Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1127 Where to Go

Chapter 1127 Where to Go
"Brother Tuan, why are you here!"

In Prince Yelang's Mansion, Xiang'er, who was studying, couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw Tu An coming, quickly put down the book in his hand, ran over happily, grabbed Tu An's arm, and looked excited.

"Haha, it's Xiang'er, tell me, should I call you Shan Ying or Mu Ying?"

Seeing Xiang'er, Tuan couldn't help but rubbed his little head with a smile.

Xiang'er's original name was Shanying, but Yingshou later changed it to Muying for him. Since then, in Xianyang, he basically used the name Muying.

Only his parents and those closest to him would call him Xiang'er.

"Brother can just call me Xiang'er!"

Mu Ying said with a happy smile.

He is now nine years old, but in front of Tuan, he is still young.

When he was in the southwest, he especially liked this little prince of Zhao Kingdom. Now, in Xianyang, Tu An is his best friend.

Both children are very good at things, so it is normal to play together.Moreover, King Yelang admired Tu'an very much.

Therefore, Muying would have some opinions on whoever he associates with, but Yelang Wang and his wife had no opinion at all when they walked with Tu'an.

"By the way, Brother Tu'an, why did you come here suddenly today and didn't even tell Xiang'er, so that Xiang'er can pick you up!"

Suddenly, Shepherd Eagle looked up and asked Tuan, who was much taller than him.

"Xiang'er go to study first. I'm here today to discuss something with Uncle Wang. Look, Uncle Wang sent someone to call me!"

Tuan patted Shepherd Ying on the shoulder, said, and looked up not far away.

Mu Ying turned his head to look, and saw the butler of the palace was coming quickly.

"Fu Zongshu pays homage to the prince!"

Housekeeper Fu Zongshu, this is the life bestowed by Emperor Yingshou after coming to Daqin.

Many people who defected from the southwest were given surnames by the emperor, and each chose their own surnames to be close to the surname of the Central Plains and integrate into the Central Plains. This Fu Zongshu is one of them.

"The butler is right, I wonder where Uncle Wang and the others are now?"

Tu'an nodded slightly, and asked Fu Zongshu.

"Go back to the little prince, the prince is already waiting in the lobby, because of his inconvenient legs, he can't come out to greet you, please forgive me!"

Fu Zongshu said quickly.

"It doesn't matter. Uncle's legs and feet are inconvenient. How can I bother uncle? Besides, if the younger generation visits and let the uncle welcome him, wouldn't it be frustrating for the younger generation?"

Tu An waved his hands, and while speaking, looked down at Little Shepherd Ying, and said with a smile: "Xiang'er, brother, I have something to discuss with Uncle Wang, you go to study first, if you have time, brother will come to accompany you, okay?"

Shanying nodded heavily, and said: "Okay brother, you go and do your work first, and Xiang'er will not disturb you!"

Saying that, the shepherd eagle jumped up and down, and left here happily, and continued to go back to the pavilion not far away to review the books.

"Uncle Gan, let's go!"

Watching Muying leave, Tu'an waved, and followed Fu Zongshu with Gan Hong to the lobby of the palace.

At this moment, in the lobby, King Yelang was sitting quietly at the head.

Beside him, there is also an elegant lady sitting, it is Daqin Yipin's imperial wife and princess, Li Jiang, the concubine of King Yelang.

"Tu'an pays respects to Uncle Wang and Aunt Queen!"

Tu'an walked into the hall, bowed his hands immediately, and bowed to King Yelang and his concubine.

"Tu'an, get up, don't be too polite when you meet your family!"

King Yelang smiled slightly, waved his hands, and said, "Tea!"

Li Jiang also looked Tuan up and down, and said with a smile: "Tuan is growing up now, and seeing him for three days is a change, and now he is really more and more heroic, with his father's character!"

"Tu'an, your father and your uncle Wang were good friends in the past, and they are both family members. In the future, you will often come to the house for a sit-down. You must not be polite!"

Tuan smiled slightly, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you Uncle Wang, thank you Auntie!"

With that said, Tuan came to the side and sat down, and soon someone brought tea.

After the reception was almost finished, King Yelang said strangely: "Tu'an, I heard that you came today, and you have something to discuss with this king. I don't know what it is?"

Hearing the words, Tuan didn't talk about other things, and went straight to the point, cupped his hands and said: "Uncle Wang, the thing is like this. The current situation in Daqin is more in the eyes of my uncle than my uncle. I don't know what my uncle thinks about it?"

While speaking, it was obvious that he was going to ask King Yelang for his opinion.

King Yelang's eyes flashed, he is also old and cunning now, many things, how come he just opened his mouth?

"Oh, Daqin? I don't know what my nephew thinks about this?"

King Yelang smiled slightly and asked back.

Tuan smiled wryly in his heart, he knew that this uncle seemed to be kind, but in fact he was treacherous and cunning.

Of course, this can't be called cursing, since this is the style of his own behavior, there is nothing he can do about it.

"Reporting to Uncle Wang, Tuan is young, if he is frivolous and says something wrong, I hope Uncle Wang will take offense!"

Tuan cupped his hands, and before speaking, he was polite.

"My nephew has something to say, just say it straight. In front of my family, don't beat around the bush!"

King Yelang is also an elder. Although he is old and cunning, how could he care about a young man?

"In that case, then Tuan thanked Uncle Wang!"

Tu'an got up slowly, looked out of the hall, and said: "Now Daqin, east, west and north are in emergency at the same time, it can be said to be in danger."

"And it's not hard to hear from the rumors coming from everywhere. Although the rumors are rumors, it's impossible for the students to come here. I'm afraid that Xianyang City and the southern border are in such a great crisis now!"

"A country, at this point, is full of dangers and people's grievances. It can be regarded as the end. Tu'an is the descendant of the royal family of the Zhao Kingdom, and is the successor of King Zhao hand-picked by Uncle Wang!"

"There is also Uncle Yelang, who is also the king of Yelang. Of course, the rest of the kings are also the same. They are all kings of all countries. Now they are all servants of the Great Qin Dynasty, but where their status is, they should make plans for themselves. Isn't it?"

King Yelang frowned slightly when he heard this, he couldn't help but turned his head and looked at Li Jiang.

I saw a gloomy look in Li Jiang's eyes, could it be that this young man is the first to lose his temper and is about to leave Daqin?
Once this kind of thing happens, it will be out of control.

Where there is the first, there will be the second, and then the third, and the fourth.

I believe that as long as Tuan chooses to leave, all the kings will soon be shaken and decide to leave Daqin one after another.

And what should these people do after leaving Daqin?

Of course it is to return to the motherland and reorganize the mountains and rivers?

In this way, how should the armies of various countries choose?Do you want to recognize the former king and establish the former kingdom, or continue to shed your blood for Daqin and rescue Daqin?
If the 60 troops in the southwest were to lose their morale, Daqin would really have no power to recover.And once the Great Qin is destroyed, even if the countries succeed in establishing a country, so what?Isn't it just waiting to be wiped out again?
(End of this chapter)

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