Chapter 1137
King Yelang's straightforwardness once again ushered in the crowd looking at each other in blank dismay, and they couldn't help guessing in their hearts.

After all, many people don't understand, what does King Yelang mean by this?What do you want to show by raising these.

For a moment, everyone at the scene fell into silence again, and no one opened their mouths to answer.

Seeing this, King Yelang shook his head and smiled wryly, and King Dian couldn't help but also shook his head wryly. Tu'an, who had an immature face, was even more contemptuous.

"Hehe, it seems that everyone is unwilling to open this mouth, right?"

"Okay, since everyone is afraid to answer this question, let me answer it!"

"Recently, the people from Dark Qin have also come to look for this king. According to them, in recent days, all the kings have been their targets. Many of them have even reached an alliance with them!"

"This king knows that once such a thing is said in Xianyang, Great Qin, it will be a death penalty!"

"However, the King of Japan doesn't want to beat around the bush today, let alone call out those people with ulterior motives. I just want to say that everyone should be safe and sound. When it's time to make a decision, you have to make a decision!"

"My king's decision has been made. Before this, I don't care what everyone's decision is, but after this, I hope that everyone will act according to my king's mind!"

"Otherwise, I'm afraid you will feel a little uncomfortable if the general under the king of Japan is here today!"

"Now this king has something to show, please watch it aside!"

Seeing that everyone was silent, at this moment, King Dian spoke again. While speaking, he waved his hand and said, "Duan Hu, present the things!"

At the other table, Duan Hu hurriedly got up, walked over carrying a long wooden box, placed it on the table in front of King Yelang, and stretched out his hand to open it.

Everyone around rushed up and looked down, only to see a bloody arm placed in the box, which looked very dazzling.

"At this time!"

Everyone was shocked at the same time, and they couldn't help their expressions changing.

Including King Yelang and King Zhao, everyone looked at King Dian at the same time, not understanding what King Dian meant by sending this severed arm.

"Looking at the appearance of you all, you seem to be very surprised, right?"

"Brother Yelang, we discerning people don't tell lies, and this king knows that you have already made a choice."

"Although you and I have always been hostile, today, after all, we have come to the same path."

"Since that's the case, let's be frank. This king knows that Dark Qin has recruited a lot of people this time, and many of them must have signed a covenant with Dark Qin."

"But they both come from the southwest, and they are all in the same vein. There are some things that I don't want to get to the bottom of it. Even if I made a wrong choice before, it's the same if I choose again now!"

"Of course, there is another sentence here. This king will give it to everyone present. The arm in front of him is the person sent by Anqin to contact this king. It must be self-evident that this king cut off his arm. !"

"That's right, between Fuguo and Fuqin, this king ultimately chooses to help Qin. Before, everyone chose to side with Dark Qin, or choose to Fuqin."

"But today, I'll give you another chance. It's best to stand with me, otherwise, I can only say I'm sorry!"

"The emperor of Qin, with a kind heart, may not bear to kill you and others. But this king can replace you. If you die in the hands of this king, I am afraid that the southwestern army will not dare to oppose Qin. It will not be possible at that time. I will bear the crimes of this king. I want to see what the southwestern army can do to me!"

Seeing the surprised expressions on everyone's faces, King Dian spoke again, and his words directly indicated his choice, as well as King Yelang's choice.

At the same time, it interrupted everyone's retreat.

In a word, I know there must be people who you chose to betray Daqin before, but I will not allow anyone to pursue them, so you can be innocent.

But today, everyone has to choose again for me.Right or wrong only lies in whether you are on my side or on my opposite side.

Choose to stand on my side, and I will treat you as right, and choose to stand on my opposite side, then I have no choice but to fight.

Some things are inconvenient for Qin to do, but I can't control so much.

If Qin kills you, it may stir up civil uprisings and lead to chaos in the southwestern army.But I killed you, who dares to say a word?
Even if the southwestern army wants to blame, they can only blame this king. In the end, they have to obediently serve Daqin according to this king's wishes.Therefore, your death is in vain.

Under such circumstances, what else can people say?
Apart from choosing to help Qin, it can only be a dead end.

For a moment, everyone's faces became ugly.

This banquet is called a banquet, but in fact, there is no good banquet, and there will be no good meeting.At the same time, what was supposed to be the stage for the kings suddenly became the stage for King Yelang and King Dian.

After the whole banquet, basically only King Yelang and King Dian were left to perform, and the rest could only stand aside and watch.

At first, King Yelang's speech was still cryptic, and he didn't show his scheming.But King Dian was even more straightforward, directly interrupting everyone's retreat.

Everyone looked aside, only to see that Duan Hu had raised a long sword at some point in his hand and rubbed it lightly there.

Seeing the silver light of the long sword, it seemed that it would drink blood at any time, which made everyone's hearts feel cold for no reason.

"Hahaha, well, since there are some matters, Brother Dian has already spoken, and this king has to give it to me!"

"Since Brother Dian said not to pursue it, there are some things that naturally don't need to be pursued!"

"Today, Brother Dian presented you with a big gift to show your heart. I am not stingy. Here, I also have a big gift for you. Please accept it!"

Contrary to everyone's fear and dissatisfaction, King Yelang suddenly laughed, clapped his hands, and said, "I invite you, my lord imperial envoy!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was even more uproarious?

What, my lord?

Isn't Qin Huang now in Donghu?Why is there an imperial envoy here?
Everyone's imagination was boundless, but at this moment, a Xiaosi came out with a helpless Jun Wuyou.

Jun Wuyou is not stupid, from the conversation between King Cai Dian and King Yelang just now, he also heard that although these two kings chose to side with the Great Qin, their lips were dead and their teeth were cold, and these people did not want the other kings to suffer.

Therefore, they do not intend to let the kings express their choices first, so as not to settle the score later.

But Jun Wuyou doesn't care about this.After all, as a big country, it should have the heart of a big country.

What kind of big country is it if it can't accommodate even the slightest thoughts of others?
Today, whether it is persecution or strong crushing, King Yelang and King Dian, who are the most capable kings among the kings, have already chosen to stand in line with Daqin. As long as the rest follow suit, there will be no other problems.

Therefore, whether these people are voluntary or forced, Jun Wuyou doesn't care too much.

(End of this chapter)

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