Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1140 1 Stone 2 Birds

Chapter 1140 Two birds with one stone

"Everyone, you ask Wuyou what evidence he has to prove why Anqin wants to kill you. Here, Wuyou also wants to ask a question, isn't it evidence that the ironclad evidence in front of him is so overwhelming?"

Facing everyone's questioning, Jun Wuyou shook his head, with a sarcasm on his face, and said: "Do you really think that this dark Qin is to restore the country for you?"

"It's ridiculous. As I said before, there has never been a good thing in this world. What are they planning for you to restore the country? Are they planning to create a few more enemies for themselves in the future?"

"Let me tell you, the ambitions of the Dark Qin will never be what you can imagine. In their eyes, an ambitious force has never had an eternal covenant, only eternal interests. What they want is expansion, continuous expansion, Instead of dormant, endless dormancy!"

"If they take my Daqin, do you think they will let the southwestern countries go?"

"Impossible. In the southwestern countries, no matter how small the meat is, it is still meat. Don't say that you can't restore the country. Even if the country is restored, they can still destroy it in an instant."

"At that time, do you think it's me, Daqin, who treats you more kindly, or this Anqin, who treats you more kindly?"

"A group of people who have turned their backs on their promises and betrayed their masters are, in the eyes of any force, a dog that will bite their masters. No matter how many masters they change, they will not be kept!"

"In the future, Dark Qin will take over the southwestern countries, and you can betray Great Qin today, why does Dark Qin think that you will not betray them? At that time, you tell me, will this Dark Qin be as indulgent as my Great Qin? you?"

"Of course, the above is only one of the possibilities. There is a more realistic problem. If you betray Daqin today, and then die in Xianyang."

"Tell me, how will the southwestern soldiers who are fighting for our Great Qin on the front line feel?"

"At that time, the army's morale will be dispersed, and the southwest army will be destroyed without attacking. Our Great Qin will definitely perish. And by then, everyone will be dead, and the restoration of the southwest countries will be a joke. In this way, they will take down Qin and easily Taking over the kingdoms is a matter of course, and there is no obstacle at all. Why not do it?"

"In this way, you tell Wuyou, why should they let you go. Do they think it is easier to destroy the countries than to take over the countries?"

It was another sentence that directly shook the hearts of everyone present.

Everyone's heart trembled at the same time, and they were suddenly shocked into a cold sweat.

No matter how stupid the princes are, they usually can't figure it out clearly, but now that Jun Wuyou said this, don't they understand?

Unless they really don't have a brain, it's almost the same.

This dark Qin will destroy the Great Qin at one point, and the country will definitely be established.

Even if an alliance is formed between countries, it is only a fragile friendship, and this friendship will disappear if it is not there.

Between the two countries, there will always be nothing but devouring, possessing, and being enemies of each other.In this way, even if the restoration of the countries succeeds, it is only a matter of time before the Dark Qin wants to annex the countries.

And when the time comes, their best end will be to be idle princes like today.And this requires desire, begging, and can only be expected, not sure.

Even worse, Dark Qin directly sacrificed them, disrupted the Southwest army's morale, destroyed Daqin, and accepted Southwest as a matter of course, so it is more convenient, why let them go?
In this way, once they choose to betray Daqin, they will basically die on both sides.Even if you don't die, there is no good end.Then why do they have to do this?
Among them, there are some people who, as King Dian and Jun Wuyou guessed, have already secretly colluded with Anqin.Now that I understood it, my legs went limp in fright.

Only now did I realize that seeking skin from a tiger is really frightening.

"Okay, everyone, that's all for now. Now, it's time for you to make a choice. Whether you choose to oppose Qin or support Qin, let me give you an answer!"

"If you all decide to oppose the Qin Dynasty and restore the country, there is no problem. Jun Wuyou said that on behalf of His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, I will protect you all from Xianyang. To protect your safety within your ability, you will do what you say!"

"Of course, the premise is that you all have to sign an alliance with my Great Qin. Once you leave Qin, you will be responsible for your life and death. Otherwise, it's okay for my Daqin House to be kind-hearted. It's useless to make trouble for yourself for no reason!"

"Now, you all decide!"

Seeing that everyone's faces were pale, some people were sweating profusely, and their legs were weak, Jun Wuyou knew that his plan had succeeded, and immediately issued an ultimatum.

However, now his words have already been said for this sake, in name for everyone to choose, but in fact, everyone has no chance to choose at all.

Once you turn your back on Daqin today, you will be exiled yourself, without any support.Not only Daqin will not tolerate them anymore, but Anqin will not let them go.Left and right is a dead end, why did they choose this dead end?

Even if you can only be a group of idle queens in Daqin, it's like leaving Daqin, the family is ruined, and the people of the country are lost, okay?

"I have decided to stop all enemies for my Great Qin at all costs!"

In the crowd, I don't know who opened the first voice.

This kind of thing, if there is the first, there will be the second, and soon there will be the third, and the fourth.

After a while, all the princes present made their decisions one after another.

Jun Wuyou didn't talk nonsense, he set up written evidence, asked the kings to establish the Xianyang King Army, and concluded an alliance, before letting go.

So far, the 23 countries in the southwest have been completely reduced to the ownership of Daqin.

These people wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight before, but at this moment, they couldn't sit still anymore, and could only completely wring out the whirlpool.

"Okay... okay..."

"Since you are all of one mind, here, Wuyou will issue orders on behalf of my emperor. From today onwards, the guards of the kings and princes will gather to form our Great Qin elite Xianyang King Army."

"The army is led by King Yelang. King Yelang is the commander-in-chief, King Dian is the deputy commander, and King Zhao is the general. They are always preparing for battle. Presumably you have no objections?"

Jun Wuyou held a huge covenant in his hand, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and then gave orders loudly.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, everyone is a group of idle queens, even if the restoration of the country is successful, they are still sitting on the throne, who has nothing to go to fight for you?
Of course, I can't wait to push this kind of thing far away. Is it possible to go up and die?

Therefore, among the people present, no one had an opinion.

And what Jun Wuyou did was obviously because he took a fancy to the abilities of King Yelang and King Dian.While allowing King Dian and King Yelang to check and balance each other, King Dian's subordinate Duan Hu can be described as the number one general in the Southwest, and even in Daqin, he can be called an invincible existence, enough to be a great leader.

At the same time, King Zhao is obviously close to King Yelang, and his first general, Gan Hong is also a top general, whose power cannot be underestimated.It is enough to have them command the army.

It not only balances the two sides, but also won't fail to exert enough power, it can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

(End of this chapter)

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