Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1120 Jun Wuyou's Thoughts

Chapter 1120 Jun Wuyou's Thoughts
"Hey, the little prince has grown up, it's time for him to make his own decisions!"

"Since the young prince has made a decision, the veteran can only feel sorry for the kings. For the sake of the people I take care of, let me tell you, what should I do?"

Veteran Gan Hong sighed, helpless.

He also knew what Tuan said, but when he thought that there was no hope of restoring the country, he still couldn't help feeling sad.Could it be that the former Zhao Kingdom is doomed to disappear in smoke?

Is the glory of Zhao Kingdom destined to be submerged in the long river of history?
"Don't be reluctant, Uncle Gan, the blessings of the people of the old country are hard to come by now. This is Qin's favor for the old country, and we should return it to Qin!"

"Well, Uncle Gan, I'm going to Yelang Palace. Yelang Kingdom used to be the leader of the Alliance of Southwest Countries. With Tu'an's own strength, it is bound to be difficult to conquer the kings. It is not two people who want to suppress the kings. No. One Yelang King, one Dian King!"

"The Kingdom of Dian was originally the only one among the countries in the Southwest that still retained its strength, but had to surrender to the Kingdom of Qin. I'm afraid that there was some resentment in my heart. It was difficult to find them. On the contrary, King Yelang was the only one who could unify the Southwest, but he If you choose to surrender voluntarily, you may have your own thoughts in your heart!"

"But no matter what, King Yelang has the greatest expectations. If we can persuade King Yelang to help, maybe we can unite the hearts of all countries in the southwest and save Qin together. In this way, we will do our best!"

"Later, you immediately send the letter I drafted to the mansion of the princes and princes of the descendants of the countries, saying that I invite the kings to discuss important matters and rescue the motherland!"

Tu'an waved his hand, made a sound of safety, and then changed the subject, speaking with reason.

"Isn't it saving Qin? Why did it become a rescue of other countries instead?"

Gan Hong frowned slightly, now Qin is in danger, it is Qin who needs help, not other countries.

"Hehe, is it important to save Qin or save the motherland? Lips are dead, teeth are cold, Qin is dead, how can the countries survive? Success or failure depends on one action, saving Qin is saving the motherland!"

"If you say frankly to save Qin, those people have their own ghosts, I'm afraid no one will come. Talk about saving the motherland, and make sure everyone is absent!"

Tu'an sneered, although he was young, but on the day of Zhao Kingdom's demise, he had abandoned all kinds of childishness, and he knew his responsibility.For his own responsibility, he can only face reality.

It is said that the children of the poor family are in charge of the family early, and the reason is this, but the reason why the children of the poor family are in charge of the family early is that they are closer to reality, and they will take responsibility earlier.

But when it comes to ability, the education received by the children of princes and noble families is not comparable to that of children from poor families.

When faced with reality one day, they can often do more than children from poor families. This is reality.

"All right!"

Gan Hong sighed, stopped talking nonsense, personally escorted Tu'an away, and then rushed to the palaces of the princes in person, to understand Bing Tu'an's words.

In the lobby of the Ministry of Officials Shangshu Mansion, a group of people are busy looking through the documents of the Ministry of Officials recording military achievements.

These documents were fabricated by the military department and stored in the official department, which recorded the military exploits and titles of each person in the army.

At this moment, what these people are looking for is the military merit records, title records, and family merit records of all the people who died in the Great Wall.

This matter involved the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Households, and the Ministry of Officials. Therefore, almost all the people from the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Officials, and the Ministry of Households were used.

Not only was the lobby busy, but a group of people were also busy in the yard outside, flipping through records.

After all, it is really troublesome to find out the military records of tens of thousands of people, the household registrations of hundreds of thousands of families, family credits, and various other things.

It has been almost ten days, and everyone has found less than half of the information.

If you want to check all the remaining information, it will take at least ten days and half a month.

However, the rioters outside are making trouble, and they don’t care whether you check or not. They really drove all these people to a dead end, and each of them wished to get the results out immediately, reward all that should be rewarded, and then send them away.

But this kind of thing, in the final analysis, is it possible to understand it if you understand it?

I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Anything has to be done step by step.

"According to this progress, Xianyang is really in danger!"

Jun Wuyou frowned in the crowd, flipping through the information in his hand, couldn't help but look around, and sighed.

"No way, these are trivial matters. On weekdays, you can check slowly, but now there are more than ten people waiting for no one, and I don't know how long we can last outside!"

Beside Jun Wuyou, Minister of War Zhang Liang couldn't help but shook his head and sighed.

At this moment, the two suddenly heard something.

Not only the two of them, but also the busy people in the yard heard it.

All of a sudden, everyone's face changed drastically. At the same time, they put down their work and looked up to the outside of the yard.

"Xiangguo's mansion has killed people!"

"Xiangguo Xiao He disregarded the laws of the Great Qin Dynasty and killed the people. What do you think should be done?"

"Come on, grab Xiao He, and give me justice!"

The loud shouts continued, and the roars on the street were deafening.

Countless footsteps formed a stream, rushing towards the Xiangguo Mansion.

"No, it's messed up!"

Zhang Liang, Minister of the Ministry of War, trembled all over and couldn't help shouting.

"Hey, it's still too late!"

Jun Wuyou frowned, couldn't help but slowly put down the book in his hand, and said: "The chaos, starting from today, has completely spread!"

Zhang Liang found a place to sit aside, and said, "Forget it, there are some things that should be suppressed, and they must be suppressed after all."

"Since those people insist on making trouble, we can't let them do whatever they want. Let's send troops to suppress it. If it can't be stopped, just make chaos!"

"Don't worry Zhang Zi!"

Jun Wuyou was taken aback when he heard the words, and shouted hastily.

"Oh, is there anything Mr. Jun can do?"

Zhang Liang looked up at Jun Wuyou, and asked in doubt.

"It's at this time, what else can we do?"

"It's just Zhang Zi, there are some things that you can't do without knowing it!"

"In this way, I have an idea, I don't know if it will work!"

Jun Wuyou smiled wryly, and said in a deep voice.

"Oh, let's hear it!"

Zhang Liang's eyes lit up, and after just a few days of contact, he could tell that this Jun Wuyou was by no means a simple person.

The fact that the emperor can entrust important tasks to him is enough to reflect this person's ability.

Since he has an idea, maybe he can really solve it.

"Use chaos to control chaos, use chaos to cause chaos, use chaos to suppress chaos!"

Jun Wuyou narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

"What do you mean?"

Zhang Liang was stunned, he just felt a little convoluted, and couldn't figure it out for a while.

"The meaning is very simple. Since some people want to create chaos, then well, let them be fulfilled!"

Jun Wuyou sneered, and Zhang Liang was shocked into a cold sweat when he said that.

(End of this chapter)

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