Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1122 Surrounded

Chapter 1122 Surrounded

"Report, please report to the two adults, the outside news has been investigated clearly."

"It is said that the people from Xiangguo's Mansion were the first to strike. They killed more than a dozen people, aroused public resentment, and broke into Xiangguo's Mansion!"

"Now, including the defenders, more than [-] people have been killed or injured!"

Zhang Liang and Jun Wuyou waited for a while, and the person who went out to investigate the news finally came back, and the news shocked the audience as soon as he opened his mouth.


Zhang Liang's face suddenly changed, and he stood up abruptly.

It's not just messed up, it's even a bit unexpected.

This is just the beginning, and 5000 people have already been killed or injured. If the trouble continues, this Xianyang will not be able to turn the sky upside down in just two days?
Other people who were busy around also looked at this moment.

"You see, Zhang Zi, what is happening now is not something that can be achieved simply by suppressing and preventing it. Some things will eventually change. Act according to the plan!"

Jun Wuyou sneered, he knew that if this matter did not break out, it would be unstoppable, and once it broke out, it would be unstoppable and out of control.

What happened today was like a few small openings were opened in the dam. It seemed that there was no major problem, but the flood was disdainful, and it blew thousands of miles away.The dam that has been breached cannot bear it at all.

Ultimately, the dam can only be washed away a little bit.In the final analysis, it was only a matter of time before the mountain torrent that swept across Xianyang broke out completely.

"Okay, since there is nothing you can do, let's do it!"

At this time, Zhang Liang also made up his mind.

He knew that Jun Wuyou's plan was very risky, but they had already reached this point, and they had no way out.

As for appeasement, it was just a joke.

Could it be that now the government sent people to the street and shouted with red lips and white teeth, stop making trouble, the imperial court is checking and arranging titles for you?

That is simply a joke, not to mention whether those foolish people believe it or not, even if they are willing to believe and cooperate, there will inevitably be people who will hinder and make trouble.

The final result is to reduce the prestige of the court and lead to greater chaos.

So the only way out now is to take a risky move and abandon the car to protect the commander.

"Okay, since Zhang Zi has made a decision, let's act according to the plan!"

"Don't worry about Mr. Xiangguo. I have already sent someone to protect Mr. Xiangguo's safety. With him here, Mr. Xiangguo will be fine!"

"Next, Zhang Zi immediately sent someone to send a secret message to the Lantian camp to prepare for the battle at any time, and leave the rest to me!"

Jun Wuyou got up and narrowed his eyes slightly while speaking.

This is a game, a game between Great Qin and Tianmen.

In this game, Tianmen has been preparing for decades and is already ready to go. Relatively speaking, Daqin can only see tricks.If you win, you will win, if you lose, you will perish. There is no retreat.

"My lord, please!"

Zhang Liang didn't talk nonsense, at this time, he needed to sit in charge of the overall situation, and he could only rely on Jun Wuyou to run errands for many things.

Jun Wuyou was not polite, he said goodbye and left.

After walking out of the official office, Jun Wuyou quickly blended into the crowd and disappeared on the street.

At the corner, he came to a small alley, but he frowned slightly, and turned into the alley.

"With so many people following, I'm afraid it's not as simple as looking for news?"

Jun Wuyou stood in the alley, with his hands behind his back, and said coldly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he could see figures leaping forward in all directions, filling the surrounding walls and ground in an instant, completely enclosing him.

Jun Wuyou turned around, looked around, and said with a sneer, "38 people!"

"Ten first-rate masters, 28 second-rate minions, why, are you looking down on me, Jun Wuyou?"

While speaking, Jun Wuyou had a sarcastic expression on his face.

Ten first-rate masters and 28 second-rate masters were not in his eyes at all. This kind of pride is simply embarrassing.

It's no wonder that when Donghu and Daqin were fighting, he dared to stand alone and watch the show, and afterwards he even walked towards the enemy's commander, as if entering a land of no one.This kind of courage is rare in the world.

"Jun Wuyou, as a minister of Donghu, if you don't serve Tianmen in Donghu and serve Haotian, you dare to betray Haotian and become Qin's eagle dog. It is simply abominable and you are looking for your own death!"

Among the crowd, a masked man pointed a long sword at Jun Wuyou and shouted coldly.

"Hehe, Qin Guoying dog?"

"It's ridiculous, a bunch of idiots, you don't recognize the orthodoxy of the world, but you are willing to be heretics!"

Hearing this, Jun Wuyou couldn't help laughing.

His ambition is in the world, and this world has already been clearly seen in his eyes.

In his opinion, no matter how big the world is, the only orthodoxy is the Central Plains, and the present-day Great Qin.

As for the so-called Eastern Hu, the so-called Xiongnu, and the so-called 36 countries in the Western Regions, they are all jokes.

Donghu Xiongnu, no matter how powerful they are, they are just a group of pets kept by other people in captivity. They can be suppressed if they want to be suppressed, and they can be lifted up if they want to. They have no freedom at all.

Dare I ask, how can a ruler who can't even be his own master dare to speak orthodoxy?

Only the state of Qin, who is not afraid of the gate of heaven and looks at the world, is orthodox.

How can a person who dares to use the sky as the star of the chessboard fail to grasp the orthodoxy?
"court death!"

Jun Wuyou's words immediately greeted the fury of the surrounding people, only to see the masked man yell: "Kill..."

As soon as the words fell, figures suddenly appeared in all directions, and the shadows of swords and swords directly covered Jun Wuyou's body.

"Good come!"

Jun Wuyou twisted his neck and smiled coldly.

Squinting his eyes slightly, he could see in all directions, the lights of swords and swords had condensed and blocked him from top to bottom, leaving him no way out.

However, just as he was about to be torn apart amidst the shadows of countless swords, lights and swords, he was only seen moving.


A gust of wind blew past, and Jun Wuyou's speed was extremely fast, which could be called unparalleled in the world.

Among his steps, it can be said that he turned extremely, passed through layers of blockades, and rushed out of the encirclement in an instant.

The next moment, he grabbed the backhand and directly grabbed the head of one of the second-rate masters.

"Come here for me!"

Jun Wuyou let out a low shout, and his fingers were right in the man's heavenly cover in an instant, lifting the man alive.

Snatching the long sword from the man's hand, Jun Wuyou flickered again and charged out again.

At this moment, the people around had just realized that they couldn't help being surprised when they saw Jun Wuyou who had escaped.

But their brains reacted, but their hands and feet did not react immediately.

I saw Jun Wuyou holding the three-foot sword in his hand, and the sword's edge directly swept across the necks of three second-rate masters and one first-rate master.

With blood gushing out one after another, the four masters fell to the ground, and the rest of them yelled loudly and rushed towards Jun Wuyou.

(End of this chapter)

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