Chapter 1128
"It's not unreasonable for my nephew to say that!"

"Nowadays, the atmosphere is extremely dangerous. If you don't pay attention, the country will be in danger of subjugation. I didn't expect my nephew to see it so clearly. I don't know if my nephew said this, but he has made a plan?"

King Yelang had already planned in his heart to advance and retreat with Daqin.

But in the final analysis, this is only his plan, and it does not represent the opinions of everyone, let alone the choices of the southwestern countries.

If all the countries in the Southwest choose to betray Great Qin, he will also be powerless, but he will never be able to get out of that step.

Because he knows better than anyone else that if he takes that step, there will be no chance of turning back, and he can only fall into the endless abyss.

It's a pity, he knows that there are only a few people who can see through everything like him.Perhaps many people have noticed it, but after all, they cannot get rid of the secular kingship.

Can be a king, who is willing to be a courtier?Therefore, even if some people know the ending, they will do everything in order to sit in that position.

After all, in the final analysis, they are in Daqin, even if they are crowned kings, they are only courtiers of Qinhuang.

And when he returned to his own place, even if he was only the king of a small country, he would still appear a head short in front of Qin Huang's absolute strength.

But at the end of the day, it's all about equality.

What is identity?What does it mean to be legitimate and orthodox?This is the orthodox identity, the legitimate identity.

For this title, many people would be willing to go all out.

It is said that it is better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail. Is this the truth?

"Since Uncle Wang asks this question, Tu'an will stop beating around the bush!"

"Tu'an knows that there must be many people in the kings of the Southwest who want to restore the country. I only hate that Qin State was powerful and powerless before. Now, Qin State has too much time to take care of itself, so how can it care about other things?"

"Thus, many of the thoughts of restoring the country that have been suppressed all the time are probably just around the corner!"

Tuan cupped his hands and said seriously.

"Sure enough, a young man is a young man, and he will always be so impatient. Daqin just revealed a crisis, so he can't wait!"

King Yelang and Li Jiang looked at each other again, and they couldn't help sighing in their hearts.

"So, nephew Xian has already made a decision?"

King Yelang sighed.

"Go back to Uncle Wang, Tuan has made a decision!"

Tuan replied respectfully.

"Hey, since my nephew has already made a decision, let's change it. I don't know what's going on today, and I won't talk nonsense. I'm tired of my nephew!"

King Yelang had no choice but to offer no advice.

He is very clear that in the face of fame and fortune, no matter old or young, women or children, they will never be able to escape the temptation.

The child in front of him was only fourteen or fifteen years old after all, so it was normal for him to have such a ruthless heart.

Now that he has made a decision, it may not be that easy to pull it back.

Instead of talking too much, it is better to help him, and from today onwards, each will go his own way.

"So, Uncle Wang doesn't object to Tuan's decision?"

Tuan was taken aback, he didn't expect King Yelang to be so reasonable.He thought he needed to waste his words, but King Yelang agreed with him as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Everyone has his own aspirations. You are the king of Zhao Kingdom. Why should this king force others to make things difficult for him? You should grow up now and make your own choices. This king doesn't agree with you, but he won't oppose you either. Go ahead!"

King Yelang waved his hand and smiled wryly.

"What, didn't Uncle Wang agree with Tuan's decision just now? Why did he disapprove again in a blink of an eye? Uncle, this matter is not due to uncle's power, it must not be possible?"

"How can Tu'an convince the crowd with his own strength? The kings of the Southwest are all arrogant, and they will never listen to Tu'an's advice!"

Tuan's face changed, and he said hastily.

King Yelang frowned slightly, and Li Jiang also frowned, slightly dissatisfied, thinking that this child was a little too much.

Thinking about the old relationship in the past, they can pretend that nothing happened today. It's fine for the child to make his own decision and go his own way. Why do they have to be dragged into the water?

You know, the decision of the couple now concerns the life and death of the entire Yelang Kingdom.

Now that they have made a decision, how can they change it because of other people's few words?Not to mention it's just a kid.

"Nephew, enough is enough. You want to restore the country, and Uncle Wang will not stop you, but now you want to form a clique and win over the entire southwestern kings. Could it be that you are afraid that the movement is not big enough, and the people of Xianyang can't control you?" Can't you stay?"

King Yelang's voice became cold, and he reprimanded in a deep voice.

"Uh... Did Uncle Wang misunderstand? Tu Anke never said that he would go back to restore the country!"

Hearing this, Tuan said with a look of astonishment.

"What, don't you want to go back to restore the country? Then what did you mean by what you just said?"

King Yelang was also stunned when he heard this, what is this all about?
Uncle, the purpose of coming here this time, Tuan has already posted a letter of worship, and stated it clearly, could it be that uncle didn't read it?

Tuan was a little dumbfounded. Regarding this matter, he had already made it clear in the invitation letter.

From the moment he handed the greeting card to Queen Yelang, and King Yelang summoned him, he thought it was a joy and couldn't help but be filled with joy.

Therefore, after he came up, he only mentioned the hearts of the countries, but he didn't talk about it again. He never thought that King Yelang would misunderstand his thoughts.

"Hahaha...Nephew, do you need any greetings when you come to this palace?"

"This king once saved me and said that coming here in the future will be like returning home. This king himself didn't read this greeting card!"

King Yelang smiled, stretched out his hand to pick up a greeting card from the table beside him, opened it, and suddenly became dignified.

After waiting to finish watching, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and said with a wry smile: "The younger generation is awesome, the younger generation is awesome!"

Behind King Yelang, Li Jiang couldn't help asking: "My lord, what did Tu An write?"

King Yelang handed the greeting card to Li Jiang, Li Jiang opened it and was impressed by the content.

In fact, there is nothing shocking in this little greeting card, it just states some of King Zhao's views.

It analyzes the general situation of the world a little bit, and compares Daqin to the towering mountain, and the offensive of the Xiongnu and Donghu to the torrent.

The vassals of Daqin from the southwestern countries are like weeds and saplings on this mountain.

Where there are mountains, flowers and trees flourish naturally.If there is no mountain, even if the flowers and trees are separated, they will not be immune to the disaster of the flood, or the end of death and withering.

Therefore, Tuan decided to fight this mountain to the death.

This metaphor seems to be random, but in fact, it directly pointed out the key points and vital points, which made King Yelang and Li Jiang admire.

I didn't expect this little boy to have such a clear mind and far-sighted vision, which is really not to be underestimated.

(End of this chapter)

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