Chapter 1141
A banquet settled the feudal lords.

Jun Wuyou finally left with peace of mind, but the princes and princes no longer had any interest in staying to eat and drink. After talking to each other for a few words, they each recruited guards and left under the protection of the guards.

Today, all the princes and princes are in danger, and they are all afraid that the dark Qin forces will jump over the wall in a hurry and attack them suddenly.

The guys who cherish their lives want to hug each other and worry about their own death all the time.

However, in fact, the people from Dark Qin have not yet fully launched an offensive. After all, Xianyang is under the control of Great Qin. Even if they were given ten more guts, they would not dare to mess around.

Unless they want to expose them all, one outcropping will kill one, and ten outcrops will kill ten.

Not to mention that they have no chance to act, even if the opportunity is clearly in front of them, they can only give up.

However, what happened in Yelang's mansion today became a big mess after all.Even if the dark Qin side wants to know, it is very difficult.

In that inn, Shi Potian quickly received the following report.

At this moment, Shi Potian was sitting on the bed in the room, and asked his subordinates standing beside him: "How about it, can the empress make arrangements?"

The so-called empress is Shi Potian's own woman, Ning'er.

Shi Potian is actually a loyal person, but unfortunately, the only one he was loyal to was the First Emperor.

With the death of the first emperor, no one can suppress him anymore.Even Ying Shou couldn't suppress his ambition.

Now, as the Great Emperor of Tianmen, he has long had the ability to stand up to the Great Qin, so naturally he will not submit to Ying Shou willingly.

Therefore, his betrayal of Ying Shou was not actually a betrayal.Because he has never been loyal, there is no theory of betrayal, which also leads to his loyalty, but it has not been destroyed.

He also knows how to be grateful and how to repay.

Back then, Ning'er was expelled and exiled because of his narrow escape.He knew exactly what Ning'er felt for him.Therefore, when everyone abandoned Ning'er, he did not choose to abandon, but took Ning'er away. So far, Ning'er has become his empress.

He once promised Ning'er that one day, sooner or later, Ning'er would be the Queen.

Although Ning'er didn't have any ambitions, what could she do if she could be so favored by her sweetheart?
Ning'er has no ambitions, nor does she have much ability.Once Shi Potian arranged her in Xianyang.But now that Xianyang is about to be in chaos, Shi Potian sent her out of Xianyang again.

Anyway, Shi Potian is not willing to let her be affected by the war, and her life is in danger.

"My lord, the empress has already made arrangements. Even if Xianyang is turned upside down, it will not affect the empress!"

The man cupped his hands and said in a low voice.

"Very well, I see, you go down!"

Shi Potian waved his hand. In his life, there are only two people that he can care about.A life-and-death friend, Tu Sui, and a woman, Ning'er.

Now, what he thinks more about is how to face Tu Sui.

At the beginning of the Northwest Great Wall battle, Tu Sui vowed to die and live with the Great Wall.But at a critical moment, he was rescued.Those people were not sent by others, it was Shi Potian who sent them.

The so-called holding hands and growing old together, these words never describe the relationship between a man and a woman, but the love of life and death between a man and a man.

He and Tu Sui are friends of life and death, so-called friendship of life and death means life and death together.He had never betrayed this feeling, so at a critical moment, he not only sent someone to rescue Tu Sui, but also personally interceded with Mao Dun, saving Tu Sui's life.

And it just so happened that Mao Dun was also very optimistic about Tu Sui, so in the end, everyone died in the battle, except for Tu Sui.

But after Tu Sui came back, he disappeared without a trace.No one knows whether he returned to Xianyang or where he went.

There was no figure of Tu Sui on the northwest battlefield, and there was no figure of Tu Sui on the northeast battlefield.

Shi Potian used all available resources to search for Tu Sui, but there was no news after all.

He was afraid that he would meet his former life and death brother on the battlefield, what should he say then?
This is the matter that Shi Potian worries the most.

And when he was worrying alone, a voice suddenly came from outside, saying: "My lord, a letter from Guantiantai!"

Shi Potian frowned slightly, and said coldly: "Present!"

The door opened, and a Xiao Si walked in, handed the letter to Shi Potian, and obediently faded it away.

Shi Potian opened the envelope, and after reading the letter inside, his face suddenly changed, and he flew into a rage, shouting: "Waste, a bunch of waste. It's fine if you can't complete the task, and you will be used like this after death, it's a waste!"

While speaking, Shi Potian tore the letter paper in his hand to shreds.

He squinted his eyes slightly, and shouted in a low voice: "Jun Wuyou, you are too deceitful!"

After the words fell, he stood up abruptly, put on his night clothes, and walked directly outside.


There were people waiting outside all the time, and upon seeing this, they hurriedly bowed their hands.

"You stay here and watch, this seat goes out for a while!"

Shi Potian waved his hand, gave an order, and left straight away.

At this moment, it is the middle of the night, and the city of Xianyang has already been quiet. In all directions, there are no people on the countless streets.

Those mobs who had been raging in full swing before also found their own places to rest at this moment.

On the dark street, Jun Wuyou was alone, leisurely walking towards the Minister's Mansion of the Ministry of Officials.

He seemed to be in a good mood, even walking with some wind.

It's just that his speed is not very fast, he even walked a few steps, and even stopped for a while, as if he was waiting for something on purpose.

Suddenly, just as he came to the main street and was about to return to the Official Secretary's Mansion, a light flashed by in a dark alley beside the main street.

"call out!"

There was a sound of breaking wind, and a dagger shot straight at Jun Wuyou.

Jun Wuyou's eyes turned cold, a bright light flashed, and he grabbed the dagger.

Turning his head, he clearly saw a figure flashing past in the dark alley.

Jun Wuyou moved his feet, ran away, stepped on a wall, chased all the way, and soon came to another deep alley.

Here, there is no one around, and it looks very empty.

A figure in black stood in the depths of the alley, with his back to Jun Wuyou, waiting there quietly.

Jun Wuyou stopped three feet behind this person, looked him up and down with interest, and said with a smile: "Well, look at this speed, he is a top expert. Let me just say, even if this shadow is all A group of idiots gathered together, and after suffering such a big loss this time, I will never let a group of idiots come to die!"

"Wuyou has been walking all the way tonight, and I have been waiting for you. Now that you have finally appeared, it seems that you can't sit still. You must have a lot of anger and doubts in your heart!"

"Don't vent your anger. If you have anything you want to ask, just talk about it. Maybe Wuyou can answer one or two for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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