Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1129 The Man in Black

Chapter 1129 The Man in Black

"Report to my lord, that person is here again!"

Dian King's Mansion, in the lobby, Dian King Asuda has already changed his name to Duan Yanshan, and he is sitting on the first seat at the moment, drinking tea, and watching his younger brother dancing sword outside the lobby.

A Guda, now also renamed Waiduanhu, saw a wave of the long sword in his hand tearing the sky and the earth, and the tiger was like a wind, so mighty.

Every sword strike seems to open up the world.

"it is good!"

In the lobby, there was also the former Princess Ayao of the Dian Kingdom, and now the princess Duan Yao of Daqin. They applauded and applauded. The three brothers and sisters in this family seemed very harmonious.

But at this moment, suddenly broke in from outside the door, looked cautiously at Duan Yanshan who was sitting at the top, and said respectfully.

"What, these people come to the door every three days, and there is no end to it!"

Duan Yanshan was furious when he heard the words, he slapped the table next to him, and shouted angrily: "Get out and tell them, if you dare to come to the door in the future, you will be killed without mercy!"

The servant was taken aback, trembling all over, couldn't help but hastily said: "But... my lord, the man said that this is the last chance. If the lord still doesn't agree, you have to take the Qin country, and you will definitely take it!" Learn from my Dian country!"

Saying that, the servant had an aggrieved look on his face.

He is a native of Dian, and his parents and relatives are still in Dian. Even though Dian has belonged to Great Qin, he doesn't want his parents to be buried with Qin. He is afraid!
"Don't you understand what my elder brother is saying? Qin is destroyed, and it's ridiculous to use my land to vent their anger? They have the ability to destroy Qin first."

"We still need our help in this first step, and you dare to speak such wild words. Tell them, no more nonsense, I will help Qin State now and destroy them first!"

Outside, Duan Hu stepped in, and scolded angrily.

"Second Master, this..."

That servant was a little embarrassed, although he knew he shouldn't refute his master's words, but human hearts are made of flesh, he dared not put his parents in danger.

"Hey, big brother and second brother, don't embarrass him. Now Qin is in danger, and everyone is also in danger. There is no need to argue so much with a servant."

"Since those people still refuse to let go, let's meet again. After we have finished talking today, they should not come to persecute me again!"

At this moment, Princess Duan Yao spoke softly.

"Thank you princess!"

When the servant heard the words, he quickly thanked him.

Brother Duan Yanshan and Duan Hu looked at each other, then at the girl, shook their heads and sighed.


Duan Yanshan waved his hand and said in a deep voice.


The servant responded with a tone of Daqin Yingnuo, and turned to leave.

Soon, a man in black came over under the leadership of the servant.

However, just as the man in black entered the lobby, he felt a gust of wind blowing in. The next moment, before he could react, he heard a muffled sound.


The man in black felt a sharp pain in his chest, he couldn't hold his breath, and he flew straight out.

In an instant, the sky in front of him was dark, and the sky was spinning, and even his brain was beaten into a daze.


Accompanied by a clear sound, his body slammed into the ground ten meters away from the lobby, he raised his head in a daze, shook his head, and then gradually recovered his breath.

"What is the king of Dian doing?"

Blood flowed slowly from the corner of the man in black's mouth, and he got up from the ground, his voice was low and cold, and he said angrily.

On the first seat in the lobby, Dian King Duan Yanshan ignored him and just sat there quietly.

But at the entrance of the lobby, Duan Hu slowly withdrew his kicked foot, drew his long sword out of its sheath, pointed at the man in black, walked over slowly, and said coldly: "What do you mean? If I remember correctly, I This isn't the first time I've warned you, don't come looking for death, right?"

"Listen clearly, now, my brother is the county king of Qin, but you come to your door again and again to force my brother to rebel. This is to make my brother inhumane and unrighteous!"

"This is the first time, I don't have to worry about it with you, just treat it like you're farting!"

"The second time, I can also treat you as nonsense and ignorant!"

"But one is in two, don't repeat it again and again. Now, you come to the door again and again, forcing my brother Wang, that's all, how dare you open your mouth to threaten!"

"You want to persecute my brother Wang with the lives of millions of people in Yunnan, don't you? Do you really think I dare not kill you?"

"Today, you'd better give me a clear statement, otherwise, I will insist that you come and not go!"

While speaking, Duan Hu had already arrived in front of the man in black, with a long sword in his hand, he put it on the neck of the man in black without any politeness.

The man in black was shocked. He knew that the people in Dian Palace were stubborn, but he never thought that they would be so strong now.

Although he didn't promise him before, he never turned his back on him. Now, it's obvious that he intends to turn his back on him.

"Duan Hu... No, I should call your Excellency A Gu Da the Great General. What good is there for you to surrender to Qin now? Could it be that as the king of a country and the royal family, you are really willing to be lackeys and kneel down?" Under the hall, bear the status of other people's courtiers?"

"Why bother? Wouldn't it be fun for him to go back and be a king, the ruler of a country?"

The man in black was a little angry and said coldly.

"Hahaha, this Qin country is not good at all, but it also gave me a place to settle down, and gave me a piece of peace and tranquility for the people in Dian. Now I eat well here, sleep well, and live a leisurely life. , why do you have to exhaust all your efforts to restore the country, and then be busy all day long?"

In the lobby, Duan Yanshan, King of Dian, sneered, walked out slowly, and said, "Let's talk about your so-called Dark Qin, which is so good. What can you give me? A place to settle down, or give me a piece of Dian serene?"

"You don't need to promise, even if you promise, this king will not believe it. Even if you are serious, no matter how good you are, you can still just go on as usual. If this is the case, why should this king try to change the world?"

"If this king really obeys you, you will be lucky in the future, and you can still maintain the current peace. If none of you are willing, the Qin Kingdom will not be able to stop your ambitions. Isn't this king working hard to restore the country? Make a wedding dress?"

"Everyone is a sensible person, not a group of children. Don't think it's good to coax casually. In the end, what you want to use is just my name. But I will tell you today that if you want to use me, Better think about the consequences!"

While speaking, Duan Yanshan slowly came to the man in black.

Behind him, Princess Duan Yao quietly followed.

Seeing that he finished speaking, Duan Yao princess just said: "How about it, now you should hear what my elder brother and second brother said clearly? Remember, being a king is not a gun, and it is not something that anyone can use .”

"Stop trying to provoke again and again, otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"get out!"

(End of this chapter)

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