Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1135 The Kings Gather

Chapter 1135 The Kings Gather
"Sure enough, it's a dish from both the military and the government. I didn't expect that the former Donghu envoys have now become my Daqin imperial envoys. It's really incredible. Now that my lord is visiting the humble house, I hope you will forgive me for my negligence!"

After reading the disc article, King Yelang completely agreed with Jun Wuyou's identity, and couldn't help but clasped his hands and said.

"You are polite, next, you have to trouble the prince!"

Jun Wuyou took back the dish, walked to the side and sat down, and said with a smile.

"Hey, Tuan, what's the matter with you kid? Since you invited the kings, why didn't you tell the old man first?"

King Yelang looked at Sudden, seemingly a little angry, but he couldn't help but smile.

He didn't expect to be able to do things so quickly at such a young age, so he tried to convince himself here, and he had already started calling the kings to discuss matters there.

"It's just a child. After all, you have some contact with the kings. It may not be easy for them to listen to you and come to discuss matters."

"In this way, I will order my servants to prepare the banquet, and I will draw up the invitations myself later, and invite all the kings to come!"

While speaking, King Yelang thought of something and changed his words again.

"Ahem, Uncle Wang, I'm afraid there is no need for this. Some things are also my fault, and I didn't make it clear to Uncle Wang for a while!"

"The thing is like this, my nephew also knows that no one among the kings speaks lightly, and dare not order the Quartet, so I sent out the invitation card before, and in the name of Uncle Wang, the kings should have already set off now!"

Tu'an looked embarrassed, after all, he was a young man, and he was a little embarrassed to see King Yelang's face for a while.

Then he thought about it, King Yelang treated him so well, as if he was his own life, but he used King Yelang in this way, out of emotion and reason, after all, it was a bit unreasonable.

"What? You sent the invitation in the name of the king?"

When King Yelang heard this, his face was really bright.

But it was not as angry and gloomy as Tuan imagined.On the contrary, she looked helpless, with a hint of surprise.

"Good boy, you are capable, and you know how to use your strength to fight. It is commendable. Don't worry, uncle will not blame you. Since you have already done something, uncle will accompany you to the end!"

"But you have to pay attention, kid. It's good to know how to use people, but you have to think clearly before doing things in the future."

"Today, the king doesn't care about you, but in the future, it doesn't mean that others can be used by you. If you don't use it well, it will backfire!"

"Remember, before using people, you must be 100% sure, otherwise you will easily hurt yourself!"

Taking a deep breath, King Yelang didn't blame him, but just reminded him a little as an elder.

For the children of ordinary families, everyone hopes that it is better to be honest.

Honestly, everyone likes it.

But a truly honest person is not suitable for being in the officialdom, let alone being a king.

In the eyes of others, using people is extremely abhorrent.But as a king, what I have to do is to turn the power of the whole world into my use.

If you can't use people well, how can you use the whole world?
Therefore, as an elder, King Yelang, who did not regard Tuan as an outsider, was not angry with Tuan's actions, on the contrary, he was a little happy.

If my descendants can also have this awareness, I should also be smiling.

"Thank you, Uncle Wang, for your forgiveness. Thank you, Uncle Wang, for your suggestions. In the future, whenever my nephew doesn't understand something, if I come to disturb you, please ask Uncle Wang not to get angry!"

Tu'an couldn't help being moved when he heard this.

I thought King Yelang would be angry, but I didn't expect King Yelang to pamper himself like an elder.

It's all about pampering, and I would like to mention a few words for myself.

These few words may sound like neat warnings to children from other families, but Tuan is a smart boy.

He knew that this was the elder's sincerity.Only when you truly treat yourself as a family member will you speak like this.

Otherwise, why did King Yelang warn like this?I'm afraid I wish you could do more wrong things and end up in trouble.

"Thank you, my lord, for supporting my young master so much. In the future, whenever there is a need, Gan Hong will definitely go through fire and water, and I will not hesitate to do so!"

Gan Hong then cupped his hands and said seriously.

"Okay, sit down, don't talk about this, and prepare to entertain distinguished guests!"

King Yelang didn't talk nonsense, waved his hands, and shouted: "Come here, the kings are here, prepare a banquet immediately, don't neglect!"


Two guards walked outside the door, and promised, soon, the whole palace became lively.

The servants and maidservants are busy everywhere, especially in the kitchen, where they are extremely busy.

Not long after, the courtyard outside the lobby was already filled with lights, and the banquet tables and chairs newly launched by Daqin were placed one by one, with a total of more than a dozen tables.

After all, although there are only 23 princes and marquises, they will always bring their personal retainers with them. There are not only the positions of the kings, but also the positions of those personal retainers.

On this side, Yelang Palace is still busy, on the other side, the kings have already arrived.

"Waiting for Ding Yuan to arrive!"

Accompanied by a loud shout, the former descendants of Dingding King's family, now Dinghou Ding of Great Qindian, came to Yelang Palace.

Because after these people integrated into the Great Qin Dynasty, they were basically given new lives by the Emperor Qin Yingshou because of the characteristics of their respective countries.

For example, King Yelang, whose surname is Mu, is relatively Central Plains, so he used his original surname and first name.The Dian Wang family changed their surname to Duan.

This descendant of King Ding Ding, of course, was also changed to Ding.This Ding Yuan is the current head of the Ding clan.

Because he was named a Marquis in Daqin, he was called Diandinghou.

"South Burma Hou Guo Yun is here!"

Another loud shout, among the kings of the Southwest, the descendants of the King of Nanmian, the current Marquis of Nanmian, came to Yelang Palace with the name Guo Yun.

"Dian King Duan Yanshan is here!"

With another loud shout, the former king of Dian, Asuda, and now Duan Yanshan, brought his younger brother Duan Hu and younger sister Duan Yao to Yelang Palace.

Just like that, amidst loud shouts, the princes arrived one after another.

The so-called princes, in fact, there are many earls among them, but after all, they are all descendants of the former kings, so everyone is used to addressing them as princes.

As the sky gradually darkened, all the kings arrived one after another, and for a while, the Yelang Palace became very lively.

King Yelang has many heirs of concubines, and they are all placed in other courtyards now.Even Li Jiang, King Yelang used to serve her by his side, but she still insisted on taking her son Muying and left here.

After all, what these people are talking about next is big things. She can take her son to listen not far away, but she doesn't want to get involved.

This may be a habit. Daqin has always disliked the harem's participation in politics. When Mu Nan became the queen of Yelang, as a prince, she never participated in politics, or even listened to politics.So much so that nowadays, it is not bad to be able to listen on the sidelines, let alone participate in politics.

The reason why I listened in was because I wanted my son to get in touch with these things more, so as not to go out in the future without any experience and suffer a disadvantage.

(End of this chapter)

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