Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1132 Only 1 Choice

Chapter 1132 The Only Choice
"Go back to the Prince of Dian, this matter is the intention of the Prince of Yelang, please also go to the Prince of Dian!"

The man said respectfully.

"Well, if that's the case, then this king will know. Go back and tell your master and King Yelang, this king tidy up and come right away!"

King Dian nodded slightly, without any doubt, and ordered.

He knew that this matter would definitely not be a child's decision.Otherwise, even if he is also a king, relying on that child, it is impossible for the kings to betray him.

But it's different for King Yelang. King Yelang's current prestige in the southwest is beyond the reach of King Dian.

If he summons, the kings dare not lose face, and it is hard not to lose face.


The man respectfully agreed, turned and left.

As soon as he left, Duan Yao and Duan Hu looked at Dian King Duan Yanshan at the same time.

"Brother, it seems that King Yelang can't sit still after all, and is going to go back to restore the country. Do you think we should seize this opportunity?"

Duan Hu couldn't help asking.

"Hehe, you think this Yelang King is too simple. In the whole world, I'm afraid no one can understand it better than him!"

"If it is said that this king is not afraid of death and is going to betray the Qin country, this king may believe it. But if it is said that this king Yelang is not afraid of death, this king will be the first to not believe it!"

"Don't forget that the general situation in the Southwest has been in the hands of Yelang Kingdom from the very beginning. He was the only person in the Southwest who had enough strength to deal with Qin State. But in the end, he was also the first one to surrender to Qin State people!"

"Of course, it doesn't mean that King Yelang is afraid of death, it's just that he sees it more clearly. And a person who sees more clearly, once he makes a decision, there is no possibility of changing it!"

"This time, King Yelang invited the kings to a banquet, in name to save the kingdoms, but in fact, it was just to save Qin!"

"However, it goes without saying that the mountains and rivers meet each other, and the countries and the Qin State rely on each other. Saving Qin is equivalent to saving the old country, which is understandable. So today, King Yelang will never propose the restoration of the country. !"

Duan Yanshan sneered, as if he had seen through the essence of the matter at a glance.

No one knew King Yelang better than him. After all, Dian Kingdom and Yelang Kingdom were old rivals who had fought for hundreds of years.Duan Yanshan is very clear about the virtues of King Yelang.

The so-called people who understand themselves are not necessarily friends, but they must be enemies. This is the truth.

"Oh, so the eldest brother is going to agree to this matter?"

Duan Yao asked.

"That's right, now that a decision has been made, some people should have their backs cut off. We share weal and woe, and this king must not leave any chance to disrupt Daqin, otherwise it will only backfire!"

Duan Yanshan said solemnly.

He is a wise king, if there is no Ying Shou, there will be no catastrophe in the Southwest, with his ability and skill, it is enough to make the Dian Kingdom become the largest country in the Southwest.

And as a wise king, he usually doesn't make up his mind, but once he makes up his mind, there is only one way to go, even if it is a road of no return.

The heart of a king has always been like this.

Like Ying Shou, even though he couldn't bear it in every possible way, after making a decision, he still resolutely rushed to Donghu, precisely because of this.

"Hey, it seems that this matter can no longer be changed!"

Duan Hu had no choice but to sigh, not knowing whether to be happy or not.

In his mind, the scene of Qin State oppressing others and seizing Dian Kingdom kept flashing through his mind.Various war scenes continued to flash.

That was the scene when he fought hand in hand with General Yu Wencheng of the Qin State, and entered the enemy's camp for eight hundred miles, moving back and forth like entering no one's land.

Thinking about it now, it is embarrassing.

This memory, all these years, has always been regarded as a true biography by him.Although he hated Qin Guo, how many times he dreamed back at midnight, why didn't he want to fight hand in hand again?
However, before that person sits guarding the palace gate, even if he joins the Daqin camp, is there really a chance to fight hand in hand?
The King of Dian ordered the two to go to prepare separately. After a while, the three of them appeared in the hall together, greeted them, and rushed towards the Yelang Palace.

"Son, I really didn't expect you to have such a heart at such a young age. Your father and uncle Wang, who are spirits in the sky, should also rest in peace!"

"In this way, although you have lost the hope of restoring the country, it is enough to make the hundreds of thousands of old and weak women and children in Zhao Kingdom no longer in danger. It is enough!"

Yelang Palace, as Li Jiang slowly put down the invitation card in his hand, Yelang Wang sighed and looked at the young man sitting below, with a look of relief on his face.

"Thank you, Uncle Wang, for your approval. It's just that Uncle Wang agrees with Tuan's decision?"

Tu'an's eyes lit up. From these words, he could hear the appreciation and the approval of King Yelang.

At this time, what he was afraid of was that King Yelang would not agree.As long as King Yelang agreed, it would be much easier to convince others.

After all, everyone is awake and I am alone, and everyone is drunk and I am alone. This sounds nice to say, but in fact, in reality, being different is always the most excluded and hit.

If he decided to stay and save Qin, all the kings would have the heart to restore the country.At that time, not only will he not get support, but he may even be squeezed out by the kings and suppressed, which is not what he is willing to bear.

Don't look at his young age, but at such a young age, he has experienced what he should have experienced, and he has experienced what he should not have experienced.

Now his parents are dead, the country is ruined and his family is ruined. No one knows better than him how difficult it is to shoulder the heavy burden of a country with a small body.

"Hey, child, you are right about one thing. Now Southwest and Daqin are like one body. Their lips are dead and their teeth are cold. One is prosperous and the other is damaged. No tooth can be separated from the protection of the lips, and no flower can be separated from the carrier of the mountain!"

"Now that the Great Qin is here, you and the people of all countries can enjoy the shade under the big tree, but if you don't even connect to this big tree, you really have no support, and you can only linger in the waves."

"So, saving Qin is the best choice and the only choice!"

"It's a pity that my uncle is old and doesn't have enough strength to talk about saving Qin. Some things are no longer under my uncle's control. You are still young, but you still have a chance to show your ambitions. I hope you don't let me down! "

King Yelang sighed, and when he spoke, his tone seemed a bit vicissitudes, with a feeling of a hero's twilight.

"Thank you Uncle Wang for your praise and approval. In fact, this decision was forced. During this period of time, people have been coming to threaten and lure you, so Tu'an had to make a decision."

"Speaking of which, Tu'an still has to thank these people, otherwise, I'm afraid I can only end at both ends now, and I don't know how to make decisions!"

Tuan couldn't help but look excited. So far, he knew King Yelang's decision, and he didn't even need persuasion.

(End of this chapter)

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