Chapter 1144
"grown ups……"

"grown ups……"

Outside the Minister's Mansion of the Ministry of Officials, heavy troops have already been deployed to guard it, and ordinary people can't get close to it.

Even the family members of officials who are busy inside have been detained by the court long ago, in order to prevent all the plans of the Ministry of Officials from leaking out.

It can be said that today's official minister's mansion is more tightly guarded than any other place in Xianyang, even the imperial city.

This is definitely one of the places that the Tianmen Guantiantai cannot detect.

Following Jun Wuyou's return, all the soldiers who were on guard or patrolling along the way greeted him respectfully.

Holding the Black Dragon Token in hand, Jun Wuyou came to the mansion without hindrance.

"Master Jun, you are finally back, how is it, is the matter settled?"

Zhang Liang, Minister of the Ministry of War, is now also settled in the Minister's Mansion of the Ministry of Officials. There is no way, this place controls the lifeline of the officials in the world.

Now, only by controlling these people well can we better control the future of Daqin.

Therefore, Zhang Liang even moved all the affairs of the military department here to deal with.Now he has almost finished what he should do, and has been waiting for Jun Wuyou.

Seeing Jun Wuyou coming back, he immediately greeted him.


Jun Wuyou was not too polite, and with a wave of his hand, he took out a scroll of covenant and handed it to Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang held Jun Wuyou in one hand and the covenant in the other, came to the study, opened it, and the gloom on his face was instantly swept away.

"Okay... okay, this matter has been resolved, and a catastrophe has finally been resolved. Not only that, but also allow these people to be used by me. The hidden crisis of Daqin has finally been resolved. Lord Jun, you have done a great job! "

Zhang Liang said with a look of excitement, laughing loudly.

"Well, no, no, no, you don't have to ask for credit for me. Regarding this matter, it's not all my credit. After all, there are still people who understand. In terms of merit, King Yelang, King Zhao and King Dian take the lead. !"

"But today, the biggest happy event is not this!"

Jun Wuyou came to the desk, picked up Zhang Liang's half-drunk tea, raised his head and drank it clean, chewed the tea inside, and waved his hands.

"Oh, so there are bigger good things?"

Zhang Liang was taken aback, puzzled.

"That's right, there is one more good thing. Didn't Zhang Zi already make a plan to put down the chaos in Daqin? It's a pity that all along, because there are many uncertain things hidden, the plan can only be shelved."

"Today, I solved all the troubles for Zhang Zi. Next, it's time for me, Da Qin, to flex my muscles and take the initiative!"

Jun Wuyou came to the huge map hanging in the study and said with a smile.

"Oh, what do you say?"

Zhang Liang was taken aback for a moment, many things were not under his control, so some plans, even if they were made, still had to wait for the right time.

Now, Jun Wuyou actually told him that all the troubles have been solved, how can there be such a good thing in this world?

"Surprised, right? In fact, I was also surprised. I didn't expect good things to come to my door one after another!"

"Originally taking down the princes today, Wuyou thought it would take a lot of talking, but he never thought that he would be robbed and killed on the way. After taking down those people, Wuyou also used their corpses a little .”

"Combined with the understanding of Dian King, Yelang King and Zhao King, a catastrophe will be resolved invisibly!"

"Then on the way back, Wuyou deliberately slowed down his pace, planning everything, always thinking that a surprise would come to his door in the future. As expected, just as he was about to return to the mansion, he met Shi Potian!"

Jun Wuyou smiled from ear to ear, and couldn't help shaking his head when he said this.

"Shi Potian, did he personally attack you?"

Zhang Liang was startled, he knew exactly who Shi Potian was.

"Don't worry, he didn't do anything to me. Even if he does, with his ability, he can't hurt me. I just chatted with him for a while on the way!"

"At this moment, compared to the fact that he has been circled unconscious, even if he reacts, he is still self-righteous, but in the end, he still can't escape me and circled him around me. During this period, the plan can be fully activated!"

"We don't have to worry about the safety of Xianyang, let alone abandon the car to protect the handsome!"

"So, everything is under control!"

Jun Wuyou comforted Zhang Liang, then changed the subject and smiled again.

Hearing Zhang Liang's words, he immediately understood the meaning of his words.He has stabilized Shi Potian's feelings, no wonder he has such great confidence.

"Are you sure Shi Potian will be stabilized by you?"

After thinking about it, Zhang Liang couldn't help but confirm.

"Don't worry, that stupid big guy is a top-notch fighter on the battlefield, playing with his brain, he is purely an idiot. You can make more than a hundred mistakes against him, trust me!"

Jun Wuyou didn't take it seriously, it wasn't that he looked down on Shi Potian, the key point was that Shi Potian was nothing to him.

"Well, since that's the case, that's a good thing. By the way, just now, there's news from Donghu Royal Court!"

Zhang Liang did not deny that Jun Wuyou was powerful, sighed, and suddenly took out a letter.

"Oh, let me see!"

Jun Wuyou stretched out his hand to bear fruit, with a smirk on his face, and said: "Beautiful, the world only thinks that I, the Emperor of Qin, is in trouble, and I never thought that I would be so romantic. Wherever I go, I will bloom and bear fruit. Well, it's not shameful. It’s the king’s arrogance. It’s a pity that King Donghu Khan doesn’t have a woman, otherwise the emperor’s majesty will be in a pot, and it will be even more domineering!”

On the side, Zhang Liang looked at Jun Wuyou speechlessly with a black line on his face, and said, "My lord Jun, you look at the key point of the problem, it is always so unexpected!"

"Now, my Great Qin has come to such a point. The emperor is still playing around outside, but in your mouth, it has become synonymous with domineering. The key is to forget about being happy, and to rob other people's wives and daughters. Is this what the emperor said? "

Jun Wuyou raised his head, looked at Zhang Liang, and said with a smile: "Zhang Zi, you are vulgar, aren't you? Who stipulated that other people's women cannot be brought over to be imperial concubines?"

"Oh, the emperor has been imprisoned, why can't he resist and rob other people's wives to vent his anger?"

As he said that, Jun Wuyou had a joking look on his face, so he didn't bother to tell Zhang Liang that the so-called God of War, Nehaman, was a woman at all.

There are some things that will happen naturally, and you will naturally know what you should know in the future.

"My lord, you can really see it openly. If this matter is known to the world, I am afraid that the emperor's spine will have to be broken!"

Zhang Liang had no choice but to shake his head and said, "The key is to take a good look at the back, the back is the crux of the problem."

"Nihaman, the war god of Donghu, returned to Donghu after the defeat in Yandi, and now he is rectifying his troops and preparing to make a comeback. This is a big deal, don't you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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