Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1143 Digging a Pit

Chapter 1143 Digging a Pit
"What, you mean that Tianmen has been waiting for hundreds of years, just to wait for a boy who has not been born for hundreds of years, Ying Shou?"

Shi Potian was taken aback for a moment, feeling as if he heard a big joke.

Since Tianmen is really as powerful as Jun Wuyou said, as if it is ruled by heaven, why should he care about the so-called oath?

They also have to wait for a boy born after hundreds of years, just to play a game with each other.

Isn't this a joke?

"You think it's funny, don't you?"

Jun Wuyou shrugged and said with a smile: "Actually, I also think it's ridiculous. But after thinking about it, it's not ridiculous at all!"

"You will never know how powerful Tianmen is, and it is even more impossible to know how powerful Qinhuang is!"

"Even if Tianmen didn't wait for Emperor Qin, it unified the Central Plains hundreds of years ago. But in fact, as long as Emperor Qin is willing, the world will still belong to him wherever he goes!"

"It's like now, Qin Huang let go when he said to Da Qin. You think that Qin Huang is admitting defeat, or you may think that Qin Huang is oppressed by the Heavenly Gate. In fact, for others, once the emperor and the courtiers, the power of the country Once you go away, it will be irreversible!"

"But for Emperor Qin, even if you destroy Daqin today, he can still take it back tomorrow. Even, he can take down Donghu, take down Xiongnu, and take down more places."

"In the end, he will be able to build one Great Qin, two Great Qins, ten hundred Great Qins. Therefore, in the eyes of the Emperor Qin, what you regard as treasures is nothing more than handiwork!"

"He wants it if he wants it, and he can do it if he wants it. When he's in a good mood, he doesn't have to argue with you. If he doesn't want to, whoever dares to touch Daqin will die, including Tianmen!"

Shi Potian frowned, and said coldly: "You just want to tell me how powerful this Ying Shou is after all you said so much?"

Jun Wuyou shook his head, and said: "I don't need to tell you about this, nor do I need to explain it to you. In fact, the reality has long been in front of us. In order to deal with Emperor Qin, Tianmen can be said to be doing everything they can."

"But to deal with you, Tianmen only needs one sentence. Dare to ask, is it you, or Modu, or Nihaman dares to violate Tianmen's will?"

"You don't have to deny it. In fact, the three of you have the heart of a king, but unfortunately you don't have the ability to be a king. You tried your best to escape from Tianmen, but in the end you can still be a dog of Tianmen. No one can get rid of it. This is The difference between you and Emperor Qin!"

"I said so much today, not to hurt you, but to tell you, many things, think about the consequences before taking action, don't do things absolutely, it's not good for anyone!"

Shi Potian was silent, although he didn't want to admit many things, but in fact it was so, and there was no room for him to refute.

But this did not refute, and made him dissatisfied for a while.

"Oh, by the way, I have answered so many of your questions, there is a question, I would like to ask you a question or two!"

Suddenly, Jun Wuyou seemed to think of something, and said.

"you say!"

Shi Potian said coldly.

"That's what happened. Today, the civil uprising was triggered, and I specially dispatched troops to suppress it. This is a rare and great opportunity. If you make good use of it, you can completely destroy Xianyang."

"But the result was unexpected, and the matter turned out to be so futile. I want to know, are you afraid, or did you not notice that you let such a great opportunity go to waste!"

Jun Wuyou flickered, came to Shi Potian's side, stood with his hands behind his back, and said with a smile.

Shi Potian narrowed his eyes slightly, he was still in doubt about this matter, he never thought that he would not speak, but Jun Wuyou was the first to speak.

"Are you trying to provoke me?"

Shi Potian said coldly.

"Hehe, look at what you said, as if I would be happy to fight with you, I'm just curious!"

Jun Wuyou waved his hand, pretending not to care about Tao.

"I'm also very curious. You are so bold, is it true that you are not afraid of death? Or, the Lantian camp not far away has already made preparations?"

Shi Potian looked at Jun Wuyou vigilantly, and after saying this, his eyes stared at Jun Wuyou like this, but even the slightest change in Jun Wuyou's expression could not escape his eyes.

"Hahaha, I said Shi Potian, Shi Potian, I thought you were talking about a hero, but I didn't expect you to be so timid as a mouse!"

"According to what you said, if I guessed correctly, your people should have gone to investigate the Lantian camp by now, right?"

"As we all know, there are more than 20 troops in the Lantian camp. They are already in Yandi, and they are rushing to Zhaodi to quell the chaos. What preparations can my Lantian camp have?"

"Let me tell you, when your subordinates come back, there is only one answer you can get. The Lantian camp is loose on the outside and tight on the inside. Except for the thousands of people who are blindfolded, the inside is empty!"

"Today is really a great opportunity. I didn't expect you to give up in vain like this. It really disappoints me. I think too highly of you!"

Jun Wuyou laughed loudly, and then had a helpless expression on his face.

While speaking, he shook his head and left here step by step.

Shi Potian watched his leaving back quietly from behind, his face was gloomy and uncertain for a while, he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Is it true that as he said, I missed a great opportunity today?"

After Jun Wuyou left completely, Shi Potian's face was already ashen, he didn't want to admit that he gave up a great opportunity because of a worry.

At the same time, he felt even more that Jun Wuyou was deliberately targeting him.This is obviously to stimulate myself, it seems that he is a little late to attack Xianyang, and he looks down on him.

Dare I ask, as a minister of the Qin State, is it really so impatient to see Xianyang suffer?
Shi Potian shook his head, he did not agree with this idea.

Then there is only one result, the court has already made preparations, waiting to invite the king into the urn, and then close the door and beat the dog.And he is the king, the dog.

In this way, how could he be foolish enough to be fooled?
"Hmph, Jun Wuyou, Jun Wuyou, you underestimate me!"

Chen Gandang sneered and gritted his teeth.

At this moment, in his opinion, it can basically be concluded that Jun Wuyou is digging a hole for himself.He was determined not to jump into that pit.

This guy talked so much at the beginning, all kinds of nonsense, after all, the last pit was his purpose.

Now, Shi Potian suddenly had an ugly look on his face because he wanted to see Jun Wuyou's plan fail.

Let's see if he can still be as high as he is today, as if he has everything in his hands.

But he didn't know that at this moment, Jun Wuyou already had Le Fan in his heart.

Exactly as what Shi Potian guessed, Jun Wuyou was willing to talk so much nonsense to him, but he was actually digging a hole.

Moreover, under one ring after another, it is completely possible to make him stunned in it, and almost run out.

(End of this chapter)

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