Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1124 How to explain

Chapter 1124 How to explain
"Xiao He is here, everyone rush in with me, catch him and hand him over to the imperial court!"

I don't know who shouted loudly, and suddenly the crowd surged, rushing towards the study.

"Stop, let me see who dares to move!"

However, at this moment, a loud shout sounded.

The next moment, I saw a sword light descending from the sky.


A long sword fell from the sky and stabbed firmly into the ground.At the same time, a figure jumped and came to the door of the study.

He was dressed in a blue-black long-distance runner, and his long hair was scattered behind his head, with a few strands of white hair fluttering gently on his forehead.

He folded his hands, stared at the world with contempt, looked at the group of fools in front of him, and said coldly: "Today, whoever dares to step forward will kill without mercy!"

Those ignorant people were startled, for some reason, the moment this person yelled out the sentence of killing without mercy, an inexplicable cold instantly swept over everyone's heart.

It was as if there was a long sword on each of their necks, and as long as they moved slightly, the next moment, there would be a scene of blood splattering.

Not only those mobs, but also those who hide among the mobs with ulterior motives are also inexplicably chilled at this moment.

Just when everyone felt inexplicably fearful, Xiao He slowly got up in the study, walked out, and came behind the man, with a hand gently pressing on his shoulder.

"Master Xiangguo!"

The man turned his head and cupped his hands.

"Mr. Ji, don't get angry!"

Xiao He smiled slightly, and said softly to the man.

That person is none other than Daqin's number one swordsman today, Ji Tianhou.

"Master Xiangguo, let's go! If a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, these people are already crazy now, and you can't influence them. If you stay here, you will only be bloody for five steps!"

Ji Tianhou looked indifferently, and said in a deep voice.


Xiao He nodded slightly, but there was a flash of unwillingness in his eyes, he looked at the people below, and sighed: "There are so many people, looking at the inside and outside of the Prime Minister's Mansion, going up and down, surrounded by overwhelming traffic, sweeping half of Xianyang City. "

"This gesture, I'm afraid there are 40 to [-] people!"

"What are you guys trying to do? Are you gathering people to rebel?"

Saying that, Xiao He's eyes turned cold, and he shouted coldly.

"Xiao He, don't talk about these things, today, you will give everyone an explanation, otherwise you will not be able to get out of this Xiangguo mansion!"

"That's right, Xiao He, now that His Majesty the Emperor is not in the court, the three princesses' affairs are for you alone. You have destroyed the prestige of the court and disregarded the livelihood of the people. Today, we must have an account!"

"That's right. One more thing. Today, the people in your Xiangguo Mansion kill people as soon as they say they want to. Have you ever cared about our lives?"

"The iron law of the Great Qin Dynasty, murder pays for life, Xiao He, no matter what today, you must obey the law on the spot!"

In the crowd, those who were hiding inside to make trouble realized that the mobs of Jian didn't dare to move rashly for a while, and immediately scolded them one by one.

These scolding sounds were really useful, instantly enraged those mobs, they all looked at Xiao He glaringly, gnashing their teeth, wishing they could rush forward and kill Xiao He immediately.

"court death!"

Ji Tianhou's eyes turned cold. Compared with the various ways of handling things in the imperial court, Ji Tianhou prefers the happy grievances in the rivers and lakes.

Right is right, wrong is wrong, there is nothing that cannot be solved with a sword.

It is precisely because of this that, as a descendant of Guigu, he has never really entered the court so far.

Now, how could he not see that those who spoke first were deliberately making trouble?
With cold eyes and anger, he reached out and drew his sword to solve the problem.

But at this moment, Xiao He pressed his palm on his shoulder again, and shook his head slightly at him.


Ji Tianhou sighed, and slowly withdrew his outstretched hand.

He just doesn't like the court's way of doing things, it doesn't mean he really doesn't understand.

After all, as a senior student of Guigu, following Guiguzi is not for nothing.He knows the matter in the court no worse than anyone else.

Now that the mob is in chaos, Daqin, which is already in crisis and on the verge of collapse, can only be appeased, not forced.

Otherwise, these mobs may turn into a knife in the enemy's hands at any moment, a knife against Daqin.

In this case, it is really not suitable for him to make another shot.

The most important point is that if he makes a move, he will not only anger these people, but also anger the people of the world. At that time, the prestige of the court will be gone, and the court will not be able to gather people's hearts. Scored to the point where he couldn't stand up.

"Everyone, I know what you want to do, and I know what you want!"

"What you want is nothing more than fairness and justice. What you want is nothing more than what you deserve!"

"But have you ever thought that many things can't be resolved with just a few words. The imperial court confers more than 20 titles. Even in peacetime, it will take several months to settle it slowly!"

"Right now, my Great Qin is facing an unprecedented crisis, and everyone should be united to the outside world, but what did you do?"

"Holding hoes and shovels, you have gathered hundreds of thousands of people, do you want to rebel at this time?"

Xiao He took a deep breath, he did not choose to leave, because he still had a lot of business to deal with.

Second, since some things have happened, we should face them instead of avoiding them.

Otherwise, you can escape for a while, but you can't escape for a lifetime. The crisis in Xianyang will only get worse.

"Xiao He, you are simply telling a joke. It was you who had no law in the Xiangguo Mansion and killed people first. Now it is our fault. It is too deceiving!"

"That's right, we just want to seek justice. Your Xiangguo government kills people at every turn, and now you're blaming us for rebellion. When will we rebel!"

"Xiao He, don't say these are useful or useless. No matter what today, you must give everyone an explanation, otherwise I will never let you go easily!"

As soon as Xiao He finished speaking, there were countless verbal criticisms around him, and there was no plan to let Xiao He go.

"Shut me all up!"

"I'll give you an explanation, what else do you want to explain?"

"Now, people have died and things have become serious. What do you want the truth to tell you? The truth tells you that the truth did not make people use the criminal law arbitrarily. Do you believe it?"

"The truth tells you that the truth has repeatedly ordered you not to kill people. And I, the Daqin soldier, have absolutely no intention of hurting or killing anyone. Do you believe it?"

"If you don't believe me, how can you tell the truth?"

"Don't you want the truth to die here today?"

"Is it true that if the truth dies here today, those who died will be able to come back to life?"

"Is it true that if the truth dies here today, you can get the justice you want, the title you want?"

"Is it true that if the truth dies here today, you can calm down your anger, fade away, and stop causing trouble for Daqin?"

Xiao He shouted violently, the more he spoke, the angrier he became, and he couldn't help roaring.

(End of this chapter)

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