Chapter 1139

Jun Wuyou's words made the Dian King, who was still sarcastic before, speechless. King Yelang and King Zhao were also speechless.

According to what Jun Wuyou said before, of course several people would only think that he is hypocritical.But the last words are the real truth.

As long as these people dare to oppose Qin, the first one to deal with them cannot be Qin, but the dark Qin forces.

Because what the dark Qin forces want is their lives, not their strength.

But King Dian and King Yelang could figure out such a thing, and King Zhao also understood it after being reminded by King Yelang, but the rest of them couldn't figure it out.

In their view, what Jun Wuyou said was just a joke, nothing more than trying to scare everyone.

To put it bluntly, she became a whore and wanted to build a memorial archway.

However, everyone thought about these words in their hearts, but they dared not say them in person.Otherwise, the current Jun Wuyou appears here as a great imperial envoy, and offending Jun Wuyou is offending Daqin, and they will bear it.

"Looking at you, it seems that you don't really believe in Wuyou's words!"

"Since that's the case, Wuyou has a gift for everyone today, and I hope everyone will accept it!"

Seeing the contempt on everyone's face, Jun Wuyou smiled helplessly. How can I say that no one will believe the truth?
He clapped his hands and shouted: "Come on, bring the gift!"

Outside the gate of the palace, there were people squatting all the time, just in time to hear Jun Wuyou's voice here.

As Jun Wuyou's voice fell, the man immediately turned and left, and began to arrange.

In the palace compound, everyone had black lines on their faces.

What does this mean?Did you come to the banquet today, or to witness the gift?

The king of Dian presented a gift to a severed arm.King Yelang presented a gift and pulled out a great Qin imperial envoy.Now the Great Qin imperial envoy also offered gifts.

What exactly do you want to express in this one after another?
It didn't take long to wait, and soon, a group of people came in from outside.

Every two people carried a stretcher, and the stretchers were obviously filled with dead bodies, all of which were covered with white cloths.

"This is?"

I saw more than 30 corpses carried in a row, almost forty corpses.

Count carefully, no more, no less, exactly 28, everyone at the scene was stunned.

Why bring so many corpses in?Is this the so-called ritual?
"My lord, what do you mean by bringing so many corpses in as a gift?"

"That's right, could it be that this is the so-called ceremony by Mr. Jun?"

Someone was dissatisfied, frowned, looked at Jun Wuyou and blamed him.

This is still at the banquet, although everyone is not in the mood to use chopsticks, but you can't disgust people with so many corpses, can you?

"That's right, everyone, this is the gift Wuyou wants to present to everyone today!"

"There is something that Wuyou had nothing to say. But today, the gift from King Dian just gave Wuyou a chance to speak!"

"If Wuyou read it correctly, the severed arm that King Dian sent up should be a right arm. You might as well go forward and open it to see if the word 'dark' is tattooed on the right arm."

Jun Wuyou stood with his hands behind his back, and said with a smile on his face.

When everyone heard this, they were not only stunned.

"Come here, open it and see if there is a 'dark' tattooed on it!"

King Yelang was unambiguous, he seemed to have understood Jun Wuyou's meaning, and as soon as he gave an order, someone stepped forward and took off the sleeve on the severed arm.

Everyone looked intently, and sure enough, they saw the word 'dark' tattooed on the arm.

"What does this mean?"

Everyone withdrew their gazes, looked at Jun Wuyou in puzzlement and asked.

"What does it mean, this point, you go to these corpses in front of you and open their right arms, will you know soon?"

Jun Wuyou smiled slightly, and made a gesture of invitation.

Everyone was stunned again, but only heard King Yelang speak again: "Come here, open the right arms of all the corpses at once!"

Hearing this, someone immediately stepped forward and ripped off the sleeves of the right arms of the corpses in front of them.

It doesn't matter if it is not torn apart, once it is torn apart, everyone can't help but stare.

"It's all code words?"

Everyone secretly gasped, and instantly understood what Jun Wuyou meant. This was to show the identities of these people, and they were all from Anqin.

But even if these people are all from Anqin, what does it have to do with them?
At this moment, Jun Wuyou spoke again, and said, "Everyone should be very curious, why Wuyou wanted to prove the identities of these people. I am not afraid to tell you that these people are all from Anqin. The 38 people are all first-class Experts. Around your mansions, without exception, there is at least one first-class expert hidden, waiting to be assassinated at any time!"

"Among them, Yelang Palace and Dian Palace have the most masters in ambush!"

"To put it bluntly, if it weren't for the covert protection of my Great Qin master, you might have fallen quietly by now."

"Wuyou came here today, and deliberately dug out all these people who were buried in the dark, a total of 38 first-class experts, and specially presented them. Now, everyone should understand what Wuyou means?"

While speaking, Jun Wuyou smiled.

When everyone heard this, their expressions suddenly changed.

"What, people from Dark Qin dare to be so bold and want to assassinate us?"

"Damn it, what do these people mean? They secretly contacted me and at the same time wanted to control me to death. It's just too deceitful!"

"Jun Wuyou, do you have evidence for what you said?"

Everyone was furious, and their teeth itched with hatred for a while.

Only King Yelang, King Dian and King Zhao kept their eyes on their noses, their noses, their noses, their noses, their noses, their noses, their noses, their noses, and their hearts.

Although King Zhao is young, he is not stupid.

He has a top warrior sitting next to him, isn't it ridiculous that ordinary first-rate masters want to ambush him?

I'm afraid that he was caught out just after the ambush started.So he dared to be sure that there was no one from Anqin ambushing around him at all.

As for sending a top expert to ambush, that's even more of a joke.

Although there are quite a few of these top-notch masters, they are not as many as dogs, let alone top-notch masters.

Even in a country as strong as Great Qin, top players are very rare.This dark Qin sent a top expert to target him for a powerless person. Isn't that a joke?
Therefore, he immediately concluded that Jun Wuyou would tell lies.

But he didn't need to expose them. In fact, he also knew that once they escaped from Da Qin's protection, Dark Qin would be the first to let them go.On this point, he believed in King Yelang's judgment very much.

And things that even a child can understand, let alone the two old fritters, King Yelang and King Dian.

At a glance, the two saw through the lies in Jun Wuyou's words.But there is no need for the two of them to tear it apart.

After all, they have all chosen the same front, and they all know the purpose of Jun Wuyou's doing so.If it is exposed at this time, what is it if you are not asking for trouble?
Only a fool would do something stupid like that.

(End of this chapter)

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