Chapter 1138
"Your Majesty, you have no worries, His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor has granted you a great imperial envoy to pay homage to all princes, marquises, and the Earl!"

Jun Wuyou came before the crowd, cupped his hands slightly, and said with a smile on his face.

Everyone was startled, and of course everyone present knew Jun Wuyou.

Before, he made a fuss in the court, causing turmoil in the whole Great Qin Dynasty, and it was difficult to know him or not.

It's just that no one thought that he would appear as the imperial envoy of the Great Qin Dynasty.

"Hey, who am I? Isn't this Donghu envoy Jun Wuyou? Why did he become my Daqin imperial envoy instead?"

"That's right, Donghu's envoys are my imperial envoys, what does that mean?"

Everyone at the scene, following the words of King Dian, was already suffocated and very annoyed, but now when they saw Jun Wuyou coming out, they immediately opened their mouths to sarcasm.

Even King Dian was speechless.

Isn't this the envoy of Donghu? Why did he become an imperial envoy of the Great Qin today?
He couldn't help looking towards King Yelang, since Jun Wuyou appeared in King Yelang's mansion, King Yelang should know many things.

He didn't think that King Yelang would mess around with Jun Wuyou's identity, unless he wanted to court death.

Therefore, the King of Dian wanted to get information from King Yelang, so Jun Wuyou wondered if he was an imperial envoy of the Great Qin Dynasty.

Faced with his doubts, King Yelang nodded slightly, expressing his meaning.

Seeing this, King Dian looked back and didn't ask any more questions.

"Hehe, my lords and lords, before now, Wuyou was indeed an envoy of Donghu!"

"Of course, Daqin is the first-class country in the world. As a big country, one should have the world in mind and have the capacity to accommodate people. So what if he is a foreign minister?"

"It's not that Wuyou thinks highly of me, but at least Wuyou doesn't dare to underestimate himself, thinking that he is a useless person."

"Since he is a useful person, under the tolerance of a big country, even if he is a foreign minister, as long as he can serve Qin, my Great Qin Emperor will still open his heart to accommodate him!"

"Like me, Jun Wuyou, and everyone else, isn't it enough to show all of this?"

"If my Great Qin Emperor didn't have this tolerance, I'm afraid that you would be the first ones I couldn't tolerate. But you are still alive now, so you can imagine what kind of gentleman my Great Qin Emperor is!"

Facing the ridicule of the crowd, Jun Wuyou was not angry, he smiled slightly, and said something that made people speechless.

That's right, what's wrong with Jun Wuyou being a foreign minister?
Everyone present, should you be the king of all countries?

The so-called king does not see the king. Nowadays, all countries have basically perished, but if these people exist, there is a possibility of resurgence at any time.

According to the truth, the emperor of Qin shouldn't be ignorant.But now that they are still alive, it is equivalent to Qin Huang accepting them.

A person who can accept even his opponents, so what if he accepts a foreign minister?
This does not seem to be a surprising statement!
Seeing that everyone was speechless, Jun Wuyou stepped forward slowly, stood with his hands behind his back, and said with a smile: "Everyone, since Wuyou has already come out today, let's not talk nonsense!"

"Although my Great Qin Emperor is tolerant, this magnanimity should not be trampled upon. Therefore, Wuyou will speak frankly about some things. Please forgive me if I say it in a bad way!"

"Everyone should have understood what King Dian said just now. That's right, Wuyou also knows that before this, many people were probably out of their minds and secretly betrayed me, Great Qin!"

"But in the final analysis, some things, even if you have made a decision, but haven't put it into action, then you don't have to take it seriously. I, Daqin, have such a heart like the sea!"

"Great Qin Law, killing people does not punish one's heart, before a complete betrayal, all thoughts are just thoughts."

"So, in order not to affect the relationship between me, Daqin and everyone present, Wuyou made the decision on behalf of the Daqin emperor whether or not everyone colluded with that dark Qin before, and we will never pursue it."

"Even if people from Dark Qin want to speak out in the future, Wuyou will shut them up forever!"

"But today, since you are here, you must give Wuyou an affirmative answer!"

"Of course, Wuyou is not as powerful as the King of Dian. After all, my Daqin's ability to accommodate people is by no means fake. Whether you choose to support Qin or oppose Qin, Wuyou has no opinion."

"Not only do I have no objection, but if someone insists on going back to restore the country, Wuyou can not only assure you that Daqin will not touch him, but will even personally send him out of Xianyang City. As far as my Daqin can do, he will be safe and worry-free !"

When these words were spoken, everyone present was shocked again.

They suddenly discovered that today's banquet was simply magnificent. Between Jun Wuyou, King Dian and King Yelang, every word you said to me was simply challenging everyone's inner ability to accept.

This one went straight to the point, and the gift showed scheming, interrupting everyone's retreat.Another one appeared, generous and magnanimous, clearly leaving a way out for everyone, but who would dare to accept the way out he gave?
"My lord's words are a bit duplicity, right? If someone present really chooses to leave, even if Daqin can tolerate it, how can he let the tiger go back to the mountain?"

"At least, even if Daqin can do it, this king can't do it!"

At this moment, King Dian spoke coldly.

He seemed a bit contemptuous of Jun Wuyou's words, it was simply duplicity.

Others are going to turn against you, and you are still doing your best to protect the safety of others, what are you kidding?
This state of Qin should not be called Daqin at all, but Dashantang.

This idea was not only from the King of Dian, but everyone present also had the same idea.

At least, they don't believe that there are such stupid people in this world, let alone a country.

"Hehehe, the king of Dian has misunderstood Wuyou!"

"What I said today, Wuyou dares to swear to the sky, every sentence is true. The reason why you say this, everyone, don't forget the meaning in Wuyou's words. It is to protect your safety within your power!"

"Why do you say that you are protected as much as you can? Since you are against Qin, and I, Da Qin, will not kill you, shouldn't you be safe and sound?"

"But actually, Wuyou wants to tell everyone that if everyone thinks this way, it is a big mistake."

"If you really decide to restore the country and give up Daqin. Wuyou tells you that the one who wants to kill you the most will never be Wuyou, Daqin, but your self-righteous backers, those who dare not even show their faces s things!"

Jun Wuyou shook his head and smiled. While speaking, he changed the subject and said with a sneer: "Do you really think that there is a time when there is a pie in the world? I'm not afraid to tell you that strength is something that I have always won by myself. Relying on others' charity is simply It's a joke!"

"Do you really think that the so-called Dark Qin, they are interested in your strength? A person who dares to fight against me, Da Qin, can't take you guys seriously. What they want is just your lives! "

(End of this chapter)

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