Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1142 The Secret

Chapter 1142 The Secret
"The 38 people were all killed by your own hands?"

The man in black turned his back to Jun Wuyou and asked coldly.


Jun Wuyou grinned, and gave the man in black an appreciative look, regardless of whether the man in black could see it or not.

"I just checked your surroundings, and I didn't have any masters secretly protecting you. It's just that I never thought that you, a mere civil servant, would have such strength. It seems that I really underestimated you!"

The man in black said coldly with a slightly angry tone.

"Hey, don't talk nonsense, it's not that you underestimated me, it's that I overestimated you. As far as your brains are concerned, I don't know where you got the courage to want to take over the world? Is this Tianmen is really so powerful, can it still be courageous?"

Jun Wuyou pursed his lips, he was not polite, and he didn't give anyone the slightest bit of face when he opened his mouth.

"I don't talk about these things with you. Now, I want to ask you one thing. If you are given a chance to follow me and open up the world, would you be willing?"

The man in black snorted coldly, and he didn't talk to Jun Wuyou, and told his reason for coming as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Oh, are you trying to recruit me?"

Jun Wuyou pretended to be surprised, then shook his head and said with a smile: "It's not impossible, but I just want to ask, how old are you in Tianmen?"

The man in black said coldly, "What do you mean?"

Jun Wuyou shrugged and said with a smile: "It's not interesting, but if I guessed correctly, you are Shi Potian, right?"

"Shi Potian, one of the four great emperors of Tianmen, is in charge of the dark Qin forces. In name, he sounds majestic. Sitting in one side, he can be called an emperor and a prince. Unfortunately, to put it bluntly, he is a watchdog!"

"Do you know, if I am willing to follow Tianmen, that old guy from Tianmen, he has to hand over the entire Tianmen to me. Not to mention inheriting his position, but the second in command of Tianmen cannot escape."

"That is to say, as long as I am willing, I can be under one person and above ten thousand people in Tianmen. And you, you can't even rank in the top [-] in Tianmen. Tell me, what good is it for me to follow you?"

The man in black turned around abruptly, staring at Jun Wuyou with cold eyes.

To him, these words were no less than heart-wrenching pain.

That's right, he is Shi Potian, who has always been conceited.But in fact, his position in Tianmen is no different from what Jun Wuyou said.

To put it nicely, he is called the Great Emperor, but in fact, in Tianmen's eyes, he is just a dog, a dog that can be driven at will.Once he violated the will of Tianmen, there was only one way waiting for him, death.

But there are some things, knowing it is one thing, being able to say it is another.At least so far, in front of him, no one dared to say these words presumptuously.

Today, Jun Wuyou was so unscrupulous that it finally aroused his anger.

"You are very proud. I don't know if you have ever thought about whether you have the capital of this pride?"

Shi Potian said coldly.

"Hehe, is there any? You will know it after you try it!"

"But there is one thing, I have to remind you!"

Jun Wuyou looked indifferent, sat down on a random place on the fence, and said with a smile.

"what's up?"

Shi Potian asked.

"Do you know how long this Dark Qin has existed?"

"Maybe you don't know yet? Then let me give you some pointers. From King Zhou You to the current position, the dark Qin forces have existed for hundreds of years."

"Before that, An Qin's name was An Zhou, and it wasn't until Da Qin came to rule the world that he changed his name to An Qin!"

"During these hundreds of years, the masters of Dark Qin have been changing all the time, such as Zheng Zhuanggong who founded the Spring and Autumn Five Hegemony, later Chu Huan Gong, and Bai Qi who was discovered by King Qin Zhuangxiang, as well as Zhao Tuo before, and you, They are all masters of this dark Qin generation after generation!"

"To be honest, in fact, these people's nominal strength is enough to dominate one side, but their secret strength is even stronger, and they can even unify the Central Plains. But from the beginning to the end, no one did it, you know Why is this?"

Jun Wuyou raised his head and looked up at the starry sky, as he spoke, he seemed to fall into a certain kind of silence.

When Shi Potian heard this, his brows were furrowed, and he not only said hello.

In fact, these problems have always existed in the depths of his heart, and he doesn't know why.

Now that it was mentioned by Jun Wuyou, he had an inexplicable feeling that maybe this person could give him an answer.

"You know the answer?"

Shi Potian didn't hide his ignorance and asked directly.

"That's right, I know the answer. In fact, I was still curious about who the Lord of Shadows of this generation is. Although I thought it was you, I was not sure after all. It wasn't until Emperor Qin confessed that I finally found out the truth!"

Jun Wuyou nodded, babbled some nonsense, and then turned back to the topic, saying: "Actually, the whole world is already under the control of Tianmen!"

"In your cognition, places like Daqin, Xiongnu, and Donghu are the whole world. But in fact, the real world is far beyond your imagination."

"A place you know, a place you don't know, or a place you can't even imagine. Any place where you can see the sky when you look up, and the earth when you look down, is the world of Tianmen. The Central Plains is no exception. !"

"It's just that this land of the Central Plains has always been like a ripe fruit to Tianmen, but it has never been picked off!"

"There are two reasons for this. First, Haotian once swore that Dayu Jiuding suppressed the Central Plains energy, and he would never take half a step into the Central Plains. Therefore, he has been trying to find a way to deal with Jiuding, so the world's aspirations for the throne have been in an endless stream. Absolutely. Until the first emperor ruled the world, moved the Jiuding, shook the dragon veins of Jiuzhou, Tianmen followed the trend, and secretly pushed the Jiuding into Surabaya of Pengcheng. At this point, the oath was broken, and Tianmen can finally take the Central Plains justifiably!"

A flash of surprise flashed in Shi Potian's eyes, he never thought that Haotian would ever make such an oath, isn't this asking for guilt?
The key is that I don't even know about such a thing, so how did Jun Wuyou know?
"Since the oath has been broken, why has Tianmen remained indifferent after decades?"

Shi Potian was puzzled.

"I've said it all, and there's a second reason!"

"Actually, the second reason is also inseparable from the first one. Back then, Haotian made an oath only because of a bet with one person."

"For this bet, Haotian has been waiting for the oath to be broken, because only the opponent he hit appears, and his oath has a chance to be broken!"

"But in fact, the person who broke his oath and shook Kyushu is not his chosen opponent, but Ying Zheng!"

"At first, he thought that Ying Zheng was his opponent, but later he found out that he was wrong, because he had just started to fight, and Ying Zheng had already come to an end. This was not the result he wanted, so he continued to relax and wait. .”

"Knowing that the current Great Qin Emperor has emerged, he just discovered that his opponent has actually appeared, so he started to make moves!"

Jun Wuyou narrowed his eyes slightly, and his words involved a great secret.

(End of this chapter)

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