Chapter 1123 Mob
"Clang clang!"

Jun Wuyou's movement speed is very fast, and his attack speed is also not slow. Seeing this, he swung the long sword in his hand, and instantly collided with dozens of masters in front of him.

There were sparks and lightning along the way, Jun Wuyou fought and retreated, but the moment he found the opportunity, he rushed out in an instant.

"Pu Chi Pu Chi..."

Suddenly, another four or five masters fell under his sword.

I saw him crossing all the way, and where he passed, there were five figures, including two first-rate masters and three second-rate masters covering their necks, with an expression of disbelief, and fell to the ground, dying.


This scene caused the surrounding people to be shocked at the same time, with incredible expressions on their faces.

Before that, they had sent someone to assassinate Jun Wuyou.

The first time he was sent was a second-rate expert. He thought that Jun Wuyou was just a civil servant in Donghu, and a civil servant in Daqin. He could be put to death by ordinary Jianghu masters, let alone a second-rate expert.

As a result, after the second-rate master went out, he never came back.

Later, they sent another first-class master, and the result was the same.

In just a few days, two consecutive failures finally attracted the attention of these people.They sent so many masters today just to see how many masters protect Jun Wuyou.

However, he followed along all the way, and it was fine if he didn't see a master. Now, he was about to make a move, but he didn't expect that Jun Wuyou himself was an invincible strong man.

Its lightness kung fu is extremely exquisite, and its speed is extremely fast, and no one can touch it even when dodging.

One-handed swordsmanship, even more vertical and horizontal.

Look at the fierceness of the attack, the tricky angle, no matter how much a civil servant is, he is simply a seasoned Jianghu swordsman.

After some fighting, these people discovered that Jun Wuyou had slipped into a loach.When you attack, he comes and goes without a trace, and it's hard to hurt at all.

When you showed your flaws, he came directly close to you like a maggot attached to the bone, killing you instantly.

"Weak, too weak!"

"If Nehman came here in person, maybe there is still a bit of fun, but it's a pity that there are only a few of you, and you don't even have the qualifications to be excited!"

Facing everyone's shock, Jun Wuyou shook the long sword in his hand, danced a sword flower, and said with a look of disdain.

"Hmph, Zhang Kuang, kill me..."

Then the eyes burned with anger, and a group of people killed Jun Wuyou again.

However, the situation remains the same as before.

In the face of their attack, Jun Wuyou dodged a little, and directly avoided most of the attacks.Immediately afterwards, he swung the long sword, opened a passage in an instant, and rushed into the crowd again.

"Pu Chi Pu Chi..."

The clear sound came again, and several figures came to the end again.

Repeatedly, again and again, until the end, the leader suddenly found that he was the only one left standing at the scene.

Not far away, the long sword in Jun Wuyou's hand was dripping with blood, but there was no blood on his body, standing there, like the ruler of this world, with his back turned to him, not paying attention to him at all inside.


The man was terrified, he had calculated thousands of times, he never thought that so many masters would end up like this against Jun Wuyou alone.

"You can kill yourself!"

Jun Wuyou turned around slowly, and said lightly.


The man said coldly: "Even if I die today, I will drag you down!"

Jun Wuyou shook his head helplessly, and said, "Why are you so persistent? The opportunity is given to you again and again."

"Since you have stayed until now, you have no chance of surviving. It would be nice to kill yourself, and you don't have to suffer. Since you don't want to, let me reward you with something!"

After the words fell, Jun Wuyou moved again, and in a flash, he had already appeared in front of that person.

The man was taken aback, and before he could react, a sharp pain had already swept through his body.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

"Pu Chi Pu Chi..."

I saw the light of the sword in Jun Wuyou's hand flashed, and in an instant, his limbs, muscles and bones were all torn apart by Jun Wuyou's long sword.


After realizing it, this person screamed just now, but fell to the ground powerlessly, his whole body twitching continuously.

His eyes fixed on Jun Wuyou, full of despair.

Blood was flowing all over his body, and there was nothing but fear in his eyes.

He didn't die immediately, but the pain all over his body made his life worse than death.

Judging by the speed at which the wounds were bleeding all over his body, he believed that it would not be long before he would bleed to death.

"The sword is here, I hope you still have a chance to commit suicide, and suffer less!"

Jun Wuyou waved the long sword in his hand, firmly inserted it in front of this person, turned his back to him, said a word, then turned and left.

At this moment, the tendons of the limbs and tendons of that person's whole body have been severed. It can be said that he is a cripple among cripples. He doesn't even have the ability to commit suicide.

He looked at the sword in front of him, and his eyes suddenly glowed with hope.

Indeed, living like this now is worse than dying.Death, for him now, is a gift.

His face was twisted in pain, his body was thickened, and he wanted to move to the long sword and press his neck against it, but in the end, he couldn't move a single step.

In the endless pain, he became weaker and weaker.

When the blood flowed to a certain extent, he finally slowly closed his eyes, plunged into the endless dark abyss in pain, and declared death.


"Come on..."

Outside the Xiangguo Mansion, the common people finally broke through the defenders' letting go, and immediately swept into the Xiangguo Mansion like a flood.

"Stop, do you want to rebel? Stop all of them!"

As soon as Xiao Qinghe rushed to the front of the yard, he saw this scene, and couldn't help yelling loudly.

However, at this moment, these mobs who have already gone crazy, how can they care about him?

I saw the crowd surging, drowning him in an instant.

Those countless impacts directly knocked him to the ground, and then, countless big feet stepped on him directly.


Xiao Qinghe was furious, and with a roar, he was about to shake the people around him and get up.

However, at this moment, in the dark, in all directions, sword lights flashed, instantly piercing dozens of holes all over his body.


Xiao Qinghe was like a rooster being strangled by someone, his eyes were wide open, his face was desperate, he didn't even have the last chance to resist, so he just fell into a pool of blood, allowing others to step on him and end up It can be described as very miserable.

At this moment, in the Xiangguo Mansion, not only Xiao Qinghe, but also the servants and maids were not much better. Wherever the mob passed by, no one was spared, and they all fell into chaos.

After a while, the entire Xiangguo Mansion was almost overturned, and finally only Xiao He's study was left, surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside.

Someone stepped forward and kicked open the door of the study, and sure enough, they saw Xiao He who was still busy inside.

(End of this chapter)

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