Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1136 Go straight to the ground

Chapter 1136 Go straight to the ground
" all come to our mansion today, it really shines on the wall, and I am honored by this king!"

"Come on, set up a banquet today, we are all in the southwest, we are all a family, don't be polite, just take your seats, just take your seats!"

"My king's legs are inconvenient. I can't get up to greet you in person. I hope to forgive you, forgive me!"

In the courtyard, watching the gathering of the kings, King Yelang sat in a wheelchair, clasping his hands in all directions, laughing loudly, with a proud face.

"King Yelang is welcome, you should eat and drink, but come today, everyone, don't beat around the bush, sit down and talk about business first!"

"The matter of eating and drinking will be discussed later, everyone is not short of this bite, the business is the most important thing!"

As soon as King Yelang finished speaking, Duan Yanshan, king of Dian, came to the four-corner table in front of King Yelang, sat down directly on the left hand side, opened his mouth, and went straight to the point.

In the final analysis, today's banquet was held by King Yelang, and as the master, no matter what, the master's seat belonged to King Yelang.

But today's banquet arrangement is not the same as it used to be.Four corner tables, four people per table.

King Yelang took the main seat, and being able to sit with King Yelang was a status symbol.

The Kingdom of Dian, once the two major kingdoms in the southwest, was questioned by the two overlords, and the King of Dian was naturally qualified to sit at this table.

You let King Yelang occupy it. The position of the left hand is of course his King Yelang's.

"That's right, that's right. If that's the case, please sit down, let's get straight to the point today, so there's no need to talk nonsense!"

"Son, sit here!"

King Yelang smiled awkwardly. Yelang Kingdom and Dian Kingdom have always been at loggerheads. The relationship between the two countries was a coincidence for hundreds of years.

King Yelang didn't care. After arranging everyone to sit down, he greeted Tu'an and asked Tu'an to sit on his right hand.

Although this position is not as good as the left-hand position, being able to sit here can be regarded as being superior to others.

This was to promote the child Tuan on purpose, and for a while, many people around him showed dissatisfaction.

No one even sat down on the seat opposite King Yelang, and everyone went to other seats to wait quietly, just looking at King Yelang like this.

Didn't you just get straight to the point?They are here today to see what King Yelang's plans are and whether he really decided to go back to restore the country.

As for Jun Wuyou, although he has already arrived, in the final analysis, he is a member of the imperial court, and he does not want to show up before these people have made a thorough decision.As for what kind of identity to show up in the end, that is another matter.

"Okay, King Dian is right. Since everyone is here, this king will not beat around the bush. Presumably everyone has already received the invitation that this king sent out before. Today's theme, of course, is to save the country. !"

After everyone sat down, King Yelang didn't beat around the bush, and got straight to the point when he opened his mouth, saying, "About this matter, what should I say, there is one thing that I have to mention."

"Just these days, people have been coming to my Prince Yelang's mansion, trying to attract me. This person claims to be the shadow of the Qin Kingdom, and also calls himself the Dark Qin. I don't know what you think about this?"

After everyone sat down, King Yelang didn't beat around the bush, Jun Wuyou was still waiting behind the lobby, he cut directly to the point and said.


Everyone was startled when they heard the words. Some people couldn't help but look at me and I look at you, while others bowed their heads secretly, showing no expression of emotion or anger.

King Yelang was secretly looking at these people, King Dian was also looking at these people secretly, and King Zhao was also looking at these people.

Needless to say, the three of them are well-aware people, and they can tell at a glance that each of the princes and princes present has been recruited by the dark Qin.

It's just that there are some words, although King Yelang made it clear, no one dared to speak after all.

After all, this is Great Qin, and all the princes and princes are now the subjects of Qin. At this time, calling for the restoration of the country in Xianyang City is courting death.No matter how stupid a person is, he would not do such a thing.

Including King Dian, although he had already made a decision, he didn't dare to get it right the first time. Following the straightforward words of King Yelang, he was a little surprised.

But it's all right if King Yelang doesn't say it. When King Yelang said it, he instantly understood what King Yelang was thinking.

They are all people who are alive and well, who doesn't understand who?

Dare to mention this matter openly on such an occasion, unless he wants to die, he dare not talk about restoring the country at all.

Then, King Yelang has only one choice, to give up restoring the country and save Qin with all his strength.

This point, in fact, has long been in the budget of the King of Dian. After all, King Yelang was the first person who was willing to vote for Qin. Do not believe.

As a qualified king, you can be mean and shameless, and take advantage of everything, but you must not be capricious.Therefore, he did not believe that King Yelang would turn against Qin.Instead, he will save Qin.

The current situation is constantly showing that all his conjectures are correct.

"Oh, King Yelang, you said that the people called An Qin came to you. I don't know what they mean? Did they represent Da Qin, or what? Could it be that the Qin State finally couldn't stand our group of so-called kings? , ready to attack us?"

The king of Dian pretended to be confused and pretended not to know.

When everyone heard the words, they also quickly looked at King Yelang.

In fact, everyone knows what the dark Qin represents, but now, they want to know how King Yelang plans to choose.

When everyone was looking at King Yelang, only King Yelang gave King Dian a weird look.

"Old Fox!"

King Dian cursed secretly in his heart, and couldn't help but sneer.

It is said that the one who knows oneself best is always the enemy, this sentence is absolutely true.Just as King Dian knew King Yelang very well, King Yelang also knew King Dian.

He didn't believe that the King of Dian couldn't understand what he meant, and he even didn't believe that Anqin hadn't gone to find the King of Dian.

At this time, the King of Dian pretended to be confused, obviously not trying to find out about himself, but about everyone present.

"Hehe, it seems that everyone present doesn't believe anyone!"

"Here, my king's sincerity has been shown. I hope everyone will stop pretending to be confused!"

"Since everyone still wants to hide their clumsiness, then I will speak again. Dark Qin does not belong to Da Qin, but an anti-Qin force."

"How powerful this force is, I think everyone knows it in their hearts, there is no need to hide it!"

"According to what they said, the southern border of Great Qin is now under their control. There are already large armies inside and outside Xianyang. It only takes one opportunity to immediately conquer Great Qin from south to north. At that time, Xianyang will be the first to win! "

"And their solicitation will make this king oppose Qin!"

King Yelang was not stupid either, he once again went straight to the point on the words of King Dian, and directly opened up today's topic with his words.

(End of this chapter)

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