Chapter 1121

"Lord Jun, did I hear you right? This is already in chaos, do you want to make it even more chaotic?"

Zhang Liang was a little surprised, he was a wise strategist, but he was not a gambler who played dangerous tricks.

Jun Wuyou's words, he thought about it carefully, and immediately understood what it meant.But this approach is really too dangerous, it is simply forcing Daqin to his death.

"Zhang Zi, there is one thing you need to understand. Today's Daqin has already reached this point, and there is no talk of retreating."

"Now we can only see the tricks, otherwise let the opponent take the initiative, it is the real passive!"

Jun Wuyou shook his head, while speaking, he stretched out his hand and said: "Come on, go out and talk to find out what happened and how many people died."

"In addition, spread out the staff. Regarding this matter, report every half an hour, don't slack off!"

"Also, order Tingwei Lord Zhao Tun to lead his troops to clear the way and bring Lord Xiangguo here!"


Not far away, four guards stepped forward, clapped their hands in promise, and turned to leave.

"Master Jun, you don't leave any room for it. Don't you think that it's too late at this time?"

Seeing Jun Wuyou's unhesitating action, Zhang Liang couldn't help reminding him again.

"Too late?"

"It's too late, it's only in this way that it can be paralyzed!"

"With the current time, it's too late. One of Xianyang and the southern border must be the first to fall!"

"As the capital of my Great Qin Kingdom, the world can lose it, but Xianyang must not be lost. In this case, why not abandon the car to protect the commander, abandon the southern border, and stick to Xianyang?"

Jun Wuyou narrowed his eyes slightly, and sneered.

"What, your goal is the Lantian Camp?"

Hearing this, Zhang Liang was taken aback again, and suddenly understood another meaning of Jun Wuyou.

"Yes, if you do this, unless you launch the Lantian camp, you can only ask for trouble. But in this way, the southern border is really dangerous. With the strength of Ren Xiao's men, it is difficult to resist!"

Zhang Liang sighed and said helplessly.

"That's why I have to abandon the car to save my handsome man!"

Jun Wuyou said without a doubt.

While talking, Jun Wuyou also found a place to sit down, just waiting quietly.

The rest continued to be busy with their own affairs, but Jun Wuyou and Zhang Liang could no longer participate, both of them were thinking about various things in their minds.

In the later novels, film and television dramas, many eras are full of mythology.

Those who are ministers of a country, generals and counselors in the army almost all have various supernatural powers.

Among other things, let's talk about Zhang Liang, who has been mythical in later novels, and he is good at everything in divination and astrology.

In the face of a crisis, he only needs to pinch his fingers to figure out where the disaster is, how to resolve the crisis, and so on.

After all, myths are myths.In this world, it is impossible for such a person to exist.

It is undeniable that Zhang Liang is definitely one of the best counselors in the past and present. He has the strongest brain, calculating the sky and the earth, and calculating everything.

But in fact, the so-called calculation here is completely different from the calculation and deduction in those fairy tales.

To put it another way, everything can be digitized. What is calculated is the law, find out the main points, and finally give the most correct judgment. This is calculation.

At this moment, Zhang Liang and Jun Wuyou are calculating.

Countless possibilities were constantly running through the minds of the two of them.

Jun Wuyou is very powerful, the things in his mind are far beyond ordinary people, and even Zhang Liang seems to be a little behind.

But it can't be said that Zhang Liang is worse than Jun Wuyou, it's just that the two have completely different styles of acting.Relatively speaking, Zhang Liang pursues safety more.

Jun Wuyou is different, he has always regarded himself as a businessman, and his pursuit of doing things is violence, as long as he calculates a [-]% possibility, he will take risks.

Therefore, he thought about many things that Zhang Liang didn't even dare to think about, and put them into action without any scruples, so Zhang Liang seemed a little unable to keep up with him.

But as long as he said it, Zhang Liang immediately understood what he meant.

However, it is one thing to understand, and another thing to accept it.

For example, at this moment, Zhang Liang was calculating the risks and stability of this plan, and finally found out that everything was beyond his control and he could only resign himself to fate.

In the final analysis, it depends on luck and how people choose.

Once the decisions made by some people are contrary to Jun Wuyou's imagination, Xianyang will surely fall.

And even if some people follow the deceitful path Jun Wuyou envisioned, they will not be able to hug Nanjing at all.

This is Jun Wuyou's plan, he is in a dilemma, either he will cut off his head or his hands, there is no mercy at all.

If you are lucky, you will cut off your hand, if you are not lucky, you will directly cut off your head, ruining the entire Daqin.

Such a thing, only Jun Wuyou could do it, at least Zhang Liang didn't even dare to think about it.

However, Jun Wuyou held the Black Dragon Order in his hand, he could be called the emperor's great imperial envoy, so naturally Zhang Liang couldn't resist what he said, so he could only follow suit.

"My lord, Master Shangshu, news from the palaces of the princes!"

After waiting for a while, the people who went out to investigate the news had not yet returned, but the people who monitored the palaces of the princes came to report.

Now that the Great Qin is at a critical juncture, the palaces of the princes can be said to be the confidants of Xianyang.

These people turned to Daqin, they are naturally the ministers of Daqin, but people have ulterior motives, no one knows whether the palaces of the princes will do anything that is not good for Daqin, therefore, before the chaos, people have been ordered to watch the palaces of the princes secretly .

It can be said that at this moment, any action taken by the palaces cannot escape the eyes of the court, nor can it escape the eyes of Jun Wuyou and Zhang Liang.

"what news?"

Jun Wuyou fixed his eyes, stared at the soldier and said.

"My lord, King Zhao's mansion summoned the descendants of the royal families to go to Yelang's mansion to discuss important matters. In name, it is to rescue the countries, but in fact, it seems that they want to fight for my Great Qin!"

The soldier hurriedly cupped his hands, and while speaking, he reported the news he had heard from Prince Zhao's mansion one by one.

Zhang Liang and Jun Wuyou listened slowly, and couldn't help being taken aback.

"Okay, I didn't expect a fourteen or fifteen-year-old child to be so enlightened. It's easy to handle like this!"

Jun Wuyou grinned, and said: "Master Zhang, did you hear that, next, there are some things that I have to do even if I don't do them. If this matter is settled, it will solve a big worry in my heart!"

Hearing this, Zhang Liang showed a rare smile, nodded solemnly and said, "Since that's the case, there's no need to delay, I'll hurry over there immediately!"

Jun Wuyou waved his hand, and said: "There is no rush, just wait for the news from the Xiangguo Mansion. Besides, Mr. Zhang will not go today. There is still a need for someone to preside over the overall situation here. Leave it to me from the kings' side." , Master Zhang, please take a good look at this place!"

(End of this chapter)

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