Chapter 1126
With the dispatch of the army, everything was suppressed instantly.

The chaotic scene just now was instantly suppressed into silence.

In front of the army, Xianyang Tingwei Zhao Tun, wearing armor and holding a long sword, rode out on his horse and shouted angrily, "You mob, what are you trying to do? Rebellion?"

"In broad daylight, you dare to besiege the Prime Minister's Mansion and kill people everywhere, even my Great Qin Heijia will not let you go. If you dare to act recklessly today, don't blame this general for being merciless!"

Zhao Tun's words made everyone tremble in fright, and they couldn't help lowering their heads, not even daring to look at Zhao Tun.

It has to be said that sometimes, strength is a kind of deterrence.

A person, no matter how reasonable he is, will never be able to arouse any sympathy if he is alone.

But when you put a knife on someone's neck, and then slowly reason with others.Even if you don't make sense, it makes sense.

For example just now, Xiao He's words can be said to be moved with emotion and reason, and everyone has to endure the pain.

But as long as there is a little confusion, this trace of recognition will not stand any test at all.

Looking at this matter again, the army was dispatched, and Zhao Tun came in awe, holding the Xianyang defenders in his hand.

Bow and crossbow arrows aimed at everyone present, and said directly: "Do you want to rebel?"

At this time, who dares to speak a word?Unless you don't want to live anymore, it's almost as good as courting death.

In many cases, force may not be able to solve problems, but then again, problems that cannot be solved by force are basically unsolvable.

"A group of mobs, get out of the way!"

Seeing this, Zhao Tun snorted again.

How dare these mobs stop them when they see this?
For a while, everyone backed away to the sides.

Seeing this, those people hiding in the crowd wanted to make trouble, but facing the crushing force of the army, they could only retreat to the sides.

"The army is moving out, follow me to rescue Master Xiao He!"

Zhao Tun didn't talk nonsense, and with an order, the army marched forward and headed for the Prime Minister's mansion.

Along the way, no one dared to stop, and everyone could only back away in horror.

On the main street, in a two-story attic, in front of the window sill, a burly man stood there quietly, looking at the scene outside, his eyes narrowed slightly.

If someone who knew him was here, he would find that this person should have stayed with the emperor in Donghu, but he had already returned to Xianyang at some point.

He is none other than Shi Potian, the former commander of the Great Qin Huben Army and now the king of the Dark Qin.

"Di Zun, I didn't expect these people to be impatient now. More than half of the [-] defenders are dispatched at the same time. This is the best opportunity. Can you immediately light up the wolf smoke and take Xianyang?"

Behind Shi Potian, a man wrapped in a black robe cupped his hands.

"That's right, Emperor Zun, once Xianyang is captured, Daqin will have no chance to turn around. Now is the best opportunity!"

On the other side, a man with a handsome face followed suit.

Shi Potian frowned slightly, and had to say, this moment is indeed a good opportunity.

This good opportunity was right in front of him, not to mention the two of them, even he couldn't help but feel a little moved.

As the army advanced, it seemed that the hundreds of thousands of people had no desire to resist, but in fact, the 10 army at this time had already been surrounded by tens of thousands of people.

As long as the chaos is completely caused at this time, and hundreds of thousands of people rush forward with the same hatred, no matter how powerful these 2 people are, they will undoubtedly die.

As long as we take down the [-] troops, and then gather all the forces in the city to take Xianyang, it will not be a problem at all.

For Shi Potian, this opportunity has been waiting for a long time.

He slowly raised his hand, pressed lightly, and was about to give an order.

But halfway through the pressure, he stopped again.


On the side, the black-robed man and the handsome man held the swords in their hands at the same time, and they were ready to fight. Seeing this, they couldn't help but shouted.

"No, don't act rashly!"

Shi Potian turned his head, frowned, and said in a deep voice.

"What does Emperor Zun mean by this? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

The two trembled in their hearts and couldn't help shouting.

They all felt that such a great opportunity was right in front of them, and it would be a pity to miss it.

"If it was you, knowing that there are dangers lurking behind the scenes, would you still dare to send troops to suppress the riot at this time?"

Shi Potian was silent for a moment, then asked coldly.

"of course not!"

The two instinctively spoke in unison.

"That's right, it's something neither of you can do. Why do you think those people are stupid enough to do it and hit the gun?"

Shi Potian narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

"Di Zun is saying that this is a game?"

The two were startled and couldn't help shouting.

Shi Potian shook his head slightly, and said: "I don't know, but not all the mediocre people in this court."

"On the contrary, as Ying Shou prospered the world, talents from all over the world gathered in Xianyang, so that inside and outside Xianyang, there are many capable people. I don't believe that there are so many capable people, and there is not even one who can clearly see the general trend! "

"Everyone who is obvious knows that this so-called rebellion itself was stirred up by us."

"These hundreds of thousands of people are a gun in our hands. If something goes wrong, we can use this gun to deal with Xianyang at any time!"

"Now, what they should do is not to suppress, but to appease. If they are forced to suppress, the result will only be counterproductive!"

"But even so, they still chose to suppress it forcefully. What does this mean?"

"I'm afraid I came prepared!"

Shi Potian's words became more solemn as he spoke, causing the hearts of the two people beside him to sink to the bottom of the valley.

The two pondered for a moment, and had to admit that Shi Potian was right.

Once it is done now, if the court is stupid, it will be easy to handle.But if you come prepared, it is really dangerous.

The mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole is behind, the crisis is unspeakable!

"Emperor, what should we do now?"

After contemplating for a moment, the two couldn't help looking at Shi Potiandao.

"Pass down the order, let everyone calm down first, wait until they figure out what's going on here, and then discuss it in the long run!"

Shi Potian sighed, after all, he still didn't make up his mind and took it down with one blow.


Those two didn't dare to bet at the moment, so they had to answer and pass on the order.

At this point, a riot was completely suppressed.

Under the leadership of Zhao Tun, the army arrived at Xiangguo's mansion unimpeded all the way.

I saw Zhao Tun got off his horse, walked in, came to Xiao He, cupped his hands and said: "Zhao Tun came late to rescue him, please forgive me, Lord Xiangguo!"

Xiao He took a deep look at Zhao Tun, sighed secretly, waved his hands, and said, "Let's go, thank you General Zhao Tun for your help, and we'll talk about the rest later!"

After speaking, Xiao He gave another order, saying: "Take away all the notebooks in the study!"

After finishing speaking, he just got up and went in, and left here safely under the protection of the army.

(End of this chapter)

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