Chapter 1133
"What? Son, you mean, those people went to you too?"

King Yelang's expression suddenly changed, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and stared at Tu Andao.

"What does uncle mean by this? Could it be that they have also come to look for uncle?"

Tuan was taken aback, puzzled.

"Hehe, what you're talking about is the shadow that claims to be Daqin, the existence of Darkqin. Of course they have looked for this king, but they didn't expect that this group of bastards would not let go of even a single child!"

"Nephew, you are smart, otherwise you may fall into the tricks of those evil thieves without knowing it, and you will end up with nothing. You can't even protect the people of Zhao Kingdom!"

King Yelang smiled bitterly, and there was a hint of resentment in his eyes as he spoke.

Those people naturally came to look for him, but how shrewd is he, King Yelang?
At the beginning, Han Xin held the power in the Southwest, and no one could be defeated wherever the army passed, and all the countries retreated one after another, and became Han Xin's palm.

But even though Han Xin is so powerful, he cannot escape King Yelang's plot after all.

Not to mention Han Xin, even the current Emperor of Qin, Ying Shou, if he competed with King Yelang in this calculation method now, he might not be able to beat him.

If Ying Shou is like this, what are those so-called Dark Qin?
Their strategy, when they uttered the first sentence, was already guessed by Yelang King.

Say what needs their strength, needs their support.

In the eyes of the Qin State, the countries in the Southwest are nothing more than a group of small gangsters who gather together to form a powerful force.When this group of little people gather together, they may still have a little strength to speak of. Once they separate, they will be a group of scattered sand. Qin State wants to destroy it, but it's just a matter of waving.

A force that dares to compete with Great Qin needs their help?

In the final analysis, it was just to disintegrate the strength of the Southwest's gathering of crowds and efforts for Daqin.

Once they choose to touch the strength of the dark Qin, I believe that in a short while, the Xianyang defenders will be able to wash them all.

And when the time comes, once this news spreads to the ears of the 60 army in the southwest, it will definitely cause great disturbance and fall apart.

This is just one of the results, even if the result is better, they escaped the catastrophe of the Qin State, returned to their homeland, and established their homeland.

But at this time, where should the 60 troops go?

Once all the 60 troops go back, Qin really doesn't have any extra power to contend with the forces of all parties, and it will only end up in ruins.And at that time, if the Dark Qin wants to deal with them again, will it still be difficult?

Therefore, in King Yelang's view, these people are simply to be punished.

Now that they learned that they even plotted against a child, King Yelang was even more furious.

These people are simply bullying children who are ignorant. Fortunately, Tuan finally made a right decision, otherwise, I am afraid that they will have to be manipulated by these people.

"What does Uncle Wang mean by this?"

Tuan was a little puzzled, looked at King Yelang and asked.

Although he has made a decision, it is more because of his pride and responsibility. Relatively speaking, he is still young and full of enthusiasm. It is not bad to see through the Southwest countries and the Great Qin. If you want to look deeper, He can't do it.

At least so far, he doesn't have that vision.

"Yes, Lord Yelang, these words are too sensational, right?"

Behind Tu An, Gan Hong couldn't help raising his head and asking.

He is just a generation of generals, so he naturally has a great say in the affairs of the battlefield, but in terms of these political conspiracies, he is not as good as old men like King Yelang.

Therefore, what people like King Yelang can see, he may not be able to see.

Relatively speaking, he even wants to go back to restore the country.It's just that the little master has already made a decision, so he can only support it, otherwise why would he come here to listen to so much nonsense?

"General Gan Hong, this statement is by no means alarmist, just listen to this king's way, and you will know the truth!"

King Yelang didn't regard Tu'an and Gan Hong as outsiders, and immediately said what he was thinking.

After listening to it, Tu An and Gan Hong were already covered in cold sweat.

"His heart can be punished, really his heart can be punished!"

Tuan slapped the table next to him, and flew into a rage.

"Thank you uncle for your guidance, otherwise Tuan would have been kept in the dark without knowing it. I never thought that this mistake would escape me. Thinking about it now, it's embarrassing!"

Then, Tu'an got up and bowed to King Yelang.

At this moment, he discovered that there is an old man in the family, such as a treasure, it is so real.

If my uncle Wang or Jun father were here today, it is impossible not to see the truth of this.

It's a pity that the county mansion and Uncle Wang have already died in battle. Fortunately, King Yelang did not dislike him and confide the truth to a junior like him. In the end, it was sold and had to count the money for others.

"Yes, thank you Lord Yelang for your guidance, otherwise today, I'm afraid it will be a catastrophe!"

"This Anqin is so despicable that he has driven us to a dead end invisibly!"

"In this way, the young master's decision now has become the most wise and decisive decision!"

Gan Hong also came out, bowed to King Yelang, and said with gratitude and admiration.

After all, although King Yelang was not very old in front of him, he was a real elder to his little master.

Now that King Yelang said what he said, he regarded his little master as a family member, how could he dare to treat King Yelang as an outsider?

"Children, General Gan Hong, you don't have to be too polite. At present, what this king is most worried about is not your side."

"At least for now, you have already made a decision, but the rest of the princes have not made a decision so far!"

"If this dark Qin casts a net everywhere to win over the princes, I'm afraid that even if we choose the team in the end, we still won't be able to save the overall situation!"

King Yelang waved his hand, and couldn't help feeling weak for a while while speaking.

It was only now that he discovered the crisis.

Originally, he thought that he was the only one that Anqin had found, but now that it was confirmed that Tu'an had not let him go, King Yelang was sure that the other kings must also be in Anqin's scheme.

People's hearts are unpredictable, and Tu'an is young and can think about the overall situation, but it doesn't mean that the kings also have this awareness.

As long as someone who can't resist the temptation and wants to take power, these people can only be used. In the end, no one sells it, and they have to count the money for others.

The key point is that it is difficult for King Yelang to say anything about this matter.

Could it be that he has the ambition to restore the country, and you still have to stop it?You have no reason in itself, and what you say is fart to others.

Unless you have absolute strength to oppress others so that they dare not move at all, as long as you dare to say that, others will immediately unite to suppress you, which put King Yelang in a dilemma for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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