Chapter 1130
"Hahaha, so the King of Dian has already made a choice?"

The man in black smiled, the attitude of Dian Palace today was too decisive, let him know that he has no chance.

"That's right, this is my king's decision. Go back and tell your master, don't force me, otherwise, I will have to follow Qin!"

The King of Dian snorted coldly, saying without a doubt.

"Okay, since that's the case, I only hope that the king of Dian will not regret his choice today!"

The man in black gritted his teeth and said coldly.

"Hey, do you still dare to threaten people at this time? Well, if that's the case, let's leave something before leaving!"

Duan Hu sneered, the words fell, he waved his big hand, and the long sword in his hand directly tore the arm of the black silver man.


The man in black was taken aback, he was always on guard against Duan Hu, how could he be taken down so easily?
I saw his figure swaying, his speed was extremely fast, and he dodged to the side.

"Want to hide!"


Duan Hu sneered, stepped forward with one step, followed closely behind, and walked close to him in an instant.

What kind of character is Duan Hu?The land in the southwest, the strongest warrior, can be called the number one god of war in the southwestern countries.

Even if his master, Shi Potian, came here in person, he would not be a match for Duan Hu, not to mention the man in black.

As Duan Hu approached, the man in black was taken aback, and he slapped out his palm, hitting Duan Hu's chest.

However, before his palm reached Duan Hu, Duan Hu stretched out his hand and instantly clasped his palm in his hand.


With a sudden snap, the person couldn't get rid of it at all, and the bones of the entire arm were broken and dislocated.


The man in black uttered a scream, and fell to his knees directly.

The next moment, there was a flash of sword light, and Duan Hu's sword had already passed across his shoulder.

His arm flew out and landed far on the ground.


The men in black twisted together in pain, hugged their broken arms, and screamed incessantly.

"I'll let you pay a small price this time, and next time, I'll kill you without mercy!"


Duan Hu shouted angrily, majestic and unreserved.

The man in black stood up in pain, gave Duan Yanshan brothers and sisters a vicious look, and finally staggered, and fled towards the outside, leaving only a bloodstain on the ground.

On the side, the servant watched this scene quietly, with a look of struggle on his face, and finally he could only sigh heavily.

He knew that what the master had decided, from now on, there was no room for change.

I just hope that Daqin can survive, otherwise the next unlucky ones will be parents and relatives.

"Brother, when dealing with this kind of villain, you should only see blood, why bother talking nonsense with them!"

Duan Hu returned to Duan Yanyan's side, stuck his long sword on the ground, frowned and said, "It's just that big brother, these people are not easy to come, I'm afraid Qin is really in danger this time, don't you think that big brother really has a way out?" stay by yourself?"

While speaking, Princess Duan Yao couldn't help looking at Duan Yanshan, and said softly: "Yes, brother. Now we don't even have a way out, do we really want to continue to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight?"

Duan Yanshan couldn't help falling into silence when he heard the words.

He looked up at the sky, then at his younger brothers and sisters, finally looked into the distance, let out a long breath, and said: "I used to think that there would be retreats. I think left and right are retreats. Compared with choices, I I would rather choose to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight!"

"However, judging from the current situation, we may really have no way out!"

Duan Hu and Duan Yao couldn't help being moved when they heard the words.

"Brother, since this is the case, why are you so decisive?"

Duan Yao couldn't help asking.

"Hehe, there are some things, no matter how you pretend to be, or if you really mean it, you should do it!"

"Do you really think that when you come to Qin, Qin will really let us go?"

"But no one in power will be so stupid!"

"In my palace, I don't know how many court eyeliners are hidden. Qin is loose outside and tight inside, and will not give us the slightest chance!"

"If we continue to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, Qin Guo may not have any opinions. But if we dare to stab a knife in the back, Qin Guo will never be soft-hearted."

"I'm afraid that when the time comes, Qin will be wiped out before it dies. Therefore, in many cases, the so-called retreat may be a dead end!"

Duan Yanshan smiled wryly and said helplessly.

Of course he knew that Dark Qin was their one step back, but he didn't dare to choose, and he couldn't even give it a choice.

Otherwise, if you take refuge in Dark Qin, there may be a way out for the Dian Kingdom in the future, but a country that can't even keep the capital in front of you, after the peace talks?
If the Dark Qin wants the Dian Kingdom in the future, at least it needs to take down the current Qin Kingdom first.But if Qin is dissatisfied, Dian can be completely abolished now.

Which one is more important, and how to choose, the King of Dian still understands.

"Brother is saying that Qin Guo has been watching us all the time, if we really cooperate with this person, Qin Guo will attack us immediately?"

Duan Yao couldn't help asking.

"That's right, this kind of truth, everyone can understand it, do you really think that people in the dark Qin can't understand it?"

"However, even though they can see clearly, they still come and go so aboveboard. What are they trying to do? Do you really think they are trying to figure out the power in our hands?"

Duan Yanshan nodded and sneered.

"If he doesn't seek our strength, what is he seeking? After all, don't they just want our help?"

Duan Hu was puzzled.

"Help me with all my strength? It's ridiculous. Do you think that a person who can deal with the face of Qin will lack our strength?"

"In today's King Zhao's Mansion, after all, there are only two thousand soldiers, and the house guards are okay. If you go to the battlefield to fight, that is courting death."

"If you want to say that the only one that is useful, you are the only one. But do you think that Dark Qin lacks a general to command the army?"

"At the end of the day, these people have a heart to kill. All they want is a name. As long as we get closer to them, Qin will come in now."

"As soon as we die, they will immediately release the news. When the armies of the Southwest countries hear that the old master has suffered in Xianyang, what do you think they will do?"

As Duan Yanshan said, he narrowed his eyes slightly, with a look of understanding.

"It is very likely that the morale of the army will be slackened, and even chaos!"

Greeting blurted out.

"That's right, so I'm sure that these people have not only looked for this king, but also the other princes."

"They are not trying to take advantage of the situation, they are trying their best to disintegrate the pressure caused by the Huns in the armies of all the southwest countries!"

"In this case, do you still think this is a way out?"

King Dian nodded, and couldn't help but look helpless.

"Sure enough, his heart can be punished, but if this is the case, what should we do?"

Duan Yao couldn't help gnashing her teeth and said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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