han Xin caused disasters in the southwest, and all countries were in danger. Most of the 23 countries were destroyed by Han Xin.

Among them, Zhao State was one of the countries that were destroyed, and likewise, Zhao State was also the one with the most backbone.

Facing Han Xin's army, the rest of the countries were lingering and panicking all day long, but Zhao Kingdom rose up to resist.

On the day when Han Xin's army entered Zhao State, Zhao State exerted all its strength, called on the best men from all over the country, organized an army of [-], and dealt unprecedented heavy losses to Han Xin.

Zhao Kingdom is just a small country, even if it is placed in the southwest, it is a relatively small existence.On weekdays, with the power of the whole country, there are only [-] troops, less than [-].

The total number of people in the whole country does not exceed 30. To be able to summon an army of [-] is really exhausting all the young and middle-aged.

Even the royal family of Zhao was killed and wounded in that battle, except for Tu'an.

Tu'an is not a direct descendant of Zhao's royal family, but he is orthodox in Zhao. His father, Tu Mingjun, single-handedly rushed into Han Xin's army after a big defeat. Regardless of life and death, he beat Han Xin and shook Han Xin's army's morale.

After coming to the Qin Kingdom, most of the descendants of the royal families who were exterminated were only granted a marquis, or earl, and those who were higher were dukes, and few were enshrined as princes.

However, Qin Emperor Yingshou, out of gratitude for Zhao's character, specially gave Tu'an, the only descendant of Zhao's royal family, a title of prince, and was honored as King Zhao.

King Zhao Tu'an inserted the incense sticks and retreated to the middle of the ancestral hall with a pious expression on his face. Looking at the ranks in front of him, he took a deep breath and said, "Father Jun, Uncle Wang, ancestors and sects."

"Have you seen that Tu'an's worship today is a sacrificial ceremony in the Central Plains. The Zhao Kingdom is gone, and now there is only the Qin Kingdom!"

"Tu'an knows that perhaps the Zhao Kingdom will perish, and the ancestors and ancestors will not be able to rest in peace, but the matter has become a foregone conclusion, so what can we do if there is more anxiety?"

"In the First World War, tens of thousands of young and strong men in our Zhao Kingdom died on the battlefield, leaving only a small and poor country, which was extremely weak. A group of old and weak women and children could hardly protect themselves!"

"It's the Emperor Qin... that's right, it's His Majesty the Emperor Qin who doesn't dislike him and takes care of those old and weak women and children for our country of Zhao!"

"Nowadays, the people of our Zhao country are doing very well. It's not that God has mercy on our Zhao country, nor how lucky our Zhao country is, but because of Qin's care, the people of our Zhao country are not in trouble!"

"But now, Zhao State is dead, and Qin State is in crisis. Uncle Wang, father, ancestors and ancestors, what do you think Tuan should do?"

"In the old country in the past, now Tu'an represents the country of Zhao, and he is granted the title of King Zhao of the Great Qin, and is a subject of the Great Qin."

"Back then, in order to protect Tu'an, you let Tu'an watch the ancient country perish and his family be destroyed. Now, is Tu'an still wanting to watch the Great Qin perish?"

"Tu'an asked himself that he couldn't do it. Father Jun walked with vigor, and Uncle Wang lived up to the arrogance of the king. Now Tu'an is also the king, and he doesn't want to live by idling. He only hopes to inherit Uncle Wang's arrogance and father's arrogance!"

"Tu'an has decided to live and die with Great Qin. In order to repay His Majesty Qin Emperor's great kindness to our Dian Kingdom, and also for our Zhao Kingdom's old, weak, women and children, we will prop up this big tree so that they will not experience the rain, snow, wind and frost. !"

"If Tu'an did something wrong, please forgive Wang Shu, Junfu, and ancestors. For the sake of Tu'an's young and ignorant, don't talk about Tu'an. Tu'an wants to do what he thinks he should do. What you think is right is gone!"

Tuan muttered to himself, and at the end, he slowly knelt on the futon in front of him, kowtowed three times to his ancestors, finally got up, and turned to leave.

"Little prince, think twice... If this is really done, there will be only one way to go to hell in the future!"

Outside the ancestral hall, an old man with gray hair was waiting there respectfully. When he saw Tu An who came out, he couldn't help but comfort him.

"Uncle Gan, is there any other way we can go now?"

The young Tuan turned his head to look at the old man.

The old man's name is Gan Hong. When he was young, he used to suppress a country by himself.

Zhao Kingdom is still a small country among the countries in the Southwest. Facing threats from other countries, it is difficult to protect itself.But because of the appearance of Gan Hong, no country dared to offend easily.Including the two behemoths of Yelang Kingdom and Dian Kingdom.

It can be said that Gan Hong is a god of war in Zhao country, a top general, and there are few opponents in the southwestern countries.

But no matter how powerful a person is, they will eventually grow old.

In the first battle of Zhao Kingdom, Gan Hong was originally an inspirational leader, but unfortunately, he was too old, and others were worried.

In addition, he is the last strength of Zhao Kingdom.In the end, after repeated decisions by the royal family, keeping him and protecting Tu'an can be regarded as embracing the last trace of Dian Kingdom's blood.

But now, he became the only bargaining chip in Tuan's hands.

"Little prince, you must not forget what the king once entrusted. Our mission is to restore the country, not to shed blood for the Qin country!"

Gan Hong sighed and couldn't help reminding.

"Uncle Gan, it's already this time, don't you still see the situation clearly?"

"Even a colossus like the Qin State can't protect itself now. If the Qin State is destroyed, do you think that the Xiongnu and Donghu will spare the countries in the Southwest?"

"If even the Qin Kingdom is destroyed, do you think we can withstand the attack of the Xiongnu with the old and weak women and children in Zhao Kingdom?"

"Today's Zhao Kingdom itself is a piece of rotten wood. If it breaks away from Qin's protection, no one will need to attack it. Zhao Kingdom will be finished by itself."

"It is the food of the Qin State that feeds the entire Zhao State, and it is the power of the Qin State that protects the entire Zhao State!"

"You should not repay someone's kindness with a knife! Uncle Gan, why are you still thinking of breaking away from the Qin State and standing on your own? Dare I ask, can we still stand on our own?"

"It's good to enjoy the shade under the big tree. The people of Zhao State need a strong Qin State, an intact Qin State. Only such a Qin State can give them enough protection. At this moment, should I wait for the people of Zhao State to take the only The hope of survival is deprived, we should protect this big tree for them!"

"The restoration of the country is empty talk now, Uncle Gan, please stop being obsessed with it. The people of the old country really can't bear to be hurt anymore!"

Tuan sighed, he was young, he should have been playing around at this age, but what he had in his heart was the safety of his homeland and the safety of his people.

He must know how to choose and give, for himself and for his people.

(End of this chapter)

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